Night 1: Memories In Mist [Part 1]

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The night was coming; fragments of a dark midnight blue was mixing in with the bright orange, blue and pink of the late afternoon sky. There was no sound to be heard, just the wind dancing through some crisp autumn leaves, breaking them off their branches and falling gracefully to the ground. Suddenly there was a sound, footsteps. A man wearing a black coat was walking along the empty pavement, his features lighting up every now and then as he passed by closing stores. His boots crunched on the crisp leaves as he crossed the street towards the park where the closer he got, he could hear the sounds of a swing squeaking and the laughter of children. He stood behind a tree, fascinated by the view of two young boys playing in the park. Twins. Both had silver hair almost as shiny as the silver moon, beautiful violet eyes as they smiled at each other. 

One was on a swing, wearing a pale green coat. He was smiling at his twin who was playing on the jungle gym, dangling from the monkey-bars as he moved from one to the other. The more adventurous boy wore a pale yellow coat. The twin on the swing was laughing at his brother as he swung back and forth, not too fast, and not too slow. The man behind the tree licked his lips as he watched the children. Two boys unattended at a park so late in the day...perfect...

Suddenly the man froze as he felt a strong presence behind him. He turned around slowly to face a male with pale skin and silver hair, the ends of his fringe grown a little past his eyebrows, the back touching the collar of his dark grey coat. His cold brown eyes narrowed down at the man. The man turned around quickly to face the mysterious male, but the male stood still, his hands buried deep inside the pockets of his coat. The silver-haired male shot glares of hatred towards the man.

"Admiring my sons, vampire?" the male said in a deep voice. "They're a treasure, aren't they?"

The vampire hissed and bared his fangs, his wild eyes never left the silver-haired male's face. The vampire hissed and ran for the male. But the male seemed to pull out a slender sword from nowhere and cut the vampire in half. The male watched as the vampire exploded into dust, leaving nothing but his black coat, and jeans behind.

"Damn Level E," the male said as he sheathed his sword and put in back on his back. The male turned around to look at the brick wall that surrounded the park. He walked towards the wall and picked up the two cups of hot chocolate he left there. He entered the park and walked towards the children. When the twin on the swing saw him, he smiled and leapt off the swing.

"Dad!" he called as he ran towards him and threw his arms around his waist.

The man chuckled, "Whoa - easy, Ichiru. I don't want to spill your hot chocolate," he smiled down at his son and handed him one cup of the steaming liquid.

"I can't believe you got some!" Ichiru said, taking the cup in both his hands, "Thanks Dad."

"We're lucky the vendor was still open," their father chuckled, ruffling Ichiru's hair.

He walked towards the monkey-bars where his eldest hung upside down on the monkey bars. The man walked to stand in front of his son's gaze, "Hey Zero..," when he heard no reply, he knew his son was stuck. He turned his head a little to meet his son's violet gaze, "How's it hangin'?"

Zero glared at his father, his cheeks starting to get a dark shade of red. He pouted, "I'm stuck."

Ichiru chuckled as their father rolled his eyes, "Every time you try hanging upside down, you get stuck," their father said as he lifted up Zero's back, closer to the bars as Zero tried to manoeuvre his feet out of the bars.

"It's not my fault. There's a trick to it," Zero said as he held onto one of the bars and managed to get one of his feet unhooked.

"The trick is to use the back of your knees as an anchor, not your feet," the male chuckled as Zero got both of his feet free and now dangled in front of his father. Zero let go of the bars and dropped to the ground.

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