27; Rain

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Hamilton shivered as the warm water hit his body. He had been so cold out there, and was just glad to be able to shower.

He let the water devour him, swallow him whole. The water hit his body and sent warmth through him.

Outside the bathroom, Lafayette, Hercules and Laurens were watching a Disney movie. It brought back memories of when he and Laurens would watch a movie.

He'd been getting a lot of those lately. Memories, that is. They would come flooding back like a storm, reminding him how simple it was.

He would get lost in them, he would have dreams about them. There was no running away from those memories, and to be honest with himself, he never wanted to run away from them.

They didn't bring pain. No, instead they brought happiness. Joy. Remembering all those good things, all those things that made him smile.

Why would he ever want to forget them?

Hamilton had seemed to get lost thinking about his memories in the shower, and figured he'd been in there long enough.

He turned the knobs off and quickly dried himself, getting changed into dry clothes.

As he walked out, Hercules was sobbing into Lafayette's shoulder. That's what he's like while watching a movie then.

Hamilton chuckled and took a seat next to Laurens, who shifted uncomfortably. Hamilton sighed and relaxed his shoulders.

The rain was extremely loud outside. It would sometimes interrupt the movie, but Hercules would just turn it up, though he'd fumble with the remote due to him being a blubbering mess.

Laurens didn't seem to interested in the movie, and neither did Lafayette. Laf was too busy caring for his boyfriend, planting soft kisses on his head to make him feel better.

Hamilton would smile softly because damn they were cute together. Whilst he was thinking that, he'd look down to Laurens, who would be looking down at his hands.

Hamilton was hesitant to touch him, or say anything. He recognised how much pain he caused Laurens, and knew he needed space.

But be craved to hold his hand, or wrap his arms around him, or something.

So, slowly and hesitantly, he put his arm around his shoulder. Laurens tenses under the touch, but soon relaxed. He sighed and buried his head into Hamilton's chest.

"Are you okay?"

Hamilton only whispered, trying not to speak too loudly so Hercules could hear.

"No, but hey. Who cares."

"I do."

Hamilton sighed and ran his hand through his boyfriends(?) hair. It was soft, and felt nice under his touch.

It seemed as if the movie had ended, because it went quiet for a bit. Though, you could still hear Hercules sobbing.

Lafayette chuckled softly at his boyfriend, "Would you like to watch another?"


Lafayette sighed, while still smiling, and got up to put another one on.

"You know, I'm kind of getting sick of these movies."

Hamilton tilted his head, "Why?"

"They're so... unrealistic! Happy endings aren't real."

"But Laurens, they're movies. You can't expect them to reflect off real life things."

Laurens sighed, "I know. It's just kind of annoying."

"No no, I understand."

* * *

The rain made Laurens' hair extremely wet as he ran around, grinning widely.

Hamilton was under a tree, trying not to get wet. He didn't particularly like getting wet, but he was so tempted to run around with him friend.

"Hamilton! Come on! Don't you wanna get wet?"

"No, not really." Hamilton shook his head.

"But it's fun!"

Laurens ran over to Hamilton and grabbed his hand, pulling him out into the rain.

Hamilton looked at his friends face. He was so happy and looked as if he was having so much fun, so if it made him happy, he was definitely going to run with him.

The two laughed as they ran around, their clothes starting to stick to their bodies.

Hamilton had to admit, it was fun. So much fun. He wanted to stay in that moment forever, just running around with him friend.

He smiled to himself as Laurens gripped Hamilton's hand tighter and laughed.

* * *

There there
A chapter


OKAY anyways this is gross but who cares lmao

There u go

Ily xoxo

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