It's Time.

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( Weeks went by and we were all ready.)

Aphmau's P.O.V
Aph~ Okay so....
Aa~ Aph you need to see this. " I look on the T.V and it shows a huge Nether portal active and the shadow Lord is holding Levin captive in a cage."
Sh~ Aphmau! I know your watching! We're going to finish this once and for all no more games if you want your poor little brother back I'll be waiting for you! Oh and there's a time limit it you fail then eceruone will die by this Shadow Bomb! You know what I mean! " The T.V turns off."
Aph~ Shit!  I'm going! " I walk into the training room with my friends behind me. I put on my armor." ( Pic above.)
Aa~ We're coming too. " They get in there's. "
Aph~ Lets go! Zoey protect the children please I'll get Levin back.
Zoe~ Yes will do! " We walk our way to the Nether portal and black goop was spreading around the city. It started to Infect people and turn them into monsters."
Aph~ Let's finish this Father! " He faces me and grins."
Sh~ So you brought your friends the Hero's are going to save the day! So what's the group name?
Aph~ We're the Divines the ones who are going to put an end to you! " His grin slowly fades away."
Sh~ Bring it! " We charged at each other and so did the others me and Shad were fighting each other." Ugh why do you have to be so stubborn like your mother!
Aph~ Well great that means I'm strong enough to take you out! " He charges at me and I flip over him and run to Levin. I break the cage open and he gets out, but a force yanks me away backwards and I fall on the ground." Run Levin! " Levin runs away to Aaron and we started fighting for a while things started to catch on fire when I wasn't watching I feel something sharp go in me and it's a needle.  I pull it out and drop it." W....What is this? " I fall to the ground and Shad laughs."
Aa~ Aphmau! " I see Aaron get in a headlock and all the rest of my friends were tied up. Everything was like in slow motion." Aph! " I get up."
Sh~ How are you still standing? " He injects me with the same thing, but I keep standing. Then I had no control of my bodie and I bowed before him." Ha, ha, ha! It looks like it worked! " Then I get up and stand next to him."
Aph~ Father? " What the hell is happening? I can't control myself!? Then I see A shadow night tie Aaron up and throw him on the ground infront of me. Wait it's like that dream!"
Sh~ Aphmau kill him and your friends they hurt you and disowned you kill him, kill him now!
Aph~ Yes father. " No that's wrong don't listen to him your me believe in my words! I see myself pull out my sword and I started to barely control myself. Then Aaron breaks free and kills the shadow knights around him. Then I feel myself get pulled back with a Shadow Dagger to my throat."
Sh~ Come close I'll kill her!
Aa~ Don't! Aphmau? Aphmau please?
Aph~ Kill us! Kill us Aaron I can't fully control myself please!? Kill us now I can't control it I'll kill you and I don't want to do it I love you now kill us!
Aa~ A...Aph I...I can't! " He drops his weapons and a tear goes down my cheek"
Aph~ I....I'm sorry guys! " I grab my sacred Dagger and stab myself I click a button and it's blade gets longer stabbing him in the heart." Ugh!
Sh~ Ahh!
Aa~ Aphmau! " There's a bright light and Shad turns into dust and I fall down, but Aaron catches me and lays me down on his lap." Aphmau. " He takes my hoodie off and tucks my hair behind my ear and I smile."
Aph~ It's over now.
Aa~ A...Aph I....I'm so sorry I couldn't kill you. " He said with tears in his eyes. I put my hand on his cheek."
Aph~ Shhh it's going to be okay. " He pulls the Dagger out of me." Ugh! " He touches my wound." I wont be able to heal quick enough before I die Aaron. I feel so cold and tired." He carries me to the others I was really week." Did y'all fix the bomb?
Vly~ We can't get to it. It has too much Demonic ora anyone that goes into it will turn evil.
Aph~ I'll do it I can handel it my dark side is weakened because of the dagger.
Aa~ Aph your wound hasn't healed.
Aph~ I know, but trust me I know what I'm doing. " I walk to it and it engulfs me I can feel so much hate, envy and sadnes. I wanted to cry, but I kept moving. The force of all the Demonic ora hurt it was like a sand storm. I finally made it to it and touched the bomb I had to purify it that's the only way so I concentrated real hard on to it and I could feel something being pulled out of me I felt relieved of it. It was all of my dark side being sucked into it. Then it started glowing a gold color then it exploded everything was bright when it cleared everything was back to normal and the citizen's that were Infected turned back to normal." It's going to be okay now. " I started to get up and walk to my friends I was really dizzy. " A......Aaron..... " I walk to Aaron and fall into his arms I could barely see anything."
Aaron's P.O.V
Aa~ Aphmau! " Her wound was all black full of Demonic energy."
Zoe~ Oh no Aaron she's not going to make it that means! " We see Levin fall to the ground." Levin! " She holds him and I feel Aph's hand on my cheek so I look at her."
Aph~ Aaron take the rest of my light and give it to Levin it's all I have left it will save him from the poison in his heart.
Aa~ Aph if I do that you'll die.
Aph~ I know and I'm sorry it has to be this way. " Zoey pulls her light out of Aph and it goes into Levin and he wakes up. Everyone started to cry we all surrounded Aph."
Le~ Sissy why you shouldn't have done that for me! " Tears started pouring out of Aph's eyes."
Aph~ Don't cry I knew this would happen this was my fait mother told me....I love you so much Levin if I didn't you would have died instead of me living. " Coughs." Take care of him Aaron I love...You. " She kisses me and I kiss her back holding her up until she started glowing and turn into gold dust. The sun started to set. We all watched as Aph's spirit shown she was asleep In her father's arms next to her mother and Father."
Le~ Mommy!, Daddy!, Aphy! " Then her mother came walking to me."
Ire~ You did great Aaron your parents would be proud of you you've finished your job I thank you. " She started to walk away."
Aa~ Wait please!? " She turns back around."
Ire~ What does my Daughter mean to you! Aaron!?
Aa~ She means everything to me she's the greatest thing that ever happened to me I love her so much I would die for her and never leave her side! " I go up to her face and whisper this to her." I was planning on marring her and starting a family with her. " I pull away and she smiles at me."
Ire~ For protecting my daughter I'll give you a gift. " She turns to Aphmau and carries her toward us."
Sh~ No Irene we can't! If she does she has too rule the Nether!
Ire~ No, we'll have your apprentice take over, we both know this is for the best! " Irene puts Aph's soul on the ground and waves her hand over her soul it started glowing." Aaron you must take of her forever for us. I approve of you. " Irene and Shad disappeared then Aph woke up."

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