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Aphmau's P.O.V

Aph~" Aaron and I go back inside and he gets his stuff ready while i was in e living room with Levin then came in with there stuff and Levin fell asleep then i explained everything to them and that we are all moving."

Kc~ Kawaii~Chan want's to know when can we come back home?

Aph~ Well when they leave us alone or when i take care of him either way it's just until i know for sure he wont go after all.

Kat~ What about Levin he needs an education and friends his age.

Aph~ I know i was either thinking of home schooling him and changing his name and appearance so one of you can take him to the park or somewhere kids his age would be.

Kat~ That's not a bad idea, but who's going to protect him?

Aph~ Well i think Zoey should put a force field around him that only lets good things in his personal space she'll have to do it every month, but the only problem i won't be able to touch him. I'll do anything to save him and all of y'all. 

Kat~ What why aren't y'all brother and sister?

Aph~ Yeah, but i'm half good of Irene and bad of the shadow Lord and Levin's part human and he gets his good from Irene. We don't have the same dad.

Kat~ Oh. So when are we going.

Aph~ Right when Aaron is done then we are telaporting up to the base. Aaron are you almost finished?!

Aa~ Yeah it's just my room is a mess it doesn't make since because when i left it was cleaned!  "Aph runs to his room and everything's torn up and on the floor."

Aph~ Someone's been in here they were looking for something, but what is it Aaron?

Aa~ Wait they might have been looking for the soul eater necklace. " He runs to his bed pushes it out of the way and puts on some gloves and opens a door in the floor and there's a necklace with a red ruby in the middle of it." Thank Irene they didn't find it.

Aph~ Aaron what is that?

Aa~ This is the necklace of the soul eater if you touch it with your skin it will leave a mark on you and the soul eater will come after you and if it catches you it will suck your soul out and give it to the shadow Lord and if he gets enough souls he can get out of the Nether into this world and take over so we need to either destroy this or hide it, but no one has ever been able to destroy it. " He puts it in a silk bag, tie's it and puts it in a box then he puts it in his backpack." Come on Aph i'm done so lets go before some shadow knight sees us.

Aph~ Okay lets go. " I take his hand and we run down the stairs." Okay is Levin still asleep?

Kat~ Yeah.

Aph~ Okay i'll carry Levin. " I let go of Aaron's hand and pick up Levin. Then we all leave and i lead them into the forest." Here we are now i'm going to need all of you to hold hands i have to stay here so i can do the telaport for y'all. Here Aaron take Levin. " I put Levin in his arms while he was holding Katelyn with his other hand."

Aa~ Wait what about you Aphmau.

Aph~ Don't worry about me i'll be there trust me i'll be fine. " Then i say the spell and they disappear." Now it's my turn. " I say the spell and when i'm about to telaport someone shots an arrow at me and i telaport with the arrow in my shoulder ." Ugh..!! " I fall to my knees and i pull out the arrow." Ahhhh!!! " Then i sit against the wall with blood around me on the ground so i stood there waiting for my wound to heal so i didn't worry everyone else. After a little while my wound healed, but my shirt was soaked with blood and so was the floor." Ugh i got to clean this up then when i was walking i saw the gang in the main room." Hey sorry guys it took so long just had to fix myself up.

Cad~ Aph what happened are you okay?

Aph~ Yeah i'm fine i just need to change my clothes i need to throw these away.

Ga~ Aph your bleeding how are you okay?

 Aph~ Oh i'm not bleeding anymore so don't worry so where's Aaron and Levin?

L~ He went to the restroom and Levin's still asleep.

Aph Oh okay well Cadenza do you have any other cloths i can wear?

Cad~ Yeah I do like always girl you know me here I'll go get them." She grabs a shirt and shorts and I change into them in a other room then i clean up the rest of the blood in the hallway."

Aa~ Hey Aph what are you cleaning?

Aph~ Oh hey um I was cleaning the rest of my blood up from earlier.

Aa~ Wait you got hurt?

Aph~ Oh yeah I forgot you didn't know yeah well I got shot by an arrow right before I telaported here, but i'm okay it was just some stupid hunter or something here's the arrow. " I give him the arrow."

Aa~ Hey Aph this has a tracker on it.

Aph~ Wait it does I got an idea. " I grab the arrow and my moms bow and shot it far away outside and it lands far away from here. Then I came back inside." Okay I took care of it guys no need to worry we're going to have to share rooms together so chose your roommates.

Aa~ I call Aphmau. " He pulls me too his side."

La, Ga~ Grrrr.

Zoey~ Oh can i have Levin and Abby i'm great with kids?

Aph, Jef~ Yeah sure.

Kat~ I get Jeffery. " She glares at Dante."

Dan~ Hey I'm going with Nicole. " He glares back at her."

Kat~ Grrrrr.

Lu~ Well i'll get Travis.

Cad~ I'll share with Kawaii~Chan.

Kc~ Yay!!! I'm going to cook can Kawaii~Chan cook Aphmau senpai?

Aph~  Yeah sure the kitchen is on the right. 

Kc~ Thanks.

Aph~ Okay i guess that means Laurence and Garroth are sharing.

Ga,L~ Cool just like the high school years.

Aph~ Okay well i'm going to go help Kawaii~Chan with dinner please make your selves at home. " I run off to the kitchen and start helping Kawaii~Chan with the food."

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