They Call Us The Saints?

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"Dude! This is unbelievably huge!" a tall sandy blonde haired boy yelled. Four of the guys around him stifled a laugh.

"That's what she said!!" Another one of boys laughed hysterically. The whole group then broke into a fit of laughter. After they caught their breath, they made their way towards the front door. There was about twenty of them. The first thing that came to my mind was that they all looked like stereotypical jocks. The ones who hit up cheerleaders and were complete jerks to whoever didn't fit into their circle of popularity. They saw me standing in the doorway and their eyes raked my body. Each pair of eyes searched up and down for at least two minutes. I stood there tapping my foot impatiently with my hands on my hips. Two pairs of eyes finally met mine, and I stared them down. They looked away quickly and cleared their throats to get the other's attention. The rest of them jumped as their eyes met mine. Some beamed like they just complimented me, some cowered, and the rest of them just looked away innocently.

"So...." The sandy blonde haired one asked, "Who are you?"

"Luna." I replied bluntly.

"Luna... Pretty name." He mumbled. I instantly remembered that they weren't werewolves and scolded myself mentally.

"It's not my name. It's my nickname. My name is Miah." I uttered, choosing my words carefully.

"Oh. Okay." He said, looking at me again. His eyes moved to my chest and lingered there.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat. His eyes jumped back to mine and I noticed a look of lust, but also one of longing.

"Sorry..." He apologized. He looked around, and glared at each of the other guys. I instantly thought of him as the captain of the football team, after noticing how afraid of him they were.

"Yeah okay." I glanced at a brown haired one who was standing in the corner shyly. He looked different, he looked at me different. He looked like he knew I was hiding something. Actually, he looked familiar. I wracked my brain to try and figure it out, and then it hit me, like a brick. He was at the meeting. I sniffed the air lightly and sure enough, it was the same scent of the two wolves I followed through the woods. The way he was looking at me wasn't that different, it was just colder and more lustful. It sent shivers down my spine and forced me to avert my gaze. I looked back into the house wishing Ryker would appear at my side. He didn't though. Instead, Derek did.

"What's going on?" He muttered under his breath. I shrugged and walked towards them.

"Who in the world are you imbeciles and why are you at my house?!?!" I yelled, running out of patience.

"They call us the Saints?" Six of the stocky boys answered in sync. They laughed, but shut up when they saw the serious look on my face.

"I'm serious." I said slowly.

"So are we. We are the Saints, the Driftwood high school football team." The brown haired one in the back answered. I glared at him, then I realized I haven't been to school for a really long time.

"Oh. Well, you didn't answer my second question." I challenged.

"Ryker, where is he? That idiot hasn't been to practice since last week. Coach is threatening to kick him off the team." The sandy blonde haired one said. He began to look me up and down again, and realization dawned on his face.

"Miah! Oh! I see. Ring a bell boys?" He laughed.

"Oooooooh!!!!" Some of them yelled.

"What?" I asked, "What am I missing?"

"You're the one. The one he was talking about." At his words my face tinged pink.

"Mmmk." I mumbled and walked into the house trying to find Ryker. He was in our room, lying on the bed half asleep.

