3; Alchohol and Drugs

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Hamilton sat on the edge of his bed, listening to the conversation he and his friends were having.

"Laf, you know I hate parties!"

"Laurens, it will be fun! Please, for me, mon ami."

Laurens crossed his arms. He clearly did not want to go to the party, especially since a certain Thomas Jefferson was hosting it.

There would he alcohol and drugs, and many other things that Laurens was not interested in.

He sighed and ran his hand through his curly hair. Lafayette was still begging him to go, and even though he didn't want to, his friend looked so desperate. So he had to say yes.

"Okay, fine, I'll go."

"Ah, yes! Hamilton, mon ami, are you going to come?"

Hamilton smiled and shrugged, "Sure. I don't mind, as long as I have time to study."

"Don't worry! It's next week, you'll have plenty of time to study."

Hamilton nodded his head. He heard his phone buzz slightly so he took it out of his pocket, unlocking it. Eliza had texted him.

Eliza: Hey u boi get ur ass over here

Hammy: okay chill fam

Eliza: it is v v v important.

Hamilton put his phone back into his pocket, and looked at his friends, "Hey guys, I have to go. I'll be back."

"We'll be waiting for you, mon ami."

Hamilton nodded and smiled as he left the dorm, making his way to the Schuyler's dorm. When he was there and knocked on the door, Eliza pulled him inside.

"Woah! Are you okay Eliza?"

She grinned and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Then why'd you want me here?"

"Because! Me and my sisters have some advice for you!"

Hamilton tilted his head slightly, "Advice!"

"Yeah! A small girl interrupted. She was wearing her hair in a ponytail and was wearing a yellow shirt and skirt. "For you and Laurens!"

"Yeah, because you obviously like him!"

Hamilton rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Girls, I don't even know him."

"So what? I know you think he's cute."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say. But you're in love!"

Hamilton rolled his eyes again and grinned slightly, "Anyways, what was this advice?"

"You should write him a poem! Because apparently you're a magnifique writer."

"Lafayette told you that, huh?"

"Yeah, but back to the point! Write him a poem, and then go on a date and give it to him!"

"A date?"

"Then it can be a double date!" Eliza giggled, "We've been meaning to get Lafayette and Mulligan together. You guys can go together, since you all seem so buddy buddy with each other."

"And what if I say no?"

"You don't have a choice."

Hamilton shook his head and chuckled, "Of course. Fine then, when's the date?'

"Tomorrow night! I'll organise it."

"Okay, thanks I guess?"

Eliza laughed and pushed his shoulder slightly, "You should be thanking me!"

Hamilton nodded, "Okay. Anyways, I have to go. You'll text us about it I'm guessing?"

"Yeah," She nodded, "I'll do it right now."

Hamilton nodded and said his goodbyes as he left for his dorm. He chuckled silently. Eliza wanted him and Laurens together that bad. It was cute, honestly.

Hamilton opened the door to his dorm, and Lafayette was looking at him, "So, a double date, huh? comment la baise savait-elle que je l'aimais. Sounds fun."

"Yeah. How do you even know Eliza? She's like the most popular girl here." Laurens' face seemed slightly red.

"Well, I mean, a guy as beau as Hamilton doesn't go unnoticed."

Hamilton shrugged slightly, "I'm gonna write something. It's probably going to take a while so if you want some sleep Lafayette, you should probably stay with Laurens until I'm finished."

Lafayette nodded and him and Laurens went to his dorm. Seabury was out somewhere, so Lafayette could stay.

Laurens sat on his bed and sighed, "What am I going to do about the date?"

"Just have fun. I'm sure he likes you. I see the way he looks at you."

Laurens blushed slightly, shaking his head, "No. No, he doesn't. He likes Eliza."

"Are you sure. Because it looks like you guys are eye fucking. I'm being serious, mon ami."

"Well, what about you and Herc, huh?'

"Shush, Laurens."

* * *


man i have so many stories to update

also i really want to add references to songs in here but i dont know if i should omg


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