Closing Time

99 11 18

Told you, didn't I? Go on, think back and I'm sure you'll remember!

That's right! What a ruddy fantastic issue this was. I gotta' be honest I had no idea quite what to expect but wow, that was awesome.

So let's give a big shout out to everyone who got involved! Everyone who made this issue what it was, cheers! That was a whole lotta' fun!

Wanna' get involved in future issues? I gotta' be honest I reckon you'd be mad not to, and not mad in a good way! So why not pop on over to the 'Ooorah! 2016' thread - an act as simple as clicking the external link at the bottom there, 'cos that's all you gotta' do - and make your bad self known!

Tevun-Krus #29 - Punk Wars!Where stories live. Discover now