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Tagged by Cecil K. Weissman, and since I'm bored, let's make this~

1. Favorite song?

You have no idea how much I like acapella songs! Let's see...

-Somebody That I Used to Know

-The Man Who Can't Be Moved

-The Scientist

-Heart Like Yours


-Once Upon A December


-Mad World

-Self-Inflicted Achromatic

-Ashita Ee Surete

-Brother Complex


-Dancing Samurai

-Just A Dream

-Kagerou Days


-Love Struck


-No Curtain Call

-When I Was Your Man

-You Know I'm No Good

-Nothing Helps


-Paper Planes

-Summertime Records

-Smiling Down

-Hurting For A Very Hurtful Pain

-The Game Of Life

-When Crooks Laugh

-Bad Rose

(Oh, this is getting rather long, better stop here and get to the next one)

2. Favorite Sport

Meh. Don't do sports anymore. But I guess I kinda like tennis and basketball.

3. Favorite Band?

Fifth Harmony, One OK Rock, The Cab, and there's this other group but I forgot their name ;-;

4. Favorite Show

Eeerr... Criminal Minds, Unforgettable, Law And Order, NCIS, Castle, BBC Sherlock (MAKE MORE EPISODES!!!), CSI, The Memorandum Of Kyoko Okitegami, and many more. This is assuming I get to find the remote before my lil sis and bro does ^^

5. Favorite Color?

Any, really. Want to say "ANYTHING BUT PINK" but ironically I wear a lot of pink recently ;-; Reality is cruel.

6. Favorite Drink?

Tea, carrot-orange juice. That is, if I remember drinking them. ^^

7. Favorite Game?

I'm... not a gamer. ;-; But my sis is. I like what she likes, I suppose.

Hey where did 8 and 9 go?

10. Nationality

Indonesian. :3

11. In love?

Mentally married to Arthur Kirkland. Enough said.

12. Hated Animals?

Reptiles! Basically that an poisonous things.

13. Dream Job?

Anything that allows me to travel around the world and make moneeeey

14. Biggest Fear?

Heights, the dark, reptiles (just NO), sea (I can't swim ;-;).

15. Playing Instruments?

I don't.... *sobs* ;-;

16. Talents?

Drawing, reading 400 pages in 3 hours (without interruptions, mind you), singing, I guess.

That's all, I suppose!

... How do you tag people in Wattpad???

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