Night 3. Memories of Blood [Part 1]

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Night 3

Memories in Blood

Two Years Later


It hurts so much...


Make the pain stop Mom...Dad...

Zero opened his eyes and stared at the two bodies in front of him. 

His mother faced down in her own pool of crimson red, his father sprawled out, staring at the ceiling. That woman had left them only a short time ago. Why? Why did she come? Zero wiped some blood that had gotten into his mouth. His neck was burning, his insides felt like they had been crushed. Zero coughed up some blood and moved slowly, each move hurting him.

"M...M...Mo...Mom," Zero said in a broken voice, tears starting to fall from his eyes, mixing with his blood. He couldn't get his legs to work, so Zero dragged himself to his mother's body. His fingers coloured in her crimson blood. Zero forced himself onto his knees beside his mother's body.

Her eyes were closed, her face had no expression. Her hand was extended towards her husband. Zero felt tears pour down his cheek, falling on her own cheeks and dripping into her blood. Zero screamed as he cried, laying himself over his mother and crying into her back as she laid in her blood. Zero heard a rasp. He thought it had come from his mother, but there was no movement. Zero looked to his father. Zero found the strength to stand up and walk to his Dad, his feet walking his blood, mixed with his mother's and his father's. Zero fell beside his father, watching his chest carefully, waiting for his father to start breathing again. But there was nothing. Zero cried again and screamed, he grabbed his father's hand and wrapped it around his shoulders and laid down beside his father, crying into his chest, clinging to his father.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry I couldn't protect you," Zero sobbed, for a minute, he forgot about the pain in his neck and inside his body. He just hugged his father, "D-Dad...please! Come back! Don't leave me alone! Dad!"

Zero heard no response. Zero bit his bottom lip and cried into his father's chest. His sobs echoing around the empty house that was filled with the scent of blood. The happy pictures hanging the hallway walls didn't look so happy anymore. Zero had nothing...he wanted to die. He wanted to die in his father's arms. He wanted to stay with his parents.

Do you hate me, Zero?

Do you want to kill me?

Grow up quickly, Zero... then you can kill me...

"Smell that? All I smell is blood."

"Smells like death to me," said a tall man, with dark brown hair, cut in a military brush-cut. His green eyes scanned the house and he held up a note pad to study the information, "Neighbors said that they heard screaming coming from here."

"The Kiryuu family," a man with shoulder-length red hair said, studying a file in his hands. "Home to Kiryuu Senji, Kiryuu Azumi and their twins Zero and Ichiru," the redhead glanced at his partner, "Kasuga?"

The redhead watched his friend stand at the entrance of the lounge, hands tucked deep into his brown trench coat. Not a good sign. Takkashi Kasuga wore a grim expression in face, his eyes wide with horror. The redheaded man peeked around his partner's shoulder, gasping at the tragic sight in front of him. Blood on the floor and all over the walls. A woman face down, and a man staring up at the ceiling.

"Fuukamaru," Kasuga said gravely. "Call for backup. We have a homicide on our hands."

Reinko Fuukamaru nodded, "Yes sir," and he turned to run back out the door.

Kasuga sighed. How sad. Such a kind family to be killed. Kasuga entered the scene, careful not to touch anything that could contaminate evidence. His eyes went to a beautiful woman, light brown hair lying in her own blood. Kasuga sighed. He had seen Mrs. Kiryuu around town, shopping with her twins. She had a kind smile. Why would anyone want to kill her? Kasuga's eyes drifted to the male, silver hair, quite tall. Also a kind man who applied to work on the Police Force...from what Kasuga had already read in his file, he would've been accepted in a heart beat. Kasuga stopped and stared. A little boy was tucked under his father's arm, curled up close to his father. Kasuga didn't know which one of the twins it was. But the boy was moving, crying hard into his father's chest, mumbling apologies.

"Kiryuu-kun?" Kasuga said gently.

Suddenly the boy looked up, his beautiful violet eyes bloodshot from crying. Blood spread out on his cheek down to his jaw, only on half of his face down to his neck. Kasuga reached out his hand.

"Kiryuu-kun, come here," he ordered gently.

"No! I don't wanna leave! Go away! I wanna stay with my Mom and Dad!" the boy cried, "I don't wanna go!"

Kasuga gently grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him to his chest. He hugged the crying boy and stroked his hair, "Do you know who did this?" The boy shook his head and cried into his shoulder. Kasuga sighed. "Are you hurt?" The boy stopped for a long while before he shook his head slowly.

Kasuga sighed again and pushed the boy away so he could look him in the eyes, "Do you have any family in the area? You moved here only a year ago...but, if you're not injured I would like to take you there..."

The Boy stopped crying and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. He turned to look at his father laying behind him, "Dad?"

"I'll take good care of your parents, son," Kasuga whispered. "Now tell you have family in the area?"

The boy rubbed his eyes again, "Dad and Master Yagari have a friend in another town..."

"What's his name, son?" Kasuga asked.

The boy looked down at the ground, his eyes filled with sadness and hatred, "Kaien Cross...I know his address."

"Okay," Kasuga nodded. "I'll take you there," he noted that the boy was trying hard to pull himself together. But the boy looked like he would break if Kasuga touched him to hard. Kasuga slipped out of his brown trench coat and wrapped it around the boys, "My name is Kasuga... what's yours?"

The boy's eyes shimmered. His gaze met the floor again and he pulled the coat around him tightly, "Kiryuu...Zero..."

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