Night 14. Dawning Day [Part 2]

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Night 14

Dawning Day Part 2

"Ichiru...," Zero said slowly, softly. With wide eyes.

Ichiru grinned, a fake grin, but it was a grin, "Don't look so shocked, Zero. You should be used to me appearing and disappearing..."

Suddenly Zero was on the ground, his side was throbbing like a bitch and Kira was glaring down at him. Zero cursed and looked up at her, and she did not look happy. She pointed at him and yelled, "First you give me shit in the tunnel. Second, you bite me and drink my blood. And thirdly – and this is the worst thing you've ever done, Kiryuu – you lied to me! About your own brother's death! How could you?"

"I didn't lie to you, Kira," Zero replied. His voice was raspy because he was trying to breathe. Kira really had a mean kick, "I don't lie. You should know me better."

"I thought I did. But look what you've done to me!" Kira held out her hand that was stained with her blood, some of it even dripped onto the floor and it seeped into her clothes. "I trusted you. With everything! And this is what you've done to me."

"Kira, I never meant to hurt you. I did it for a reason," Zero forced himself to his feet, "But I never lied to you about Ichiru."

"It looks like you've really caused a mess for yourself, Zero," Ichiru said from above them, "But Kira-chan is in the wrong, too," Kira looked up at Ichiru, who narrowed his purple gaze, "You should have known better than to trust a Vampire..."

And then Ichiru shot at Zero, the bullet lodging into his shoulder. But Zero didn't care. He pushed Kira out of the way and she landed at the edge of the stairs. All of a sudden, Ichiru was at the bottom of the stairs and he gave a swift punch into his twin's stomach, which caused him to fall down the stairs.

Zero's head was spinning, his body ached and with his eyes blurring and going clear and blurring again, he saw his twin grab Kira's hand and drag her up the stairs. And Kira followed willingly...

"...idiot...," Zero tried to get himself to stand up, but his body felt heavy. Was it because he'd just had some blood? Or because he was injured and in shock? Zero brought his hand closer to his face, it was also red with Kira's blood. He tried to stand up but his body just wouldn't work.

Damn! Damn it all to hell! Zero finally forced himself to his feet but collapsed again, and this time all he could see was darkness and his head felt too heavy. And with one final call to Ichiru...Zero passed out.

§Vampire Knight§


When Zero opened his eyes, he knew instantly that he wasn't in the horror house anymore, because his limp and sore body was lying on something soft and warm, and the atmosphere changed...there was no creepy music, no ghostly wails, just a room that Zero remembered well. The room was dark and cold but familiar...

Oh God, not again.

Zero sat up slowly––

"Lie back down, idiot!" A hand smacked his uninjured shoulder and Zero cursed because his body was in pain and he could feel the bruises from when he'd fallen down the stairs. His arm that was supporting him collapsed beneath him and he fell into the pillows.

Zero looked up and found Kira standing at the foot of the bed with some bandages draped over her shoulder and a tray in her hands. She walked to the bedside table and set the tray down, sat down and just pulled the blanket off of Zero.

Zero's shirt was off, his wounded shoulder was already covered in bandages and the blood was seeping through. His jeans were stained and so was the bedsheet, all over despite the fact that it was a double bed. Kira smoothed out the other side of the bed, stood up and put the tray down. She climbed onto the bed beside Zero and slowly began to take off the bandages.

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