Night 2. Memories of Goodbyes [Part 1]

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A/N: Another throwback chapter, this time I tried looking for mistakes. I was considering rewriting my story but I was told that I would be disowned. Soooo, I'm not going to be changing anything. In any case there is magic here.

Okay, bye.

Memories of Goodbyes

Three Years Later

Zero Kiryuu opened his bedroom door quietly, his glanced kept going back to his twin brother who was still fast asleep in his bed. When Zero finally got the door open, he sneaked out on his tip toes and carefully closed the door behind him. Zero sighed and looked around, the door to his parents' bedroom was still open, which meant that they hadn't returned from their mission yet. Zero looked around, his violet gaze landing on the pictures of him and his family hanging up on the light gold coloured walls of the hallway. Zero looked at the closed pearl white doors of the Guest Room, the Guest Bathroom, the Storage Room, Ichiru's bedroom and the room where his parents' hunting equipment was stored. Zero walked to the end of the hallway, coming on to the balcony that looked into the foyer, the small room that had wooden tiles and a reddish, brown rug in front of the single front door with small windows on the sides and a coat rack in the corner. Behind Zero was a large window that opened onto the roof of the Dining Room and looked into the large backyard. Zero started going down the stairs, quiet squeaks following his footsteps. When he got to the bottom, there were two room. To his left, Zero could look into the lounge. Asleep in the large dark brown arm chair, one foot on the ground, the other leg stretched over the arm of the arm chair and resting on the arm of the sofa, arm dangling over the other arm of the arm chair the other arm stretched over the male's blue-black hair as he snored loudly, the TV blaring with no one to watch. Zero walked into the lounge and studied the face of his teacher, a weird gaze thing covering one of his eyes. Zero walked to the TV and turned it off, grabbed the blanket from the sofa where Ichiru had fallen asleep last night and threw the blanket over his teacher. Zero shook his head as the sleeping Yagari Touga who has been watching over them for the last two weeks that Zero's parents had been gone. Zero walked into the kitchen and stared at the black cabinets with glass windows and black nylon tiles and grey granite counters and silver sinks, refrigerator and dishwasher. The black round kitchen table had already been cleaned because Yagari had tried to be adventurous when making dinner and ended up having to order pizza in the end. In the far corner of the kitchen, beside a row of granite counters, was a glass door that led into the backyard. Zero grabbed the keys hanging up in the foyer and walked to the door and unlocked the glass door and ventured out into the backyard. He walked walked into the summer air, refreshed by the cool breeze as he strode to the thick dark grey brick wall that separated his house from the neighbors.

Zero took several deep breaths before he leapt up and latched onto the wall and pulled himself up and he sat on the wall and he stared at the house in front of him. It was a white double-storey house with a black tiled roof that tilted up to the second floor, in front of windows, the roof on top was flat. The house had large windows everywhere all giving peaks of what room was what. Zero looked up to the corner of the house, the window closest to his bedroom window, it was the only window open. Zero stood up on the wall and balanced himself before he was in between the two houses. Zero leapt onto the black tiled roof that was tilted, holding onto the tiles so that he didn't slip off the roof. When Zero was sure he had his balance, he carefully walked up the roof and stood in front of the open window. He pulled it open further and came face to face with a crimson red curtain. Zero pushed the curtain aside and peeked into the bright yellow room. There were teddy bears in the corner of the room, some even towered over Zero, the walls were graced of pictures of Zero and Ichiru in their school uniform and even some from when they spent that month at Old Man Hunter's house three years ago before they moved into the house where they lived now. Three years. It was a record. Zero noticed clothes all over the floor and a bookshelf next to a dresser that was scattered with books and loose papers. On the dressing table was a whole bunch of pens and pencils and art equipment and a hairbrush. On the wall next to the single bed were drawn pictures of angels, fairies, vampire, pretty much everything that the human mind could think of. Zero's violet gaze drifted to the bed where he saw a lump of blankets and pillows and one single strand of blonde hair. Zero rubbed his hands together and prepared to pounce on his friend's bed for a surprise wake-up call, but Zero noticed the person that was hidden by baby pink pillows and a white duvet wasn't breathing. Zero walked up to the bed and quickly pulled the duvet back only to find a Barbie Doll laying beside a large teddy bear with a big black bow tie and a top hat. Zero blinked and picked up the Doll.

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