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( Four months later.)
Aaron's P.O.V
" I was walking down a dirt path at night in the woods when suddenly I saw different color lights in the distance so I go to check it out. When I got there, there was a person in a long purple hoodie with a mask fighting Shadow souls.
Aphmaus P.O.V
Aph~ I'll be back Levin.( I lay him down on his bed and leave the room.)Where the Nether did all these shadow souls come from good thing I'm in the forest so no one can see this, I need to stop talking. ( I grab my sword and run outside after a while of fighting I broke my sword so I started using my power which got the job done.)
Aph~ Finnaly they're gone time to check on Levin.( I run into the house and pick up Levin and he starts crying. So I rock him.) Shhh, it's okay sissy got rid of them let's go I have to go get vegetables outside and your coming with me so no one can harm you while I'm gone.( I take my mask off then I go outside holding Levins hand.) Someday you'll be fighting demons when you get older.( Aaron was watching them the whole time.)
3rd P.O.V
( Aaron walks over to them.)
Aa~ Hey do you need any help?
Aph~ Oh my Irena you scared me who ever you are!
Aa~ I'm sorry here let me help you up.( Aphmau looks up and sees Aaron.)
Aph~ A..Aaron is that you?
Aa~ Wait A..Aphmau it's you, I've missed you so much. ( He helps her up.)
Aph~ Why are you here?
Aa~ I just stumbled upon this place and I just wanted to help you I didn't know it was you, and where's your husband?
Aph~ Husband? I don't have one this is Levin I found him on my doorstep 3 months ago the note that was with him said I was his sister.
Aa~ Oh..Okay... I'll leave since you have things to take care of so bye.
Aph~ Wait Aaron it's getting late I'll let you stay the night, shadow souls are out and about and I don't want you to leave I actually need your help. I understand If you don't forgive me for what I did to you I'm doing this because I.... I... never mind.
Aa~ Aph tell me the truth why did you leave?
Aph~ I left because I...I loved you so much that I left to protect you and the others from him my plan was to run away were y'all couldn't find me I was going to train how to fight and master my powers to end him.
Aa~ Its your dad isn't it.
Aph~ Yeah I'm so... so sorry Aaron for leaving y'all like that. Let's go.( As we walk to my house.)
Aa~ Its fine thanks for letting me stay the night.
Aph~ Your welcome I guess is your work schedule still 9am to 3pm.
Aa~ Yeah why do you ask?
Aph~ Well I need someone to take care of Levin for me but lately ever since I got him every time I leave to go get food or anything with Levin I some how find shadow souls in my house tearing everything up especially me and Levins bedroom I'm scared to leave him alone, what I'm trying to say is I need your help with Levin I'm not aloud to take him to work with me.
Aa~ What is your job by the way?
Aph~ I'm a Waitress and sometimes I'm a bartender at a club and no kids are allowed in. I'll pay you if you watch Levin for me if you don't want to I understand.
Aa~ Aph of course I'll help you, instead of paying me can you let me stay by your side as a protector I don't want anything bad to happen to you or Levin.
Aph~ Yes of course I'll let you.
( We go in my house and I show him the room he will stay in.) Well this is my guest room you can do what ever you want with it I don't mind at all just don't  tell anyone that you found me please I'm not ready to tell them yet. Can you take care of Levin while I cook?
Aa~ Yeah I will. ( I Give Levin to Aaron and go make supper.)
Aaron's P.O.V
( While she makes supper Levin is playing.)
Aa~ Wow Levin you remind me of Garoth, but a lot younger.
( Le~ Levin.)
Le~ Sissy.
Aa~ Sissys in the kitchen making you some food it's okay.
Le~ O..okay mister.
( Aphmau comes in the room.)
Aph~ Okay let's go supper is ready Levin.
Le~ O..okay is mister coming?
Aph~ Who's mister Levin?
Le~ This is.( He hugs Aaron's leg.)
Aph~ Oh you mean Aaron.
Le~ Yeah! Yeah! Come on Aaram.
Aa~ Okay fine I'll join yall.
Aph~ I have no secrets to hide so you can anywhere you want except for the basement okay Aaron.
Aa~ What's in the basement?
Aph~ Nothing you need to worry about Aaron. Well let's eat.( We all sit at a table and eat.)
( During them eating.)
Aa~ How old is Levin?
Aph~ He's 8 years old that's what the paper had written on it.
Aa~ What paper?
Aph~ When I found him he had this letter it had his name, age and also it said that he's my brother.
Aa~ What's down in that basement?
Aph~ It's nothing we need to worry about its just a place I calm down at.
Aa~ Oh Okay I'm sorry for pinning you to that tree Aph.
Aph~ It's fine.( She looks down and gets out of the kitchen.) I'll be right back.( She goes to the basement.)
Aa~ Hey Levin is Aph okay?
Le~ Yeah don't worry about sissy when she goes down there sometimes scares me she crys a lot and she spends a..a lot of time there.
Aa~ Well I'm going to go down there and talk to her.
Le~ O..okay mister.

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