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~It's not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.~
-Leon C. Megginson-

Every soul residing in the web of our universe gets its equal share of pain and pleasure and that of turmoil and peace as well. Some people might complain about several sorrows enveloping their entire existence while there are the ones who have an attire that's always bubbling with happiness and it makes us think that they're devoid of all sort of griefs, but when I say 'equal share', then in literal sense and from all dimensions, I mean it.

Everything in this vast universe works according to an equally balanced system and the only reason of doubt in this fact is the variety of outlook towards things that generally exists in human beings. The scale of glee and gloom in one's life depends on an individual's tendency to perceive either one of them. Life is a bed of roses if one has a tendency to fall for happiness but what a tragedy it is that every upcoming generation holds the tendency to fall for sadness slightly more than the prior. What we all forget is that time passes regardless of anything and so it did for us too.

Silently, I watched her pick up bunches of allysum flowers from the caskets displayed outside the little shop of town florist. A sweet scent like that of honey stood out over the faint fragrance of other flowers as she walked over to me and set the flowers in the bicycle basket. Sparing me a fleeting glance, she smiled lightly and brought more of the pure white flowers to adorn the straw basket lovingly. My back rested against a stone wall and my arms were crossed in front of me as I looked over her sprightly gait before smiling back faintly.

She went inside the little vintage shop and I heard an echoing jingle of little bells hanging supposedly above the wooden door. Some moments later, my eyes met the sparkling silver on her head as sunlight kissed her messy hair playfully. Walking over to me, she looked up to meet my gaze and my heart melted at the depth of blue oceans crashing insanely in her eyes even after all this time. She snapped her fingers right then and I blinked awkwardly before crinkling my nose playfully and rolling my eyes.

"You're so small!" Laughing off my previous trance, I exlaimed mischievously.

"Don't you dare call me small!" She punched my chest and let out a cute chuckle.

"Why?" I rubbed my finger on my chin and feigned ignorance but her next words showed me that I really was ignorant as compared to her. She skipped to Rob's bicycle and took her seat before gesturing me to do the same. I sat on my bicycle and in no time, both of us were cycling our way back to the library. A light breeze swayed her short silver hair over her forehead and I couldn't stop admiring the fact that her hair were smooth and messy simultaneously.

" asked why." She passed me a mischievous glance as both of us neared the library. I laughed and nodded. Cycling on the winding streets, we dodged a few cars and after fifteen minutes, we were in the lounge with our bicycles parked back by the wall which was decorated by my paintings that Cara had chosen last week. Sprawling myself on the sofa, I looked at her enthusiastic form that picked up the tiny flowers from the basket and set them in an old china vase resting on the window sill before filling it with water. Afterwards, she treaded back to me and took a seat beside me.

"There is this flower called Rafflesia which is the largest flower of the world." She started speaking and ran a hand through the silver mess on her small head. I looked at her hair in awe and started loosing myself in her soft voice.

"Even though it's the largest flower, it's also known as Corpse flower because it smells like rotting flesh." She wrinkled her nose in disgust. I couldn't help but smile at her funny expression. It amazed me to know that she knew some facts too.

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