I'm Ready But You're Not

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Rockstar called Arsh the next morning. He was all set to confess his love to her. He didn't want to further delay as he was very sure of everything now.

On the line..

Anirudh: Good mornin!

Arsh: Who the hell? It's still night over here man! (sleepy tone)

Anirudh: Hey, Ani here.. I have something important to tell you.

Arsh: Oh Rockstar.. not now please! I'm really sleepy. I'll call you back before noon.

Anirudh: Sleepy head you are!

There were no answer. He knew that she dozed off. Anirudh then hung up the phone and continued his work.

Three hours later. It was 8 in the morning. The bright sunshine hit Arsh's face. She got up and stretched her arms up, yawning. Arsh opened her wardrobe and took a blouse and a knee length shorts. She then went and took a hot bath and did all her morning duties. She changed herself and left down to the dining. As usual no one was at home. Her parents went to work as it was a week day.

Arsh went into the kitchen, she mixed a cup of coffee for herself. Then she made herself some sandwiches and went to the hall. She switched on the television channeling to her favourite cartoon, Oggy And The Cockroach and ate her breakfast. After sometime she was feeling bored. Arsh didn't know what to do. She started thinking. She ascended her stairs and went to her room. She slept on the bed and started googling.

While she was googling, Anirudh popped up to her mind. She then remembered him calling her few hours back. She quickly dialled his number and called. After a few rings, Anirudh picked.

On the line..

Arsh: Hye Rockstar!

Anirudh: Can you give me some time. I'll call you back. Little busy.

Arsh: Oh! Sure.. Sorry.

She said and hung up the phone. Half an hours later, Anirudh called her.

Anirudh: Hello..

Arsh: Hye! Sorry I nearly forgot about you calling me this morning.

Anirudh: It's okay..

Arsh: You told me something in the morning right?

Anirudh: Yeah!

Arsh: What was that? Tell me Rockstar! (excitedly)

Anirudh: Hmm.. Maybe later!

Arsh: Why not now?

Anirudh: Excitement was not as it was in the morning.

Arsh: I'm sorry! (lowered her voice)

Anirudh: How many times would you apologies?

Arsh: I don't know! Lol!

Anirudh: So how are you?

Arsh: Very fine.. Spending my three weeks semester holidays.

Anirudh: Wow! Three weeks.. nothing special?

Arsh: Special? Hmm.. wait, let me think.. (thinking) Nope, nothing but my birthday.

Anirudh: Birthday? When?

Arsh: Next week, July 19.

Anirudh: Really?

Arsh: Ya, you know what? Parents are gonna get me Iphone 6S next week. Really looking forward to that!

Anirudh: Awesome! Happy for you Arshu!

Arsh: That's not enough!

Ani: What do you mean by?

Arsh: I meant, being happy for me isn't enough. What are you gonna give me Rockstar?

Ani: Hmm..

Arsh: Am I not your favourite fan. I even gave you a big box before. You have to pay back!

Ani: Haha.. yes you are. But.. I'll try something okay?

Arsh: Are you serious? Chill! There's no need Rockstar! I was just joking. A wish from you will make my day. What else would an Anirudhian want, tell me?

Anirudh: Sure Arsh. I'll not forget! Thanks for the love.

Arsh: Pleasure.. okay Rockstar, you continue with your work. Maybe we'll talk later. Are you not in the idea of telling me what was the important thing?

Ani: Nope, I've decided to reveal it later.

Arsh: Okay then, bye!

Anirudh: Bye!

TheAnirudhFictions CONTINUES..


Here you guys go.. the last update before I get into to welcome our SUPERSTAR!! Kabali! Neruppu Da!! 🔥🔥🔥

Urghh!! This guy not yet confess! When the hell is he gonna propose? When are they gonna be in love? All this questions will be running on your head by now. Am I right?

Arsh's birthday is coming next week. What do you all think? Will Anirudh propose to her on her birthday?

Hope you all are in the excitement. Bare with me for these fillers. Do comment and vote too. Thank you ♡

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