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~I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream.~
-Vincent Van Gogh-

Art is something that enables a curious soul to find itself and lose itself at the same time, to feel weak and to gain strength simultaneously and to dive into a sea of chaos and resurface with an air of serenity. Art is a contradiction in itself. It had been nothing different for me.

Ascending the revolving stairs, I pulled her behind me onto the second floor of the library which was usually abandoned just like tonight. Moonlight filtered in through the net curtains hanging over windows surrounding us from all the four sides of the building. Both of us silently made our way through the moonlit alleys and wooden bookracks towards the end of the hall. It felt like we were trapped in a maze and were searching for an outlet in this moonlight, only the difference was that I knew this maze too well. I could blindfold myself and walk over to my art studio with ease. Holding her small hand firmly, I made our way through the nocturnal atmosphere.

"Where are we going?" Jerking me to a stop, she hissed from behind me. I turned around and stopped.

"Don't you want to see my paintings, Cara?" I whispered back impatiently as I figured out that I'd never get over the sparkle in her blue eyes. Moonlight and her eyes were two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, when joined together, they adorned each other beautifully.

"I do! But you can't just drag me to unknown places like that at this hour!" Her brows furrowed and her jaw clenched. In that moment, I thought I wanted nothing else more than leaning down and stealing a peck from her lips. Gently, I placed both of my hands on her shoulders.

"Listen to me. One, human brain is more active at night than during the day so don't object this hour. Two, there are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in an adult human body. Your blood, Cara Evelyn, travels so many miles a day, goes through strange curves and nooks, and you yourself can't even go to 'one strange place' with me? Besides, don't say the word 'strange places'. You never really objected when you came to this library at that Godly hour of night yesterday, did you?" I raised an eyebrow. Her lips were left slightly apart. Still, all she replied to my words was,

"Where did you get those facts, Aaron?"

"Uh..what?" I was taken off guard.

"Those facts, where did you get them?" She repeated.

"That's my talent." I smirked.

"Shut up, Aaron. Tell me." She slapped my shoulder lightly as a scowl made its way to her face.

"No. Seriously." I raised my hands in defense. "I've always been interested in human facts. I know as many human facts as the number of silver hair on your head." I chuckled. She was about to snap at me when I pressed my hand on her lips to quiet her before averting my gaze to her messy moonlit hair.

"Do you know, each strand of hair can contain traces of 14 different elements including gold. It's interesting. But I've found myself wondering that did God replace your gold with silver, Cara Evelyn? " I smiled slowly as I looked into the deep ocean of her eyes that lit up slowly while a smile made its way to them. I removed my hand instantly to take in the sight of her smile which was always extended a bit far towards the right. Like she was drunk on something magical.

"Aren't you something else, Aaron Troy?" She tilted her head towards the right and smiled at me sweetly.

"What?" I looked at her quizzically.

"Never mind. You really don't know it." She shook her head and pushed me ahead to lead the way. I took her hand and swiftly made our way to the back of the hall.

Cara EvelynWhere stories live. Discover now