Dance Off.

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( The girl with the red top with her stomach showing is Aphmau, and the guy with the red or orange, and yellow jacket is Garroth. Watch the video when I say. Also the other dancers are Her gang, and Garroth's gang. Not actually my video it belongs to Who made Step up 2.)

( Time skip to the Morning. Everyone is already up.)
Aphmau's P.O.V
Aph~ Morning everybody.
Everyone~ Morning.
Zen~ Hey Aph are you excited for the fight.
Aph~ Yeah I'm totally going to beat him I've been practicing with Katelyn, and Nicole for two weeks. Hey it's going to rain tonight if it is I'm doing it outside in the rain.
Zen~ I was actually thinking about doing the whole thing outside.
Z~ Yeah it would look cooler outside in the rain I really want you to beat Garroth even though I'm his brother I want to see him loose.
Aph~ Its going to be hard he is a great dancer.
Aa~ Y'all have dance offs wow it's very famous here too huh.
Aph.~ Yeah what do you mean?
Aa~ In Falcon Claw lots of people danced everywhere even me, and my family, but I hardly even dance anymore I started working out instead I'm great, but I just stopped because I had to take care of my family, and my friend Lilly.
Aph~ What was wrong with Lilly?
Aa~ She had a child, and the dad was never to be found so I took care of them until she had a crash, and they both died so yeah.
Aph~ I'm sorry for asking well I'm going to be outside practicing.( She goes to her back yard, and starts practicing. Then All of the gang comes outside, and watches her including Aaron.)
Aph~ What do y'all think?
G~ I loved it.
Z~ Your totally going to win.
Zen~ That was awesome Aph.
Ll~ It totally fits your style.
Sh~ All you need is a change of clothes.
K~ We picked some earlier this morning there on her bed.
N~ I loved it all the way through.
Aph~ What do you think Aaron?
Aa~ It was great, but I think you can distract him more by dancing closer to him which will start making him lose his track of mind all I'm saying is use your gender against him. Most girls where I used to live use that against the guys I know because Lilly did that before she got pregnant.
Aph~ Great idea I'll see what I can do thanks.
Aa~ No problem.
( Time skip to at night.)
( Aphmau changes her clothes to what she is wearing in the video.)
Aph~ Alright let's go.( Everyone gets on there bikes, and makes it to the parking lot, and it starts raining. Then Everyone gathers around Aphmau and Garroth. They greet each other.) ( Ga~ Garroth.)
Aph~ Its great to see you again.
Ga~ You to no hard feelings if the other wins.
Aph~ No hard feelings. Well good luck.
Ga~ You too.
( Dante Starts the music.)
( Watch Video know.)
( After The dance Off.)
Aph~ Guys we did great out there I'm so proud of us.
Aa~ You did great Aph.
Aph~ Hey you all did great I didn't think Garroth would Dance with me like that usually he wouldn't even get that close to me like that. We did great out there guys. I'm going to go get changed see y'all in a bit.
( Aphmau goes into the changing room into a stall, and changes her clothes. She finishes, and comes out of the stall then sees Laurence.)
L~ Hey Aph you did a great job out there.
Aph~ Go away Laurence I don't want to talk to you.
L~ Aph please I'm sorry for what I did to you.
Aph~ Leave me alone I'm not going back to you.
L~ Aph I did you wrong I'm so sorry please I now you still love me how about I give you a kiss to prove it.( He pins her to the wall trying to kiss her.)
Aph~ No I don't love you anymore please stop.( He doesn't so she tries to escape but can't. Then Aaron comes in, and grabs Laurence on the back of his shirt, and throws him off of her then stands in front of her.)
Aa~ Leave her alone Laurence she said leave her alone.
L~ Aaron this is none of your concern she's mine.
Aa~ She's not anyone's not even yours.
L~ She's coming with me. ( He grabs her hand, and pulls her to him, but Aphmau pulls away.) You are coming with me! ( He slaps her, and she falls to the ground.)
Aa~ She's not going.( He shoves Laurence to the ground then helps Aphmau up.) Are you okay Aphmau?
Aph~ Yeah let's go.( Her and Aaron walk out of the room with everyone watching then Laurence comes up behind Aaron and swings a punch at Aaron but Aphmau warned him in time and Aaron dodged it.)
Aph~ Aaron watch out!
(He dodges.)
L~ Come on were not finished yet. ( He holds up his fists ready to fight.)
Aa~ Fine you want to fight then let's fight.( He takes his shirt off then him and Laurence start fighting each other.)
( Time skip to the end of the fight.)
( Aaron punches Laurence which knocks him out. Both of them are beated up pretty badly.)
Aph~ Aaron are you okay?
Aa~ Yeah I need my shirt.
Aph~ Okay here's the shirt.( She hands him his shirt, and he puts it on.) Lets go home guys Aaron needs some meat for his eye.
( Cadenza, and Garroth take Laurence home and Aphmau, and the others head back to her house.)
Aph~ Here put this on your eye it will help.( She gives him a raw steak, and he puts it on his eye while she cleans and bandages his wounds up.)
Aa~ Thanks.
Aph~ No I should be the one saying thanks you helped me from Laurence you know you look great with no shirt on your more built than Laurence and Garroth. How can I repay you for doing so much for me.
Aa~ You don't have to do anything it's what friends do help each other out.
Aph~ Your very lucky to have a mom and dad mine died when I was young my family is sorta rich, but my mom's will gave it to me after that I kinda been living by myself until I had friends. There all fixed up if you need or want anything I'll be here thanks.
Aa~ Thanks, goodnight Aph.
Aph~ Goodnight.( She kisses his cheek, goes upstairs, and falls asleep on her bed.)
( Aaron's thoughts.)
( I think I'm falling for Aphmau what am I going to do?)

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