Night 7. Wrestling

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"Psssssstttt. Hey, hey Kira!"

Kira grumbled one opened her eyes and stared sleepily, "What's the matter, Ichiru?"

Ichiru smiled widely as he leaned on Kira's mattress, "Are you awake?"

Kira rubbed her eyes and sat up, "I am now," some of her long blonde hair fell over her shoulder and the ends brushed against the mattress. "Aren't you in the wrong room?"

"I know," Ichiru whispered. "But Zero's sleeping and I wanted to show Kira something before it went away."

Kira looked around her dorm room. Her roommates were fast asleep, buried underneath a mess of pillows and blankets. Kira glanced at Ichiru; he was wearing his green coat over his pajamas. His hair was all messed up and long silver strands brushed over his beautiful violet eyes. Kira rubbed her eyes again and looked at the clock on her dorm wall.

"It's almost four in the morning, Ichi," Kira whined, her voice still groggy. Her eyes went back to Ichiru, who was pouting.

"It'll be two minutes, promise," Ichiru smiled and offered Kira his hand.

Kira sighed and threw her blanket off of her body and sat up and stared hard at Ichiru, "How did you even get in here? I locked the door."

"Yeah, but not the window," Ichiru shrugged.

Kira rolled her eyes and took Ichiru's hand as she climbed down from her bunk. She grabbed her coat and followed Ichiru out the window, making sure her roommates were still fast asleep. Kira and Ichiru walked on tip-toes down the hall, careful not to wake up any of the other students or get caught by teachers.

"This better be good, Ichiru," Kira hissed as he led her down the stairs and out onto the field.

"Trust me, Kira," Ichiru smiled as he took her hand. "It's down by the river. And the teachers will never know."

Kira nodded as she allowed Ichiru to pull her along. When you were eleven, small things were very adventurous, like ditching your class on a school trip to go look at something at the river. Of course, Kira did consider Ichiru's health, but when she looked at him now, he seemed perfectly fine.

Ichiru led Kira to the river and moved to stand behind her. He covered her eyes, "Ichiru?!" she giggled.

"Trust me, Kira. It'll be really cool," Ichiru giggled. He led Kira blindly through the small forest that had grown beside the river. When he brought her to the ledge, he slowly took his hands away, "Okay, look!"

Kira opened her eyes and blinked. She blinked again. There was nothing but the still river in front of her. The night sky where the full moon hung lit up the water, making it look like liquid silver. Kira blinked and turned to Ichiru, but he gripped her shoulders and turned her to face the water again.

"Keep watching," he chuckled.

Kira sighed and stared at the still river. The water mirrored the sky, and there was a small breeze that made the water ripple for a minute. Kira crossed her arms over her chest, "I don't see anything, Ichi."

"Just keep watching," Ichiru said as he stood beside Kira, his finger pointing at a specific place in the river.

Kira sighed and her eyes stared at the place where Ichiru was pointing. She stared hard when she saw something leap from the water and land back in. Then something else leapt from the water and landed again. Soon millions of ripples were created when fish jumped out of the water, and more kept jumping until it looked like the river was rippling with bright red fish. The river looked as if it had its own scales and the fish jumping and landing in the water sounded like rain falling. Millions of fish were leaping from the water and Kira giggled at the sight and laughed.

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