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~Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away.~
-Sarah Kay-

The sand felt cold under my sweat shirt as I laid down on the shore with my arms folded under my head and looked above into the sky. A million stars twinkled down on me, making me feel trapped in a magic ball adorned by unlimited pearls. It almost felt as if I was in the center of the Earth for real. The sea breeze blew over me, caressing my bare arms and flowing through my hair. I had a strong urge to hold the sand and let it blow off into the air. I had been doing it for years now. My eyes traveled towards the water that reflected the moonlight as if it was the mirror and moonlight was Cara Evelyn.

I turned my head to my left where she sat with her arms around her bent legs, her head turned upwards as her impossibly bright eyes explored the night sky. Her chin rested on her knees and her shoulders moved up and down in a slow rhythm as she breathed the sea air slowly. The expression on her face was quite dreamy. I could feel her starstruck emotions flooding out of her midnight blue eyes which were sparkling as water reflected in them. I found myself wondering what could be more beautiful than this delicate girl with a dream catcher crowning her hair which shone as silver as moonlight itself? Miracles do happen.

"Have you ever been on a stargazing date?" Her lips spiraled the words lightly. I had never been so caught up by anyone before. It frightened and excited me at the same time. The night was dawning upon us with every passing moment and the universe sprinkled magic with every breath inhaled. I never knew I could be enchanted by the mere sight of feathers hanging down a dream catcher and kissing her cheeks and neck like she was made of soft cotton.

"Have you?" The words came out before I could think of something better.

"It's one of the most beautiful things I can recall in my life." Her eyes explored further into the sky and I felt as if I was missing something really fascinating out there. I had a bad feeling that she could see all the galaxies and milky ways beyond the skies and I was just a normal human being with ordinary eyesight which could only reach our sky.

"I thought you didn't compromise anything over sleep." I chuckled lightly as I recalled how she had sprung up from the mattress a few moments ago on the mention of sea. Shoving me out of the study, she had changed into a navy blue cotton frock that reached her knees and trotted out with her flip flops hanging loosely down her fingers and the dream catcher resting on her head in a vaguely cute style. I had asked her what she was going to do and she had corrected the she to we before telling me that we were going to meet the sea.

Upon her great insistence, I had pushed open the back door of the study and both of us had descended the three steps of stairs before setting our feet on the soft sand. She had immediately dropped the flipflops by the stair steps and had run wildly out to the sea with her arms open wide and the feathers of the dream catcher trailing behind her. The night air had once again rung with her laughter as she danced on the sand under the wide sky decorated with sparkling stars.

I had made a hurry to capture this enchanting sight somewhere in the back of my mind because somehow, I didn't want to lose the feeling of that ethereal moment. I tried to recall the name of that book which I had read on the train three hours ago but in vain. I was afraid of how badly this girl was snatching my sanity slowly from me and I had no control left over it. I never knew that it took only three hours after midnight to change one's entire life.

"Look around, Aaron. Hear the waves crashing against the shore. Hear the rush of the wild water. Absorb this beautiful sight of reflecting moonlit liquid in front of you. Think about the remnants of God knows how many shipwrecks resting under the depth of these waters." My thoughts drifted to Titanic as her voice lulled me to internal peace.

Cara EvelynWhere stories live. Discover now