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~You are, and always have been, my dream

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~You are, and always have been, my dream.~
-Nicholas Sparks-

There has been a flux amidst the constellation of breaths since the beginning of life. A vibration here and a ripple there. Every second, someone undergoes the accident of birth as the grasping claws of death claim a soul. There's not an equal ratio to the process and it further adds up to the chaos beheld by this system that's so unfair but is still the fairest of all. I, too, was a victim of this course for an accident of birth deliquesced Cara Evelyn's luminous identity into a cloud of mist and left her into the hands of Zayan Eilqar who seeped into her bones until he was a part of her soul and there came a time when she didn't have a soul at all. All she had was Zayan Eilqar breathing inside her.

It was one of those times when I found myself sitting right in front of his tender gaze in a vintage bookshop. Amidst the warm sunlight that slanted its way from the whispering curtains down to the vulnerable texture of his neck to kiss the books scattered on the wooden surface of the table between us, I peeked at his thoughtful visage and smiled at the way his forehead creased slightly as he scanned my face for something entirely unknown to me. A few hours ago, he had insisted to visit this bookshop in town that also served the purpose of a small library because he needed to buy some books but now, all he seemed to notice was my existence. Before I could question him about it, he tilted his neck slightly which was an indication that he was about to speak so I held my words back.

"Have you ever read Patrick Suskind's Perfume?" He raised up a book in his hands such as the cover of the book faced me. I barely glanced at it and shook my head in negation.

"Aah, why don't you read?" He seemed disappointed and I felt that my heart grew a bit heavy.

"I'm reading Looking for Alaska, no?" I searched his bright eyes for a trace of approval.

"Why, thankyou!" He opened his arms and smiled genuinely. I laughed because I knew that he was mocking me gently.

My laugh was cut short as his smile deepened and he rested his arms on the table in between us to bore his golden gaze in the blue crystals of my eyes. I cleared my throat and a blush found its way to my cheeks.

"How I wish to capture the scent of your soul, Cara Evelyn." His voice rolled around us like thick honey and I knew that my breath had lost its way somewhere in the chambers of my heart.

I could never comprehend the intensity of passion that floated between us. It was something very sacred and very deep like the fading footprints of the Sun when it's on the verge of drowning in the lap of a saturated horizon. It is always that slightest trace of time that is the shortest but is capable of capturing the entire universe in its awe. Such was this 'something' that was between us and I restrain from calling it 'love' because it was much more than that. It clicked for the shortest interval of time but it was so passionate that it left me struggling for air as it did at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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