5; Love letters but no love

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"Ugh," Laurens groaned as he flopped onto his bed after reading the letter, "It was so goddamned sweet."

"What was that?" Seabury leaned back on his chair and looked at John, a toxic smirk plastered on his face.

"Psh, I shouldn't tell you but whatever," Laurens rolled his eyes, "So I went on a double date with Lafayette, Hercules, and the new guy Alexander Hamilton. Well, he wrote me this really sweet letter and I don't know if I should write something back."

"Look, John," Seabury got up and stood in front of Laurens, "you are by far one of the people that I hate the most, but I know you're a hopeless romantic so I'll help you with this."

"Thanks? I guess."

"Alright, so," Seabury sat next to John, "you want to write something short but sweet. And add little drawings. So, just try and write something from the bottom of your heart."


John got up and moved to the desk that he usually studied at. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and started writing, then drawing.

"Alright, what did you write?"

"Okay, 'Roses are Red, Violet are Blue, Turtles are Rad and So are You.'"

"That's good enough for your standards at least. Okay, give it to him tomorrow over a coffee or something."

"'Kay. I'm gonna text him or something. I should really get some sleep though, I've been missing classes since Alex got here and I really need to catch up."


Laurens pushed himself off the chair and took his shirt off, not bothering to actually get dressed into his sleepwear.

As he got into bed, he couldn't help stressing over what Hamilton would think of his letter, or whatever it was.


Laurens tapped his desk rapidly, and his feet tapped against the floor. He was currently in his Law class, which his parents had insisted on him taking. It was his last class for the day and Alex had agreed to meet him and the coffee shop they always went to.

To say that John Laurens was nervous was an understatement. He was petrified. He didn't want to stuff up Hamilton and his relationship.

He had talked to Lafayette and Hercules and they told him to calm down. It was just a letter, or whatever, and that it didn't matter that much. It wasn't like he was professing his undying love for him, right?

Because he wasn't in love with him, yeah? He was just writing something because Hamilton write him a sweet letter.

He took a deep breath in and tried to focus on what the teacher was saying. It wasn't that hard to actually start listening, and before John knew it, the lesson was over, and he was stressing all over again.

As he gripped on tightly to his books as he went to put them away, his hands were shaking so much that he nearly dropped them. He took a deep breath in and tried to calm himself which, surprise surprise, didn't work.

As quick as he could, he ran to the coffee shop, (with his bag still on his back, mind you) and sat down in his usual spot. He knew that Alex would come sit here too, since it was routine.

As he took out his letter(?) from his bag, Hamilton sat down acros from him with that big, goofy grin of his.

"Hey Laurens, may I ask, how was Law?"

"Boring," he laughed and shook his head, "I don't even know why my parents made me take it, I don't want to be a president or something."

"That is true, but it's good to know these things."

"Yeah," Laurens smiled, "anyways, I-uh, have something to give you. Since you gave me that really sweet letter I thought I should write something in return and it's absolutely shit but I mean, I hope you like it?"

As he handed the sheet to Hamilton he felt his stomach feel like there were atomic bombs being dropped in there.

And as Hamilton read it and grinned, he felt his face go completely red, and his hands were shaking ever so slightly.

"Did you-did you like it?"

"I loved it. Your little turtle drawings are adorable.

"No they're not!" Laurens grinned and blushed.

"They totally are."

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