Night 14. Dawing Day [Intro]

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Night 14

Dawning Day - Introduction

One day, you will be a great Vampire Hunter. Forget what those mean people said, darling. They don't know how strong you are...

But Daddy...I don't know how strong I am either. And that scares me more than them being mean to me...

I'd rather be afraid than be alone...


The sound of a machine gun loading was too familiar as I pulled Yuuki to her feet and ushered the rest to start kicking pavement. When shots were fired in heavy rainfalls beside us, everyone complied and began running, but the hail of bullets followed us, slamming against the old concrete floors and walls, shattering pieces off and creating bright sparks in the dark train tunnel.

Zero grabbed my wrist, pushing me in front of him as I dragged the Pureblood Princess behind me. Kaito was a little way behind us because I was faster but the Pureblood Kuran and Zero were lagging behind us on purpose, probably hoping that the bullets hit them first than Yuuki and I.

"Kira-chan, up ahead is another tunnel!" I heard Yuuki say behind me.

"Get to it now!" Zero yelled loudly.

I beat feet a few metres ahead and skid into the tunnel, Yuuki following me and Kaito not far behind. Zero and Kuran managed to get inside in time just as the rain of bullets clipped the mouth of the tunnel. Zero pushed us all to another tunnel that split a little further down, shielding us from the bullets.

Yuuki collapsed to the ground, "What's happening? Who's chasing us?"

"It doesn't matter who's chasing us," Zero growled. "As long as they don't get to us," his piercing violet eyes darted straight to the Pureblood Kuran, "Is this your doing?"

"If it was, do you really think I'd want to be here when it rains bullets?" Kuran hissed, his hand was on his right shoulder, cradling something. He was stopping something, keeping something a wound...

"Don't lie, Pureblood––," Zero began but I cut him off when I stepped towards the dark haired Vampire.

"You're injured," I said, examining his shoulder that he was still hiding. His dark red eyes slowly met mine and I swallowed hard, "I know that pose. I've been shot at before."

"Are you okay?" Yuuki was her feet, "Let me see the wound."

"I am fine. Your concern is unnecessary, Yuuki," with his free hand he caressed Yuuki's cheek and his eyes went back to me, "And my wound will heal in a minute."

"You planned this," Zero hissed.

"Don't you think that if he really planned this he would have made sure he was out of fire range?" I turned to Zero, "Whoever is doing this is after the next generation of the Hunters Circle."

"Why would anyone be after us?" Kaito asked, "I mean, it's not like we're the Hunters Circle. We don't even know if it's still a thing," he pointed to the two Pureblood Vampires, "And no way in hell the Hunters Circle is going to open their arms to vampires."

"Except they already did, dummy," Zero said casually. His violet gaze drifted to Yuuki and lingered on her. Yuuki looked back at him with wide hazel eyes that seemed to be doused in innocence that no one expected a Vampire to have. He crossed his arms over his chest and said slowly, "When Yuuki was adopted by the Chairman."

"That still doesn't explain why anyone would be after us," Kaito said.

We all fell silent when the sound of falling bullets went still. Zero pushed forward, pushing the two Purebloods behind him and Kaito and I fell into place beside him, flanking him. Zero took out his precious gun and Kaito wielded his own weapon and suddenly I felt like an idiot because I was weapon-less in this battle. I usually didn't need weapons because I was the first one to it seemed like weapons was the only was the only way to greet our enemy. But still I stood beside Zero and Kaito, fists raised and ready to fight my way out if need be...

...but all I could hear were footsteps...soft at first, then getting louder and louder as our enemy came closer to us. The footfalls sounded light, not like the heavy set of steps required to hold a machine gun. Suddenly the steps were louder inside our tunnel until they came to a soft stop.

Zero peered down at me and I shared a look with Kaito, who looked a little unprepared. I glanced behind me at the two Pureblood, Kuran was holding Yuuki close to him, knowing that if he needed too, he could protect her––


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