Is That All?

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Arsh's POV...

I turned back to see who was it as I very much expected for my Rockstar to be but it was not him. I figured this person from head to toe. She was literally very tall and yet wearing a pair of high hills, making me stretch my neck up towards her like a giraffe. She was wearing a red collared blouse tucked in in her tight shapy short skirt. She had this white ribbon chocker wore around a neck and she gave me a deep smile with her bright red lips. I assumed  that she must be one of the stewardess here. I just smiled back looking into her brown eyes.

"Hye ma'am! I'm Lina, one of the stewardess here" she approached me first, as there were minutes of silence between us.

"Actually, I passed by you just now, but had to approach my another colleague." she continued. I just replied her with a smile as I was not so interested to know her details right now.

"Here is a note for you!" she said, handing in a piece of paper to me. I took the scrolled paper and unscrolled it.

"I think you might have heard the final boarding announcement just now for the passanger called Anirudh. Am I right?" she questioned me. I was shattered with her question. Okay.. okay! Actually the word 'Anirudh'. My sulky face cheered a little after that.

This time I started talking. "Umm. Yeah, I heard. But what is that got to do with this piece of note?" I asked her. "Anirudh is the one who asked  me to pass this to you. He was in a rush after the announcement and a little tensed up. I went to him if he needed any help and this was the one." she said, adjusting her chocker around her neck.

"Oh I see!" was all I answered because I was busy trying to read what was writen in the note after knowing it was from Rockstar. I couldn't handle it as this beautiful infront of me continued her talk.

"If he had not shown me your picture and you not sitting right infront here, I would have had a big trouble finding. Thank God because this letter was said to be given with an ' if ' in it." She said putting her hand on her forehead.I looked up again facing her.

"With an ' if ' ?" I questioned her bluntly.

"I meant if you were here only. If not, this note might be in the dustbin by now" she said, stiffling.

"Oh! Thank you so much ma'am. It's so kind of you" I said.

"That's okay. And yeah! He even asked me to say that he was sorry" she said. I just smiled saying an okay.

"Okay then I'll leave now. Have a great day!" she said and left with her luggage.

I thanked her again waving her a goodbye and sat back on the seat. I read the note. Tears started escaping from my eyes and tiny droplets dropped on the note faiding away the words on it. I decided to leave the airport. I took my car and went back home straight. My mind was just filtering in and out about the note. I was stressed up but to my luck I reached home savely even when my mind was not on the road. Believe me, I jerked all the time when another car honked at me saying all the b**p words coming out from their mouth. Maybe God had some reasons for me to still live on earth.

I grabbed my bag, locked the car and went in my house with the jacket on my shoulder. I saw my mom teaching her students. I ran up straight as I didn't want to get trapped with her questions. I went in straight and locked my door. I jumped on my bed throwing off my bag and jacket aside. I read the note again wiping.

'Hey Arsh,
I'm not sure if you'll recieve this note or not. Its being a luck now.  I'm leaving. I'm no longer using the number and yeah! Thankz for the love and hope to meet you soon! Until next time. Have a great time my fangirl! :)


Why didn't I just get the last chance to meet you. Is that all? 'Now why the hell are you crying?' My inner conscious voiced out to me all of a sudden. I got up from my bed and thought.'He's after all a celebrity and you an ordinary fangirl. So, why making so much of havoc as eve he's your lover?' My subconscious slapped me indirectly with that statement. I got back to my senses and realised that I was so silly. I got down from my bed and stood infront of the big mirror. I saw my eyes red and swollen. My lips dry and my hair scattered. I hate looking at myself at that particular time. I quicky went to the washroom and freshen up myself. I changed into my nighty and went to bed. I couldn't sleep. I starred at the wall like a dumb.

My thoughts went in deeper and deeper. Honestly saying, I had this little feelings for a guy for the first time and he's none other than Rockstar. Still unsure if this was just admiration, puppy love or true love. I do know that I have a crush on him at the bottom of my heart but I can also say that it is never possible that he'll have the same feelings too. If it happens, then I'll be the happiest. "In your dreams my lady!" my stupid negative subconscious caught me again. But then what it said was also true. Thinking about it made me doze off.

Anirudh's POV...

I got in the airplane with my carry on. The flight attendants smiled at me welcoming but I can feel that it wasn't from their heart. Might they have thought why the hell people like me just waste their time getting on late and to delay the take off. I got in and said a sorry. "Thats okay"one of the stewardess replied, giving me a hand. I just smiled and went straight to my seat. I had to cross to the end as my seat was beside the window. Sreyas hit my butt as I passed him and Iyyapan pinched my butt next. I ouched myself and sat down quick.

"Idiots! What the hell?" I said starring at them angrily. Both of them just stiffled a laugh.

"Dei yenna da achu? What happened" Sreyas asked me.

"Both are the same questions macha" I answered him sarcastically.

He glared at me."Okay, what happened? Why late" he asked me again. What would I answer him. I just lied something and kept silents.

The air stewardess did her announcement followed by the captain and the plain took off after 5 minutes. I saw Sajith, Shashank and Sid at the other side of us and the others infront. They were giggling enjoying themselves. Sreyas and Iyyapan were doing something with their phones. I guess they were uploading the concert pictures in sosial medias. I had no mood for all those. My mind was actually thinking about Arsh. The beautiful that I got to meet throught my concert. Am I lucky or unucky? I asked myself, looking out at the clouds throught the mirror.

Hey what have you done to me. I know that I'm not at all normal since the day I recieved the big box from you. 'Its a gift from your fan. That's all!' My subconscious said. Yeah, actually true but.. "Remember you are a celebrity!" my subconscious voiced out again. So what! Doesn't mean if I'm a celebrity, I can't have the natural feelings of a human being. Its like a magic. You changed me alot. I've never been like this before. I don't know how to say but I truly miss you Arsh. Hope the 'First Meet' was not the end of it, I said to myself, plugging in my earphones in my ears. I listened to music and dozzed off after sometime.

TheAnirudhFictions CONTINUES..


Lets come to the point.. Both of them have got feelings for each other finally. But why not before? Now, will they meet again after this?

Sorry if this part bored you guys. I know I s**ked. Just let these people get on. They have just got down now starting to 'feel'.

Keep supporting. Do comment and vote too. Thank youu ♥

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