"Babe?" I mumbled as I walked into our room. He looked at me, sleepiness visible in his usually bright eyes.
"Hm?" He said. I walked over to the bed and sat down to rub his back.
"The uh... Saints? The Saints are here." I said in a quiet voice, questioning my choice of words.
"Oh. Great." He mumbled, he rubbed his temples.
"Headache?" I asked.
"Yeah, I think it's all the stress."
"I'm sorry." I apologized and looked at him, "I'll tell them you have a headache, and then I'll tell them to stop checking me out and leave."
"They were checking you out." He said to himself, "I'm gonna kill them, they're dead, dead meat."
"Uhm..." I stifled a laugh at his overprotectiveness.
"What?" The sleepy look in his eyes was replaced by a mean one.
"Nothing." I mumbled and went to get up. As I stood up Ryker pulled me down by the waist and smashed his lips on mine. As he pulled away a few seconds later I saw lust in his eyes, but there was also a look of love. I smiled at him and pecked his cheek before rushing to the door.
"I love you..." I heard him grumble before chasing after me.
"I love you too." I rushed down the stairs and almost ran into a furious Derek.
"What happened?" I asked, worry filled my voice.
"Those idiots were talking about how they'd 'tap' you. It made me mad, so I was on my way to get Ryker."
My face burned as I saw Ryker's eyes become full of pure hatred and anger. I grabbed his shoulder as he pushed past me, but he shrugged it off.
"Oh no," I mumbled, "he's gonna do something stupid."
"What the heck is the matter with you?!" I heard Ryker's commanding voice boom through the house even though he was outside.
"Ryker!!!!! Wassup man?" The sandy blonde haired one asked.
"No Ty, you cannot wassup me right now." Ryker scolded.
"Uh..." Ty muttered, "Oh! I see you scored man!" He said with a wink.
"Do not talk about her like that." He said, I could easily tell he was holding himself and his wolf back. His eyes were slowly turning black.
"I'm sorry man. I'm complimenting you. She's a beauty, and got quite the body too."
"Do not talk about her like that." He repeated himself impatiently.
"Woah, okay. I'm sorry that we're jealous of you man, but you gotta admit, you're lucky." One of the boys chimed in.
"Chandler... I know I'm lucky, which is why I'm ready to kill anyone who gets close or even talks about getting close to my ma-girlfriend." He corrected himself at the last moment.
"Okay. I'm sorry." Chandler said, and elbowed Ty in the chest. I looked up and down Chandler's body, trying to figure him out. My eyes then moved to Ty, his eyes were looking over me. I glared at him, and started towards him.
"Excuse me, but women, real women, almost never like it when a man checks her out so hungrily and desperately." I accused.
"I'm not desperate." He answered, giving me a smirk.
"Oh really? Yeah, cause the lustful desperate look in your eyes totally tells me that." I laughed at the expression that crossed his face before he smiled again. The whole group of boys yelled burn or oh in a chorus. I looked at Ryker and saw him smirking and standing with his arms crossed. I smirked and continued.
"You're so desperate that you can't keep you eyes on mine for two seconds." I snapped my fingers at his face as his eyes leaped to mine. He instantly looked away, his gaze still lingering on my body.
"Alright, this is amusing, but we actually do have news for you, Ryker." The brown haired one in the back yelled out.
"Yeah, figured." Ryker said.
"Coach is gonna kick you off the team if you don't come to practice."
"Josh, don't joke about that." He said angrily.
"Oh. He's not joking, you've missed a week of practice and you almost missed a game. It's tomorrow night, by the way." Chandler said. I noticed how the rest of the group was quiet except for these three. Josh moved to the front of the group.
"Just cause you're captain Ryker, does not mean that you control everything." Well I guess I was wrong about Ty being captain.
"Really Josh? Who's the one who got kicked out of captain spot because he was too controlling?! Oh yeah, his name was Josh Tucker." Ryker defended himself.
"Shut up, I'll beat the crap out of you."
"No you won't."
"Fine I won't. But seriously, come to the game."
"We *cough need cough* you...." Josh replied.
"You what Josh?"
"Need you."
"Awe, how cute!" Ryker laughed. I giggled at this side of him I haven't seen before. Eyes shifted to me and quickly raked me before returning to my face.
"Okay, honesty, why do you have to check me out so many times. You are all obviously desperate." I stomped my feet at their grossness.
"Okay, leave now. I'll be there tomorrow." Ryker said. Before they left, I skipped over to Ryker and laid my hand on his chest. I looked up at him and mumbled  a kiss me as I crashed my lips on his. We kissed slow at first and then it became heated. I pulled away before it could get worse, well actually better, but...
A bunch of the guys stood there gaping at us. Ryker was smiling at me and I smiled back. I ran into the house after yelling goodbye and grabbing Ryker's hand. 

Okay. So, I haven't updated in a really long time and I'm sorry. It's short, and I'm so sorry! One of these times I'll make a really long chapter.  This is kind of a filler chapter because I have sort of like writers block, but not writers block. Has that ever happened to anyone? Well anyways, thank you for reading, and I'll be updating more often!!! Love you guys!

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