The Accident.

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Aaron's P.O.V
( Time skip to when Aph and the girls come into the Bar.)
Aa~ Aph we're over here.
Aph~ Okay come on girls there over there. Hey Aaron how do I look?
Aa~ You look great Aph like always.
Aph~ Thanks Aaron, y'all look handsome guys well what are we waiting for let's party! Come on Katelyn let's go dance.( Aph grabs Katelyn and Nicols hand dragging them to the dance floor and started dancing.)
Aa~Wow she is so funny sometimes.
Zen~ Yeah why don't you ask her to dance?
Aa~ Maybe in a little bit what do y'all guys want to do next?
Zen~ Well I'm going to dance with Sasha and Zane ran off to the rest room.
Ll~ I'm going to go drink and flirt with guys bye.( She runs over to the bartender.)
Lu~ Hey Cadenza and Kawie~Chan do y'all want to go dance with me?
Ca, Kc~ Yeah bye Aaron. (Aphmau comes over to Aaron.)
Aph~ Hey Aaron.
Aa~ Hey Aph what's up.
Aph~ I just wanted to come over here and take a break.
Aa~ Yeah everyone else is having a good time.
Aph~ Yeah I'm not one to get drunk at Bars half the time.
Aa~ I don't go to Bars often so I don't drink we might have to drive everyone home hahaha.
Aph~ I guess so hahaha.
( After an hour or so of them talking.)
Dj~ Now are next singer is.... Aphmau!
Aph~ Wait what I never signed up.
Ca, Lu, Kc~ We did Aphmau...
Aph~ Ugh fine. ( She goes on stage and the song starts to play.)
( Play song now.)( She sings and dances. Then the song ends and everyone claps.)
3rd P.O.V
Aph~ Hahaha, thanks guys. (Aphmau gets off stage and runs over to her group.)
Ca~ You did amazing out there.
Lu~ Oh can you do another song please?
Aph~ We didn't come here to sing girls we came here to have fun right guys?
Zen~ Oh.. yeah " Hiccup." Yeah.
Za~ Lets go danc.." Hiccup."ing
Sh~ Yeah!!!
Aa~ Hey Aphmau would you dance with me?
Aph~ Yeah let's go.( She grabs his hand and they go to the dance floor and start dancing.)
Aph~ Hey Aaron, why did you kiss me at the end of our performance?
Aa~ Because I have feelings for you Aphmau I like you more than a friend.
Aph~ Really I was scared to tell you my feelings about you because I like you more than a friend to, but I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same way.
Aa~ Heh yeah well I wanted to ask you at the end of the performance, but you were catching up with friends so I'll ask you now. Aphmau do you want to go out on a date with me?
Aph~ Sure Aaron I'll go on a date with you.( She kisses him on the lips and he kisses back, but Kc, Ca, Lu was watching.)
Kc~ Yeah Kawie~Chan's ship is sailing!
Lu~ Ahh their so cute together.
Ca~ Shute up guys.
( The song ends and Aphmau and Aaron rinds up the group.)
Aph~ I'll take Zenix home, Katelyn where have you been?
K~ ......
N~ She was making out with Jeffrey.
Aph~ Okay who will take Zane, Lillian, and Sasha home?
Aa~ I'll take Zane home.
N~ I'll take Lillian.
K~ I guess I'll take Sasha home.
Aph~ Thanks now let's go.
( Aphmau and the others go home after dropping off Zenix, Zane, Sasha, and Lillian home.)
Aphmau P.O.V
Aph~ Ugh I'm so tierd.(" I walk in side my house to get for dog food for Celestia, but when I get in the door Laurence is standing there.")
L~ Hey there Aphy.
Aph~ Don't ever call me that and get out of my house!
L~ Well for one your not my Bose, and two I've changed I swear.( He starts to slowly walk towards me so I pull out my pepper spray.)
Aph~ Don't come any closer!
( He stops walking.)
L~ I just want to talk.( He starts walking slowly to me again so I spray him and run out my house dropping my keys I couldn't get to them so I took off running to Aaron's house.)
L~ Fuck ow Aph come back here I've changed!( Then He starts chasing me.)
3rd P.O.V
L~ Aphmau watch out!!
( Aphmau runs out into street than a 18 wheeler hits her, but when it hit her the truck got cut in half where the truck hit Aphmau, and Aphmau was not hurt.)
L~ No Aphmau!!( Then Aphmau walks away from the crash, and Aphmau looks around and at least a hundred people saw the crash looking at her. Then she looks at the truck that hit her and starts to cry and runs into the forest.)
L~ Can I use your phone miss?
Miss~ Yeah sure.
L~ Thanks.( He calls Katelyn.)
Hey Katelyn Aphmau got ran over by 18 wheeler and she ran off into the forest.
K~ Who is this?
L~ This is one of her neighbors.
K~ Okay thanks for telling me I'll call the rest of her friends and tell them bye.
( Laurence hangs up and gives the phone back to the owner.)
L~ Thanks.( He runs off into the forest looking for her.)
Miss~ Your welcome.
Aphmau P.O.V
" What am I? I didn't get hurt from that crash I hope the driver's okay I didn't mean to do what I did. I run into the forest and while I was running I noticed I was running super fast and I saw other people running in the same direction so I stoped and all theses stop and form a circle around me.)
Laurances P.O.V
( Laurence listens and watches them.)
Aph~ What do y'all want.
( Dk~ Dakota, Alik, Adam.)
Dk~ I'm Dakota we saw what happened and we wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with us. People like us don't belong on Earth we go to another dimension.
Aph~ Nah I'm good I'll stay here I'm not going anywhere.
( This means whispering.)
(Dk~ Fine Adam do your stuff.
Ad~ But I can't I left all my potions except for this love potion.
Dk~ Why do you have a love potion?
Ad~ I grabbed the wrong one okay.
Al~ That could kill her.
Dk~ Just use it on her!)
Aph~ I should be going it was nice to meet y'all but I need to be going.
Dk~ Hey look a cat!
Aph~ What where?
( Dk takes the potion from Ad and throws it, hitting Aph and she faints but Al catches her.)
Al~ Why did you throw it at her Dakota it's deadly to use love potions.
Dk~ Who cares her dad said to do anything to bring her to him. So carry her. Lets go minions.( He spawns a Nether portal.) Now let's go before anyone sees us!
Al~ Fine.( He carries Aph through the portal. Then the rest follows. Then it shuts.)
L~ No!!! (I run to where the portal is.) Why did I have to chase Aph, I'm so sorry Aph.

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