Night 6. Suggestion

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I had never felt so complete before in my life. But at the same time, I had never felt so broken and fragile. Standing before me was a piece of my past that I would rather leave behind, but it was the same reason I was here. He was part of the reason that I was here...

Kiryuu Zero...


I froze when I heard my name being called. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Katsue standing up and looking past Kaito who seemed to be frozen in one place, his eyes glued to me. I swallowed hard before I looked at Zero again. Nothing had changed about him, except his height, his piercings and tattoo...and his eyes. The light behind them was nonexistent. This was somehow the Zero from my past, but it was not...


"Sorry Z," I said with a smile as I turned and gave him my back, "As much as I would love to stay and chat, I have things to do!"

I started walking away but I felt an iron vice grip my wrist and pull me back. I was turned around and I looked into the dark violet eyes of one of the best Vampire Hunters of my generation. Zero frowned at me.

"How can it be you?" Zero asked as if he didn't believe that I was standing in front of him. Zero put his hands on my shoulders and studied me, "Why are you here?"

Well, that answer was simple: I came to find Ichiru, duh. But I couldn't tell Zero that, for all he knew, Ichiru was dead...or worse...okay, nothing is worse than being dead. But I really wouldn't say that to Zero's face...not after all these years. So I guess, I had to tell him the other truth.

"I'm here because the President asked me to come," I snapped, snatching my arm away from Zero and stepping back so he couldn't touch me, "Is that any way to greet an old friend?" I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

Zero blinked and stared at me. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Katsue and Sasuke behind me, Kaito still frozen in one place. Zero reached out and gently pulled on a strand of my hair, his eyes narrowing but not in anger, more like...he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"You cut your hair," Zero said softly.

I all but leapt back and brushed my hair away from my face and stared at Zero, "Sorry. I really do have to go..."

"To where?" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and saw Kaito staring hard at me.

"To...the Association," I shook my head. I stared back at Zero. There was this heartache that ripped through my chest. Why did Zero look so lonely? How could he? Last I heard, Uncle Cross had taken him in and Uncle Cross's adopted daughter had been keeping Zero plenty busy.

"That's where we're going," Kaito replied, moving to stand in front of me. His eyes never left me until he looked at Zero, "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Zero said quickly. His eyes went to me, "Kira––"

I turned on my heel and ran away from my friends, my old friends, I just ran. I cut through an alley and just carried on running until I couldn't breathe anymore. My chest was in pain, but I just kept running until I ran into someone and they caught me before I fell on my ass. I looked up and saw Zero staring down at me.

"Kira, listen to me––," I heard him say. His voice was so much deeper now, and he was so much stronger than from what I could remember.

"I didn't want to see you so early! I wanted to wait until I could face you," I said quickly. Zero froze but I didn't meet his gaze. But then I felt my whole posture shift, I didn't like this, me being held. It made me feel weak, "Let go of me."

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