6; I'm not in love I swear

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"And oh my god Laf, he could my turtle drawings cute. He fucking called them cute!"

"Oui, mon ami, you have told us many times. We get the point."

"I know but," Laurens flopped onto his bed with his iPhone still to his ear, "you don't understand! No one has ever called my drawings cute! Ever!"

"Oui, you have said that."

Laurens laughed slightly, "Sorry I just- I don't know, it made me feel nice? I just felt really special when he said that. I'm not sure how to exactly explain the feeling."

"Well then maybe you should be going out with him more, oui?"

"No!" Laurens yelled slightly into the phone, his face turning a light shade of red, "he'll think I'm desperate or something!"

"Ugh, well then do absolutely nothing. Right now I need some rest and neither your or Hamilton have been helping me with that. Goodnight mon ami."

"Sorry, goodnight."

Laurens sighed softly and closed his eyes. He was half looking forward to law in the morning.


Laurens sat at his table, rapidly writing down some useless bullshit about whatever the fuck they were learning about. He honestly couldn't give two flying fucks, but if he didn't get good grades his father would force him to retake the course, which would be hell.

For once, Laurens wanted to be the one making decisions in his life. Every day, since he had been born, his father forced him to do things that he never wanted to do. I mean, he forced him to take law, of all things!

So when the bell rung, Laurens was more than ecstatic to leave the horribly noisy room.

As he was walking down the hallway to go to his dorm and try to study, he bumped into a small girl, maybe only around the age of what? 19?

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

The girl, which he could now see had really, and I mean really, curly brown hair and nice brown eyes.

"Oh no no!" She laughed, "it's fine, it's fine. I'm Peggy!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Peggy, I'm Laurens. John Laurens."

"Oh!" She giggled, "I've heard about you from our dear Hamilton."

John's face went Beetroot red and he started to fiddle with the ends of his sleeves, "What, really I-I mean? Why? What?"

She laughed, "Sorry, I have to catch up with my sisters, but I'll see you around!"

Laurens watched as Peggy left and stood there baffled. Hamilton had... Talked about him? To other people? Was that good? Does that mean Hamilton could tolerate him?

All these thoughts bugged Laurens every step he took. Soon he was at his dorm and took out his keys to unlock it. Seabury was on his laptop, typing away.

As Seabury heard the door close, he groaned, quite loudly, "I was hoping you'd be hanging out with your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? I'm not gay?"

"Please, John," Seabury turned around, his arms crossed, "we all know that's a big fat fucking lie."

"You don't have any proof!" Laurens retorted, his fave going pink in anger. Man, today his face was going pink a lot.

"And you're studying law, you don't even know how to defend a case."

"Hey! I totally do!"

"Please, save yourself the pain of thinking of a argument and just shut up."

"Fuck off." Laurens muttered quietly as he opened the door to leave. He decided that he didn't want to deal with his roommates bullshit, so he was going to stay with Lafayette to study.

He pulled out his phone from his back pocket and texted Laf to at least give him a warning that he was coming.

Laurens was pretty sure he'd be fine with him coming over, after all, they were best friends. Laurens had known him the longest he'd known anyone.

Lafayette and him had been friends for around 7 years, and became inseparable. Best friends till the end. Told each other every secret and every inside joke.

And John Laurens knew that Lafayette was as hard as a stone. So what he wasn't expecting when he opened Lafayettes door was the French man crying.


Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've been drawing + school + other things

Anyways I've gotten a lot of feedback on this story !!!! And it makes me happy !!!!! To know you like it.

So I'll try and update this as much as I can

I love you xoxo

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