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~The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.~
-Anthony Robbins-

The silence of the night was continuously being pierced by the roar of the engine which was occasionally accompanied by the sharp whistle of the train as it progressed towards the Unknown. I felt like I was on a journey to the center of the Earth and the nearer I got, the quieter it became, thus making this train the only sign of life in the core of the place we were travelling in. Night does that to people, it makes them feel as if they are the center of the universe and all the silence of the world envelopes them. It feels great to be in the lime light and darkness at once. That's what I felt under the scrutiny of her gaze at the moment. Shadily displayed. Uncertainly certain.

"Cara Evelyn." I mouthed, tasting the name on my tongue. The pistol felt warm in my hands now.

"Yeah. And what's yours?" She asked casually, clearly not interested. It seemed as if she had greater things on her mind.

"Aaron Troy." After a moment of hesitation, I stated quietly.

She paused for a minute and her blue eyes captured my frame completely.

"Doesn't suit you." She looked away dismissively. I had expected this answer as it was the most common thing people told me after hearing my name. Ugh. How I wished my parents had named me after something different instead of Troy in all the world!

As I seethed upon this fact, she turned around suddenly and spoke in a low voice, "But you needn't feel bad, I love things that are out of the place. Odd one out, you know." She winked.

I gulped and pondered upon the fact that either she was insulting me or she was something else who could casually praise an ordinary man with dark brown hair and simple blue eyes at this time of the night on a train journey before dying.

But the thing was that I was not going to let her die..not here, not now.

"Uh well..the thing is that..about the deal you know.." I started. The air from the window was starting to get in my bones now.

"You won't shoot me. Right?" She cut in suddenly.

I had no other choice than to nod mutely.

She came a little closer. The depth in her blue eyes reminded me of the sea. Chaos in tranquility.

"Are you afraid?" She spoke very secretively. Her eyes twinkled brightly. I noticed that there were sparks of silver shooting outwards from her pupil and forming a star in the deep blue of her iris. These magical radiations caught my sight and enchanted me to the core of my soul. I could feel her short moonlit hair being ruffled by the rush of the air. My heart was lost somewhere. I couldn't feel anything except her. Cara Evelyn.

"No. I don't want you to die." The words were out of my mouth before I realized.

Her pupil expanded as she absorbed the intensity of my voice. Her lips set in a straight line. My heart dropped.

"Make me stop." I could see a solemn resolve in her eyes. I couldn't tell if she wanted to die or she wanted to kill. All I knew was that, she was not afraid of either. At the moment, I was more than glad that the pistol was in my hands instead of hers.

"Come live with me." I was being a jerk and I knew it. I anticipated a burning slap on my face in return of such absurdity and I wouldn't have felt bad, I knew I had crossed the line.

"Replace 'live' with 'fly' and I'll be a yes girl for you." A smile appeared on her face. She had that sweet way of smiling as the right corner of her lip always extended far more than the left. It felt dazzling accompanied by her perfect set of teeth.

Cara EvelynWhere stories live. Discover now