Night 12. Stolen

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Night 12


"...she shouldn't have killed it; it was mine!"

"She is still learning, calm down."

I rolled my eyes. I was sitting outside my father's office. He was the President of my District and also my Master. And as President – and my father and Master – he had to deal with all conflict within the Association District 13. And there was always conflict here. It was always the older Hunters, the male Hunters, versus me. And I always lost and got sent to Detention while they walked away with sly grins on their ugly faces. I knew they didn't like me. It was because I was a rare Female Hunter that actually went out without the support of a man and made kills without the hesitation that these male bozos thought all female Hunters were programmed with. I always grilled them, got on their nerves simply because they got on mine.

"She'll be leaving soon anyway," I heard my father say behind the closed doors.

"And Hallelujah for that!" I shouted happily, my voice echoing down the hallways where the smug Hunters were gathering to hear my punishment for bad-mouthing Mr. Bald Superior-To-Me-Asshat Hunter. My Father banged on the door and I rolled my eyes again.

"I'm going to kill her!" I heard Asshat yell. I couldn't stop the prideful smile that stretched across my face. That word always made me giggle. It seemed fit for all Vampire Hunters...heehee...Asshat.

I heard the door open and I saw Mr. Bald-Superior-To-Me-Asshat Hunter walk out. He had swirly tattoos on his bald head and a scar near his left eye. The swirly patterns formed something that resembled a dancer, so I accused him of getting that nasty scar from a rogue tutu. Not my smartest comment, but it got the bar cracking up and Mr. Bald-Superior-To-Me-Asshat Hunter furious, it looked like his face was going to go all nuclear bomb on my ass. He glared at me and stalked down the hall. He turned to me.

"You're lucky you didn't end up like the Kiryuu Family. Had you still been there, that Pureblood would have ripped you apart," he sneered. "Sometimes I wish that it had happened to you, and not to Kiryuu Zero."

My mouth dropped open and then I felt my face heat up. That's. Gone. Too. Far. I opened my mouth to say something but a large, dry hand covered my mouth and I glared up. My father smiled kindly at the Asshat Hunter.

"Walk away, Razu," my Father warned. The hunter glared at my Father and stalked away. The Kiryuu Family was a sensitive subject for my Mother, Father and I. My Father moved his hand and glared down the hallway where all the Hunters were gathering and they vanished faster than the process of condensation of air.

"Stupid old fart. How can he treat me like such a child?" I demanded, turning to face my father.

"Because you are a child," my Father ruffled my hair. "Vampire Hunters get angry, and words pour out of their mouths before they can stop them. You – not only as a female, but also as a caring and sensitive person – have to take the highroad, ignore the comments and move on."

I blinked and sighed, "Yes, Dad."

"Dammit!" I cursed. That stupid memory. It always came tunneling back whenever I thought about the idiotic comments those stupid Hunters made. That happened just before I left school to wonder around, before I came here.

I was in the new Association HQ. The new wing where we were all supposed to get our lists of Level Es to kill. I was in my Cross Academy Uniform, ditching class like the 'good girl' I was. But I couldn't handle Zero right now. I hadn't spoken to him for a month, and every time I saw his face I wanted to say words a girl like me shouldn't even know. Katsue, Sasuke, Kenni and I had wandered around for a whole year, it took me a whole damn year to keep my mind in check, my attitude subdued and he just broke it. And here I was all bitchy and sarcastic...well, more sarcastic. I ignored the looks I got from the other Hunters. I was waiting in line patiently for my list so Katsue, Sasuke and I could ditch class and start working.

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