A Little More Theological SF?

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So that was last month's picture

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So that was last month's picture... Here is the winning caption and a couple or three honourable mentions!

'Orange robed guy to other orange robed guy: you see, the blue robes think they're going to be seen quicker but it's not true. That's why I avoid the 'ten devotions or less line'.' by lastofthecynics

And of course, our honourable mentions...

'Orange Robes get roasted off God's stash, while Blue Robes have to drink His 'holy water'. Nobody ever said faith and devotion were easy!' by MadMikeMarsbergen

'You can chose your religion all you want, praying to the orange or the blue side... In the end, the only difference is how you will be sacrificed: fire or water, you'll end up in the afterlife all the same...' by angerbda

'You'd think they could afford one port-a-potty, for the cry-yi-yi.Seriously. I gotta pee like the Hulk!And no concessions stands either? How can they afford to run this stupid place?' by HardeeBurger

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