22; not again, please

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It had been a week since Hamilton, Laurens and Seabury had a coffee together. Things were going extremely well, and Hamilton was treating Laurens with the upmost respect.

Tonight, Thomas Jefferson was hosting yet another of his parties. It seemed as if parties were a thing here.

It humoured Laurens, to say the least.

That didn't mean he wouldn't go. He enjoyed going to parties with his boyfriend and his friends.

He got to walk around with him and hold his hand and just feel important. Hamilton made him feel so fluffy and happy and... Perfect.

Currently he was getting ready, as in putting on some clothes that weren't too fancy. He just settled with a singlet and some jeans.

Instead of going with his boyfriend, he was actually going with Seabury. Funny, he thought.

Everyone actually thought that he and Seabury were dating, which wasn't bad, but he consider him just a friend.

They both had boyfriends anyways, and Laurens knew that he wasn't polyamory.

"So hotshot, you ready to go?"

"One, yes I am. Two, don't ever call me that again or I will hit you."

"I dare you, hotshot."

* * *

Seabury and Laurens had decided to stick together at the party. They had never actually hung out together at a party so they thought it would be a good chance, since they had no idea where either of their boyfriends were.

They just stood near a corner, away from all the crowd and talked about everything. It wasn't peaceful, per say, but it was nice.

It was hard to be peaceful when there were people making out on your shoulder.

But Seabury and Laurens just laughed because who gives a shit?

Laurens grinned, "Hey, I'm gonna get a drink. You want anything?"

"I'm good. Gotta look after you anyways."

Laurens laughed, "Okay, just stay here or something."

With that, Laurens wandered off into the crowd, making his way towards wherever the drinks were.

He was constantly bumping into people, which was okay, though also annoying.

As he was almost at the drinks, he spotted Hamilton.

With someone else.

To be exact, making out with someone else. It was that Maria girl that he had met at least a week ago.

Laurens instantly felt sick and panicked, running through the crowd to find Seabury.

As he got to his friend, his face felt like it was going to explode and his stomach felt so strange.

Seabury noticed something was wrong, "Are you okay?"

"No, no I'm not. I'm not okay. Can we leave. Please?"

"Yeah, yeah of course we can. Let's go, okay. Don't worry, I've got you."

Seabury held onto Laurens' arm to support him, as Laurens was wobbling over. Not from being drunk, but he felt as if he was going to faint.

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't. Hamilton was basically cheating on him.

He thought it was going smoothly, that everything was peachy keen. But of course it wasn't. John Laurens never deserves anything good no matter what he does!

Laurens didn't even know what he felt. Anger? Betrayal? Sadness?

It was all too jumbled up for him to know. He just wanted to crawl up into a ball. He didn't want this and he knew he didn't deserve it. He had been so loyal and loving. Why this, why now.

As Seabury and Laurens entered their dorm, Laurens fell into Seabury's arms.

He didn't give a shit about anything, he just wanted comfort. He just found his boyfriend making out with someone other than him.

Seabury rested his hand on Laurens' back, "Hey, do you want to talk about it?"

"I saw Hamilton making out with a girl."

"That good for nothing son of a whore. I swear to fucking god I am going to kill him!"

Laurens was trying so hard not to cry into Seabury's shoulder but he couldn't hold it in. He just started sobbing uncontrollably because damn he couldn't take this.

He trusted Hamilton, he loved him. Was Laurens not good enough.

"Hey, that's good. Just let it out. I'm here and I won't leave, I promise."

At times like these, Laurens wished he wasn't alive.

* * *

God aren't I the best

No but like,, I wanna make Seabury and Laurens a real ship.

What should it be called???

ALSO U SHOULD write some fanfiction of it and shit because man am I just in love with a ship that doesn't even make sense.

But uh yeah Hamilton you darn screwed up.


ID LIKE TO THANK MY CRUSH FOR KEEPING ME UP, MY ART FOR MAKING ME WRITE, and u know all of u because u lil shits actually like this story



( also please read my new lams story YIKES )

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