The Birth of a Punk - An Article by @angerbda

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The Birth of a Punk

The Science Fiction subgenre jungle is overcrowded by ersatz of the Punk grandfather: the Cyberpunk. Ooorah!'s SF Sub-Genre Definitions gives a total of twenty six Punk subgenre for the reader's enjoyment.

There seems to be so many subgenre of the Punk sort. The word itself, 'Punk', tends to be used to glamourize an idea or theme in the literary art, and the culture in general. The question, therefore, is what makes a genre worthy of the 'Punk' label? What can become 'Punk'?

Take it that way. Can I have some Boob-Punk please? Why not?

For the record, this request is legitimate, or so it seems, since we had an enlightened discussion in the Ooorah! thread, back on the Orange forum.

What would make Boob-Punk a legitimate punk subgenre? It would be too easy to just say: "this is Sci-Fi with a predominance of female curvy mounds, so this is bip-punk!"

The idea of a busty punk subgenre started with this discussion I mentioned earlier. Here are some snippet, so you'd see it wasn't just trash talk. It all started (it sounds the introduction of an epopee... ☺) with the really serious and highly educational talk of angry bra, or how the bras would manifest their anger...


[...] I actually think of it as a bra being mean to its boobs. Like in a Marvin the Martian sorta way.

"Ooh! That make me very angry. Very angry indeed."

And then the boobs, I suppose are like Bugs Bunny.

Now that is really weird. Someone should write a story.



That's an interesting plot

Not sure where to start... A bio-engineered Bra that ends up getting its own will? A robot like Bra that forget the prime directive? An alien species that came to invade Earth and disguised themselves as Bra?

// Checking which TK release this could fit into //

I am not too sure about a Marvin the Martian Bra version though. Unless You have the twin boobs Bunny and Dodgers.. I'd get angry also having to support those two :))

HardeeBurger, adding some more plot ideas to the bra-based story:


"I, Duck Dodgers in the Twenty-Fifth-and-a-Half Century, claim this boob in the name of Earth!"
"Well, I claim this boob in the name of Mars. Isn't that special? Hmm? Hmm??"
"Look, Pipsqueak. There's not enough room in this bra for the two of us. So, out you go!"
"Ooh. You have made me angry. Yes. Very angry indeed. I shall have to disintegrate e-you."

And... scene! Cue the pig!

"A-beya-abeya-abeya... That's all, Folks!"



I see there seems to be some interest for the subject... Do you think this means there is some room for a "Boob Punk" subgenre? I'm pretty sure there would be some interest lol

I think the plot with the alien race that tries to invade Earth by passing as bra... would be a good start of a series of "Invasion: Fail!" story... after all, imagine the aliens getting all information while absorbing the knowledge of humankind through bras... they wouldn't get anything from the male side of the population.... though... it could be viewed borderline sexist...

Tevun-Krus #29 - Punk Wars!Where stories live. Discover now