15; You don't have the rights

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"You know, you're such a fucking dickhead Hamilton! I don't get why Laurens sticks around you, all you've done is make him feel guilty for absolutely nothing!"

Seabury was beyond mad after Laurens coming back to the dorm sad and a mess again. And, surprise surprise, it was Hamilton's fault.

He was done with it. He wouldn't stand by and just let his friend suffer. The problem needed to be faced. And at that exact moment, the problem was Hamilton.

"Look, I don't know what you're getting at Seabury, but back off."

"Oh you know exactly what I'm getting at. First, you get mad and ignore Laurens because I kissed him, and now you're mad at him for nothing! Do you know how much he blames himself?"

"It's not my fault!"

"I beg to differ you narcissistic asshole."

"Hey, fuck off."

"No! Laurens won't even come out of the dorm! You have put him in so much emotional pain that it's actually sickening to watch!"

"Yeah well you're just as bad as me."

"Yes, I know! At least I'll admit it! But you don't see Laurens crying to you because I hurt his feelings, do you? No! You're going to talk to him or fuck off, either one I don't care."

"Why do you care so much? Do you love him?"

"No, I don't love him! I'm his best friend who cares a shit ton about him!"

"Really? Becuase it-"

"Why do you even care if I love him!"

Hamilton went quiet. Seabury was practically red as a Beetroot, and it looked like he was almost crying.

If he was honest to himself, the reason he was crying was because he couldn't bare to see the only person that considered him as a friend, sad. It tore him to pieces.

"No. I'm not talking to him. I'm not letting everyone guilt trip me into talking to him. If this is really a problem, he can talk to me himself."

Seabury was so ready to punch Hamilton's face. But, he took a deep breath and didn't. Laurens wouldn't want that.

So, he just left, to go back to his dorm and check on his friend. Seabury had a glimmer of hope that Laurens was feeling better, but he knew that was unlikely.

And that was confirmed when he walked in. Laurens was lying asleep on his bed, but in a wonky position. The blankets were everywhere and it looked like he had been crying.

Seabury sighed softly before sitting next to Laurens.

"What am I going to do with you?"

He shook his head and sighed. He walked over to his studying desk and opened his laptop, and tried to write something about whatever the fuck they were learning in class.

But he couldn't. His gut was filled with worry and it made him feel physically ill. He didn't want Laurens to feel this way. This wasn't good at all.

* * *

Seabury had convinced Laurens to go talk to Hamilton. It always seemed like Laurens had to do the talking. It was annoying him, to say the least.

He was human, though, and it felt as if Hamilton didn't realise it. He wasn't just a play thing. He was a real live human being with feelings.

So, there he stood, in front of Hamilton's dorm. It seemed as if Lafayette was always with Hercules now. So it was always just Hamilton.

He knocked on the door, and it took a while for Hamilton to open it, but when he did, it didn't look like a single thing bothered him.

Until he looked at Laurens, probably. And Laurens felt his stomach churn in, what, disgust? Anger?

But he clutched his fist and calmed himself down. He wasn't there to yell, he was there to make amends.

"Look, Hamilton, I don't know what I did wrong this time, but I'm sorry."

"What do you mean did wrong?"

"Well, you've been ignoring me? So I just thought I did something wrong."

Hamilton's face was unreadable. That scared Laurens. He could usually read people's emotions by the looks on their faces but Hamilton looked emotionless.

"Oh, no, you didn't do anything. I just needed some time to think, alright?"

"Yeah, okay, but if you need company or anything just, uh, call me?"

Hamilton nodded his head and closed the door. Rude.

Laurens sighed and shook his head. He couldn't believe he had fallen for that trash bag.

But what was he going to do about it. Nothing, really.

So, he just went back to the dorm as studied. And studied meant listening to Seabury ramble on about how Charles Lee said he loved him.

Oh, what a day.

* * *

OH MAN sorry for slow chapters

BUT 4K READS ????? WHA ???

Okay I need your advice though. I'm kind of stuck. I want to write a destiel story or a sabriel one. They're both supernatural btw.

Which one should I write ??? Should I do both ???

ANYWAYS I CANT BELIEVE SO MANY PEOPLE LIKE THIS STORY ????? All the comments make me crack up by the way oh my


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