Night 4. Past Tense

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Present Tense

Five Years Later

Zero Kiryuu woke up to a stream of light shining down on his face. The light burned his eyes, so he draped his arm across his face, hoping for more sleep to come despite the fact that he had probably had more than eight hours of sleep already. His had been a long time since he had dreamed of his childhood...those memories he thought had been long forgotten, resurfaced...Zero didn't linger on those thoughts any longer.

He knew he wasn't going to get any more sleep. Zero rolled onto his stomach and glanced at the Calender of some girls in bikinis (apparently a funny joke, given to him as a gift from Kaito). It was the school holidays now. Yuuki had gone off with some of the nobles and Zero had nowhere else to go but stay at the Chairman's place. It was close to the Association Headquarters and Zero's crappy little apartment had been sold, thanks to Kaito – again. He was becoming a problem for Zero. Zero rolled back onto his back, only to have the light sting his eyes once more. Zero cursed and sat up and rubbed his eye with the ball of his hand. He stared at his hands as they fell into his lap. He dreamed of his memories... Zero shook his head and forced himself to stand up.

Zero performed his usual routine: shower, get dressed, brush hair, brush teeth, clean bathroom, clean bedroom and head downstairs to where he could smell the Chairman was already busy cooking whatever he was cooking. He entered the kitchen, finding the now President of the Hunters Association and Chairman of Cross Academy standing by the stove, that idiotic pink apron of his in full view as the Chairman bopped to whatever song he was humming. Zero walked over to the table and sat down and when he did, he noticed some papers scattered on the Chairman's side. He saw the Hunter Association name on it and reached out to grab it. The papers confirmed some eliminations of Level Es, some new names on the Elimination List and some confirmation papers of some newly registered Hunters. Some Cross Academy documents caught Zero's attention. He read some of the documents, the issue being addressed.

"Night Class Prefects?" Zero said.

"Indeed," the Chairman said happily. "It was Yuuki's idea. She and Aidou-kun will be running the Night Class Prefects, making sure the Night Class behaves. Kiryuu-kun will stay in the Day Class and continue to do his Prefect Duties."

"Great," Zero said as he threw the papers back on the Chairman's side. He didn't think it was great at all. Now, if it was a rule that vampires weren't allowed at Cross Academy, his school life would be sorted.

"Kiryuu-kun, are you very busy today? I need some help at the Association," the Chairman said as he pranced over to Zero and dropped a plate of bacon, eggs and toast in front of him.

Zero rolled his eyes, "Sure."

"Wonderful," the Chairman sang. "Now, I am hoping the other Hunters are in a good mood and will help me too. I only need a few..."

"A few to do what?" Zero asked before he bit into a slice of toast.

"Bring some important documents to the grand Library and taking some things away from some rooms," the Chairman sat down at his seat, holding his cup of tea, "Horribly messy place the Association."

Zero rolled his eyes, "You want me to help you Spring Clean the Association?"

The Chairman waved it off, "Not cleaning. Organizing! Updating! There is a lot of work to be done, Kiryuu-kun and you've already rewritten some documents, it only makes sense that you arrange them."

"I don't hear what you're going to be doing while I'm working," Zero demanded as he glared at the Chairman.

The Chairman blinked and smiled widely, "I will be helping our new Hunters get settled. We haven't decided on accommodation yet, so they might stay at the Association. You might have to help Kaito-kun clean out the rooms..."

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