Night 15. Stories

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Night 15


"Easy, Z, easy," Kira whispered.

Kira was here. She was with me. She was comforting me, taking care of me. I couldn't remember last time a woman had taken care of my wounds. Yuuki was the one who usually tended to my wounds. She was kind that way. Kira was like her, but not like her.

"Ichiru, try not to move too much," I heard Kira whisper again. I felt her body stretch over mine as she pulled the blanket up to under our chins.

I knew I wasn't alone. I almost felt content with Ichiru right beside me. It was as if I bodies were like one, lying in the same position on our backs, unmoving but comfortable. It felt as if I was absorbing Ichiru's warmth, and Ichiru absorbed mine. Exchanging whatever heat and strength we had to each other constantly, like nothing ever happened between us.

I was here, wherever here was. It was as if I was floating above my body, and I could see Ichiru and I laying on my bed in my room at Cross Academy, the blanket pulled up to our chins and surrounded by IVs and machines that didn't look familiar.

Kira was sitting at the edge of the bed, in between Ichiru and me because she didn't have a favourite twin. She was wearing a robe, a loose white robe that seemed miles too big for her and very familiar. The door opened softly and Kaito strolled in. I recognised his scent immediately. Kira looked up.

"We could put this medicine in your room," Kaito said quietly. "If only you would stop being so stubborn."

"We've talked about this already, Kaito," she turned to face him. "They need it more than I do. I can walk and move. They can't. They need it more."

Kaito sighed and walked to my dresser that I never used that was stocked with bowls, white boxes and orange drawers. Kaito gathered some stuff and crouched down in front of Kira. The bowl was filled with that Hunters Medicine, the smell burned my lungs.

He was on his knees in front of Kira, and she slowly shrugged out of the robe. She was in loose clothes, her skin was mostly covered in bandages, bruises and scratches. She had been beaten up terribly, but I couldn't remember when or how. Last I saw her, she didn't look like that.

"You need to rest. In a bed. You can't keep sleeping in that armchair," Kaito scolded her quietly while he prepped the medicine, "You can't hide from your brother forever."

"Kenni didn't choose the Hunter's Life, there's no reason for him to see it," Kira lifted her chin while Kaito lifted a wet cloth to her torn lip. "Besides, I'll never hear the end of how ugly I am."

Kaito didn't chuckle but Kira did. Kaito just shook his head and pressed the medicine to her lip and exposed cuts. Kira was a god girl. She didn't flinch or cry.

The door opened again and Yuuki walked in. She smiled at Kira, "I hope it's not burning too much today, Kira-chan."

"It's the same as every day," Kira grinned back at Yuuki. "Better though," she glanced over her shoulder. "I'll help you change their IVs now, Yuuki."

"It's not two o' clock yet," Yuuki smiled. She held out a vile. "I was wondering if you would put this in Zero's."

Kira accepted the vile and studied it. It was a glass vile with a dark red liquid inside. Almost as big as Kira's palm. It was blood, my nose burned at the scent.

"Yeah, I'll do it," Kira nodded. She gave Yuuki a smile and held tucked the vile into her sleeve, "As soon as nurse Kaito is done."

Yuuki giggled. It was a wonderful sound, "Thank you, Kira-chan. I will see you soon," she waved goodbye and left the room, closing the door softly behind her.

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