@fallen_tear's Temporal Mind Felation

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Vampiric High: Ally and Comply, by fallen_tear

Gotta' get that high,

Toxins falling from the sky,

Take a look, don't be shy,

Gonna' give it a try?

Only a bite, a drink, a lie?

Blood calls blood to survive.

Doing what they thought right,

Not caring if it was trite,

They'll use all their might

Bring an end to wars and plight-

Gonna' give DNA one last fight,

Bringing us to the light.

Taking flight, leaking from sky,

Pray for darkness to be nigh,

As screams of the innocents cry,

Relentless, wicked-black eyes pry;

Changed to ally... With the blight;

For if the sun should shone bright,

Should we all but die?

Tevun-Krus #29 - Punk Wars!Where stories live. Discover now