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~She was free in her wildness. She was a wandress, a drop of free water. She belonged to no man and to no city.~
-Roman Payne-

Lurking in the deep waters and letting myself flow with the current had always been easy for me due to my tendency towards adaptiveness. I had always endured my scars with the valour of a soldier and gone through all the storms in my life with the skill of a sailor. But for once, I felt as if the waves were crashing down on me and I couldn't breathe. The blood dried in my veins and my helplessness dawned on me cruelly. In the hands of thrashing waves, I was still adaptive, only the storm was so deadly that it was breaking my valour and skill to pieces.

"No!!" A panicked whisper left my lips as I stepped inside the moonlit room and my eyes searched everywhere for the only girl I had fallen for in my whole life. My hands started trembling.

"Cara?" My voice came out shaky as my eyes scanned the circumference of the place but found her no where.

"No...!" I rubbed my sleep drunken eyes as they blurred slightly. All the deadly and horrible possibilities related to her absence rushed to my mind.

"This can't be true..." A strange numbness took over my whole body as I fell to my knees and covered my face with both of my hands. My body shook with the effort I was putting up to hold my tears back but the waves were very wild tonight. I was trapped in a cyclone in the middle of the sea, miles away from the shore.

My heartbeat raced furiously as I clenched my jaw and air wheezed through my teeth. Studies show that women often experience pain more intensely than men do. The amount of pain that rushed over me, after the numbness faded, feared me to infinity as I imagined the pain she had endured throughout her life.

I looked around in desperation, trying to find the silver that had painted my dreams for the past few nights. My eyes searched for her messy destroyed soul but returned to my empty hands in vain. She was gone.

Picking up the sheets, I brought them closer and hugged them tightly, digging my face in them and inhaling her faded scent.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!" Letting out a muffled scream into the covers, I let the cyclone drown me into the depths of ship wrecks as my tears soaked into white sheets.

That was when I heard something. A melodious jingle in the night air.

The three silver bells.

Raising my tear filled eyes to look at the window, I located them hanging with the silver ribbon and twinkling magically in the moonlight. My only ray of hope.

Sweating profusely, I ran to the window as my gaze darted outside. I didn't know why she loved them so much but there was this thing I was sure about; she wouldn't leave these bells for the whole world.

The shore was sparkling and sand particles shone under the moonlight as if a lot of silver glitter had been scattered on the ground. A soft breeze caressed my tear soaked face as I looked out to the sea in search of my silver out of the silver night. After moments of sending desperate glances towards the reflecting water, I felt as if my eyes had seen her ethereal existence somewhere in the depths of the whole scenery, hidden and absorbed into magic.

The next moment, I was running out madly on the sand towards the sea where Cara Evelyn was walking on the water and when I say 'walking', I literally mean it.

Treading on the water towards the starry horizon as the water dissolved her existence slowly, she was leaving the world behind her while carrying her magic away from me to the mermaids and rolling waters. She was walking towards her death with a serenity that I had never seen before.

Cara EvelynWhere stories live. Discover now