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Aphmau's P.O.V

Aph~ .... " We finish and everyone claps then we turn back into are original self's making the violin disappear and we bow." Thank you!

Speaker~ Wow wasn't that something Miss Aphmau you guy's are the winner's good job! " He shook our hands and gave us a thousand dollars and we all split it equally."

Aph~ Aaron! " I run up to him and he pics me up into the air by my waist and spins me around and slowly lets me down and I hug him>' We did it Aaron it was so fun!

Aa~ I bet I didn't know you played a violin Aph you were so great! And Zan... " We see Zane and Kawaii~Chan kissing with her legs wrapped around his waist holding her." Wow look at that Aph.

Aph~ I knew they liked each other. " We grab each other's hand and we start walking off with the rest of our friends." So how about we go celebrate this going out tonight what do y'all think?

T~ Yes lets go to a bar!

Aph~ Hmm okay, but I'm not drinking.

Aa~ Yeah me neither!

T~ Oh so the toughest guy out of us all can't drink hah how funny are you scared!?

Aa~ No I'm not scared it's called being smart.

T~ Uh huh I bet 2060 dollars that I would beat you at a drinking contest!

Aa~ Hmm Aphmau should I?

Aph~ I don't care I'll take you home if things get rough. So if you want to I've never saw you drunk before.

Aa~ You know what I'll take that deal! " Him and Travis shake hands." Okay deal. " We all laugh and go to the bar. Aaron and Travis go to the Head of the place at the bar stand and sit down and I sit down next to him."

Aph~ Are you sure you want to go through with this.

Aa~ Kind of.

Aph~ You know if you want I can take your place I've done this so many times If you don't want to?

Aa~ really and Nah I think I got this I'll just pass out soon after it anyways I haven't done this in a long time so I'll be fine trust me this is Travis. " Everyone come's around us and they start 1, then 2, 3, 4, about into 13 shoots of whiskey Travis was hiccupping and Aaron was fine. It lasted until 2 in the morning when 21 shoots have been drank and that's when Travis passed out Aaron was drunk I could tell also almost everyone was gone except me, Aaron, Travis, and Katelyn."

Aph~ Okay I think that's enough for tonight Aaron. " I pat his back."

Aa~ Ugh yeah..." Hiccup." Your right sweet heart. " He gets up and try's to walk, but stumbles and trips I try to catch him, but I fall on top of him." Oh " Hiccup." Hey there you just can't....stop falling.. " Hiccup." For me huh?

Aph~ Ha! Ha! How funny Aaron now lets get up. " I get up and so does he and I put his arm around my neck and mine around his waist." Hey Katelyn!

Kat~ Yeah ?

Aph~ Please tack Travis home.

Kat~ Okay I will. " I help Aaron out the door and he stops to calm him self down."

Aph~ It's okay Aaron I got you don't worry I'll help you. " I carry him to his bike and he gives me his keys. I take them and help him on the bike then I get on in front of him." Okay hold onto me tight okay we're going home. " I pull his arms around me and his hands held on to me real strong and close to my thighs." Okay here we go. " I turn the bike on and drive down the road with him. He was a little touchy, but I didn't care since he was drunk. We make it home and I park and we get off the bike I help him into the house everyone was asleep. So I walked Aaron to the room and he passed out right there on our bed." Okay know I'll cheek on Levin. " I go into Zoey's room and he was asleep so I go back to my room and fall asleep next to Aaron."

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