Night 10. Surprise

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Night 10


Two Weeks Later

Tears will fall...

And blood is shed...

Sleep little Hunter...

It's not your turn yet...

All is well...

In this great land...

But blood will be shed...

For the Hunters Clan...

I know that song...Zero opened his eyes and stared at the white ceiling. He was drenched in sweat and he knew why. He had a nightmare again...the same nightmare that had plagued his mind for five years...the awful night...where that woman killed his parents. Zero turned to his calendar. He glared at the piece of

Little Hunter...

You lose blood, you will be hurt...

Blood will be shed and Vampires will burn...

And the days might seem long...

But little Hunter...

You will be strong...

Zero sat up and took the calendar in his hands. He stared at the date. Today...

"Zero," Zero looked up and found Ichiru sitting on the edge of his bed. Ichiru smiled widely and crawled closer to his twin and their eyes met. Violet to violet. Ichiru ruffled his twin's hair, "Happy birthday."

§Vampire Knight§


Zero wasn't in the mood for today. But he was dressed in his uniform, he had showered. He was going to face the day no matter what. The Chairman would try to celebrate and so would Yagari. But he wouldn't...he couldn't...he once shared this special day with someone close to his heart and now that person was gone for good...

"Zero?" a muffled, soft voice came from behind his closed bedroom door. A knock followed and the Chairman peeked around the door nervously. He was going to be careful around Zero today, everyone was, "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Anything will do," Zero whispered. He had finished his tie when he turned to the Chairman, "Who was singing that song this morning?"

"That creepy old Hunter's Lullaby?" the Chairman asked. Zero nodded, "I think it was Katsue-chan...but it could have been Kira-chan. I'm not sure. I was sleeping."

Zero turned back to the mirror. His reflection looked grim. He wanted to smile, he was nineteen today. But the smile never came. Bitterness just flooded his heart. He heard the rustling of paper and he turned and found Kaien standing in the doorway, arms outstretched and in his palms was a little box with a big red bow and blue paper. Zero and Ichiru's favorite colors.

The Chairman offered a kind smile, "Happy birthday, son."

Zero wasn't in the mood for arguing today so he accepted the gift with a lazy half-smile. He stared at the card. Cute little words from the Chairman and he pulled the bow. His heart sank to his feet when he saw what was inside the little box. Two silver rings. One was a normal silver band; the other had a diamond in the shape of a heart. On the inside of the two silver rings was the inscription:

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