29; Home

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Laurens was so relieved when he walked back into his dorm. He saw Seabury, snoring soundly in his bed, and he just as if this was where he belonged.


Though, it wasn't home. But who was to say what was and wasn't home. Home was where Laurens felt safest, and Seabury made him feel that way.

But he really didn't want to wake his friend, so he went to take a quick shower.

The water felt calm, and relaxing, as it hit his back. He always had his showers really warm, as he never feared getting burnt by it (though he doubted he ever would).

When Laurens had finished showering, apparently it had woken Seabury up, as he was just sitting on his bed, looking down at his hands.

He was really deep in thought.

"Hey," Laurens spoke hesitantly, "are you okay?"

Seabury looked up at Laurens and suddenly, a huge smile appeared on his face as he ran up to Laurens and hugged him tightly.

"God, I missed you."

Laurens laughed softly, wrapping his arms around his friend, "I missed you too. Are you okay?"

Seabury nodded, "Yeah, I was just worried about you last night."

Laurens let out a chuckled and patted Seabury's back, "Well, hey, I'm okay, aren't I?"

Seabury nodded and they just stayed like that for a while. Hugging. It seemed as if Laurens didn't need anything more at that moment. He was satisfied.

He was glad he had his friend.

It made him feel so, so, ecstatic inside to realise that Seabury was his friend and that he cared no matter what and would always be by his side.

It made him feel needed, important. Made him feel like he was someone who could make a difference in at least one persons life.

Then he realised they had to get to classes really quick.

Laurens pulled away, "Dude, we have class."

Seabury's grinned sheepishly, "Oh yeah, we should get going."

* * *

Class was good. Laurens actually enjoyed it, being in the class, listening to the teacher. He felt strange.

Things he would've taken for granted before he now enjoyed. Savoured, as if he was eating something sweet.

Maybe he had realised how precious every little thing was.

His mother always told him to do that. Not take things for granted. And he had tried, to be honest, but it never worked. So why was it working now?

He was glad though. The smallest thing would make him smile. Like the way the wind blew the leaves away, or the way Hamilton held his hand, or the way Seabury laughed when he made a shitty joke.

Maybe things were finally going right.

So, Laurens was sat at the coffee shop with Hamilton and Seabury. They were talking, like the last time, and Laurens just took a moment to appreciate how beautiful the day was.

The other two were arguing- not arguing, just talking, for once, about politics. Laurens was glad they weren't fighting.

Slowly, he took a small sip of his coffee, watching people walk and play with their dogs and just seeming... happy.

It warmed his heart, and that wasn't the coffee for once. Everything made him so happy. The way people smiled, and the way the other two wanted him to be happy.

Laurens looked to Hamilton and slowly slipped his hand into his.

He knew it would take time to trust him fully. But he loved Hamilton with all his heart. He really did, and that wasn't just some sick lie or trick.

He really did love Hamilton.

He felt at ease with him. Even through all of this, he wouldn't want it any other way. Because all of this mess, just made the both of them stronger.

They would need to build a strong bond, and it was already starting to grow.

And yes, Laurens knew they would fight from time to time. That's what happened in relationships. They're never perfect, they have struggles.

And Laurens knew there wasn't going to be a happy ending, but he knew there wasn't going to be a horrible one either.

By god, Laurens knew he might not even end up with Hamilton in the future! But Laurens wasn't focusing on the future, he was focusing on the present. That's all that matter.

Right now was all that Laurens cared about.

Hamilton softly squeezed Laurens hand as he continued talking to Seabury, and he couldn't wish for more.

A few weeks ago he'd be thinking about what might happen, but right now. He didn't care. He was happy. Everything was right as it should be.

And thank the heavens, Laurens was so happy with everything.

He was home.

* * *

Shit dude I think I might end the BOOK THERE OHMYGOD

TBH I don't want to end it but idk what else to write for it so uh,,  here,,,
I'm gonna be going through and editing some chapters, as well as working on that leebury book I have.

It's unbelievable how many people have read this and how much feedback I get?? Like guys what?? I don't deserve it ? THABK YOU SO MUCH though

This story has been tough to write but I?, love it, like it's my child

I'm really attached to this story

Ily so, so much, xoxo

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