Don't leave me Aph!

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                                                                       ( Play song while you read.)

Aaron's P.O.V

" They took her into surgery and all of the gang came in and Zoey was holding Levin."

Zoe~ Levin need's help guys he started coughing up blood I don't know what's happening so I'm taking him in. " Zoey runs bye us and the doctor's rush them in."

Aa~ Everything is not good I promised her that I would protect her and Levin, but I Didn't. " I start to cry a little bit, but Katelyn hugged me and I hugged back which surprised all of us."

Kat~ It's okay Aaron don't worry. " All of the gang was watching Katelyn." What I'm upset too and I can hug someone if I want. " After a long while of waiting the Doctor let us come into Aph's room and he stops us at the door."

Aa~ So did y'all find out what was wrong?

Doc~ Yeah she was poisoned with Cyanide it's a very deadly injection of poison may I ask how did she get it in her system?

Aa~ I think Ivy Venom Snipe right Michi? ( I don't know her last name so I made it up.)

Mic~ Yeah I saw her do it.

Doc~ Okay well she might die from the poisoning I'll tell the police and the gun shot wound was in the shoulder and we took the bullet out and stitched it up and I already know it was an accident so I'll let y'all see her. " He open's the door and Aph is all hooked up in the medical equipment."

Aa~ OMI Aphmau.... " Then Zoey come's in."

Zoe~ Aaron Levin need's to see you and only you.

Aa~ okay. " I go into Levin's room and he's also hooked up to medical equipment." Hey Levin.

Le~ Aaron how's Sis?

Aa~ She might not make it Levin.

Le~ Aaron she can make it you can help her give her a reason to live.

Aa~ How though?

Le~ Tell her a good reason to live into her ear my mom and Aph will hear it if it's strong enough my mom will let her live.

Aa~ Okay I'll do it, but what about you?

Le~ I will be fine if Aph dies I'll lose my memory now go before it's to late. " I leave and go into Aph's room."

Aa~ Hey guys Levin want's all of y'all to talk to him.

Everyone~ Okay. " They all leave and I go to Aph's bed side."

Aa~ " I come close to her ear." Aph please live I love you and one day I'll want to marry you and take care of Levin together please stay with me. " Then the heart rate goes completely strait and started beeping. I was to late." Please don't leave me Aph don't leave us Aph! " Then I kiss her one last time and she starts glowing and she has a heart rate again and Aph opened her eyes." Aphmau your okay! " I hug and she hugs me back." I love you Aphmau.

Aph~ I love you too Aaron I'll never leave you. " Then Aph started singing to me holding my hand." ( Play the song above.)

3rd P.O.V

" While Aph was singing everyone was watching Aph and Aaron even the Doctor's and nurses. Then Aph kiss's Aaron when she finishes and they started clapping witch made Aph get startled."

Aph~ Hey when did y'all come in here. " She look's around and she can't find Levin." Wh.. Where's Levin? " Zoey looks away." No he, he can't be." She gets out of bed and pulls out all the equipment and runs into Levin's room and he's coughing up blood." Levin are you okay?

Le~ hey sis I'm okay It's just a sickness Ivy did it.

Aph~ I know how to get rid of it mom told me if I don't you'll die it's a shadow soul it's killing you.

Le~ If you can then do it.

Aph~ Okay it will hurt a little bit.

Le~ Okay. " Aph locks the door and everybody looks into the window and watches." Okay I'm ready.

Aph~ I'll try my best to make it hurt less. " Aph take's the equipment off of him and lays him on the ground." Okay here we go." She put's pins his arms and hands to the ground and put's her hand above his head." 1, 2, 3! " She pulls out the shadow soul out of him from his body and throws it across the room."

Le~ Ahhh! Then she opens the door and throws Levin into their arms then shuts it again then she started speaking an angel language and the shadow soul explodes. Then she falls to the ground." I did it. " The door opens and Aaron and Levin hug her."

Aa~ Come on Aph lets get y'all back on the equipment in your room together y'all are really weak.

Aph~ Yeah hey can y'all erase the Doctors and nurses memory of me doing that and fix the room they can't know of our kind.

Vl~ Yeah I'll do it. " Aph goes back to her room and she gets back in bed and the Doctor's put the equipment back on her. Then Vlad erases the memory of Levin in the hospital and of what Aph did everything goes back to normal except Aph is in the hospital bed asleep." Okay everything is normal now. " Then the Doctor come's in. "

Doc~ Okay Aphmau's doin better, but since she was poisoned her body will have to rest a lot so tomorrow when she wakes up she can leave. When she leaves she'll have to get a lot of rest. I just cheeked her energy levels and there really low and it look's like she hasn't ate in a month or so. So I advise she should eat well and rest.

Aa~ Thank's Doc.

Doc~ No problem. " He leaves."

Kc~ Kawaii~Chan's really confused what did Aphmau Senpai do to save Levin Kun?

Vl~ She banished it back to the Nether she's mastered more of her power than I thought it's a good thing and a bad thing.

Zoey~ How?

Vl~ If she can Banish things to the Nether she can also bring things back and even though she's mastered at being good means she mastered at her bad side too. So we need to make sure nothing evil catches her again.

Aa~ Yeah that makes since. So when we get out of here we need to keep an eye on Aph and Levin I'm thinking about home schooling Levin again.

Vl~ Good Idea, but it was so amazing how she knew what was in Levin a shadow soul I don't even know how Levin got one into him.

Le~ Ivy did it to me when y'all left she put it inside me I was trying to tell Zoey, but I didn't feel good.

Vl~ It's okay so I'm going to go pick her bike up.

Aa~ Okay I'm going to spend the night here with her y'all can go if y'all want I'll take care of her and I need to talk to her.

Zoey~ Okay guys let's go.

Le~ Okay. " Everyone leaves and Aaron falls asleep on Aph's lap."


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