Night 5. Returner

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"Zero... Zero, I love you," the woman said as she brushed aside Zero's hair. She smiled at his sleeping face and kissed his forehead, "We all love you..."

Zero stirred and caught the familiar scent of jasmine and steel. He rubbed his nose absentmindedly as he opened one eye and stared at the sunlight that beamed through the window. He sat up and blinked, catching the sheen of silver hair and light brown hair. Zero blinked again and saw three faces, one of them an exact copy of his own. Zero rubbed his eyes and stared at his family standing in the beam of light. His father was smiling at him with an arm wrapped around his mother's waist and his hand on Ichiru's shoulder. Ichiru smiled at his brother, his fingers laced with his mother's. Zero stared, amazed.

...His family.

"Zero," Ichiru called as he held out his free hand, inviting him to stand by his side, "Are you coming?"

Zero blinked again and stared at his family. He sat up from the desk and looked around. He searched for something, someone, to tell him he was insane. But no, he was in the study of the chairman's mansion. The dark red rug and large mahogany bookshelves that towered over him were evident of this, even the chair where he sat to do his homework if he decided to do it. Zero looked back at his family, still amazed. He stood up and reached out for Ichiru's hand. He felt his twin's warm hand on his, and when their palms met a warm sensation danced through his veins...


Zero blinked. Where was he? He noticed his head was resting on his arms, which were folded across the desk, papers beneath him. He sat up and saw that he had fallen asleep at the desk again. He looked around and found himself in the chairman's study. The dark crimson curtain was being pulled open by the Chairman.

The Chairman smiled at Zero as he pulled the curtain open, allowing sunlight to flood the room and light the Chairman up, "You fell asleep at the desk again. Why don't you go to sleep in your bedroom?"

Zero shook his head, "I'm alright."

The Chairman smiled, "Very well. I think I overworked you and the others. Even Kaito-kun just fell asleep on the couch. At least Yagari-kun made it up to his room... er, at least to the couch in his bedroom..."

Zero ran his fingers through his hair and closed his eyes, "Hm," was his only response. It was natural for them to be tired, the Chairman had worked them to death yesterday, cleaning and sorting everything out inside the Hunters Association's Headquarters. Zero had never before cleaned so hard in his entire life.

The Chairman smiled and put a hand on Zero's shoulder, "What were you dreaming about that made you smile so wide?"

Zero froze and opened his eyes and stared at the papers in front of him. Of course, it was a dream... they couldn't come back. No matter how much he wanted them to. It was nothing but a dream... a dream he should've forgotten long ago.

"Nothing," Zero replied.

The Chairman smiled, "Really? Oh well," he patted Zero's shoulder, "Its almost dinner time. What do you feel like eating?"

"Dinner?" Zero blinked and pulled back his sleeve to look at his watch, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Well, we arrived home at four o'clock this morning, you stayed up working until who knows what time...," the Chairman tapped his chin and then he smiled, "So I'm guessing a few hours. But don't worry, even Yagari-kun and Kaito-kun are still asleep."

Zero sighed, "Right," he stood up. "I'll make dinner..."

The Chairman waved it off, "No, no, no! None of that! I want you to relax. My cute son worked hard yesterday and needs his rest," The Chairman realized what he said and waited for Zero to snap and shout at him for calling him his son, but it never came. The Chairman opened one eye and saw Zero staring at his hands.

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