Chapter 18

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*Rhaynne's pov

"Chris!" I said shocked that his brother would come to see me. "Hi Rhyanne" he growled and pushed his way in. "W...where's James?" I asked nervously. "Still partying with the family." He said. I bit my lip, "oh," I mumbled. He glared and pulled me by the hair and threw me on the bed. "Ugh" I groaned. "Chris no! I'm pregnant!" I begged. "Exactly" he snapped. He sat on my legs and leaned forward and tied my hands together before tying them to the bed post. "You've made a mockery of James you know" he said. I stayed quiet I didn't want him to get any angrier. "A child out of wedlock! The kid is a bastard! How can you live with that?" "It was an accident!" I say. "An accident! How do you accidentally have sex with someone?!" He yelled. "We were drunk!" I yelled and his hand swung down and hit my face. It was definitely red but no bruise would form, at least I hoped. "Do not raise your voice" he said angrily. "Chris it was a long drunken night. Neither one of us remember it!" I explained struggling against the ties.

I was trying so hard not to panic but all I could picture was Will standing over me. Chris paced and glared at me. I was shaking with fear as all the memories of my abuse flooded me. I started crying and fighting back against my bonds. "Stop it!" Chris yelled. "Chris!" James yelled running in. "Rhyanne" he said seeing me. He pushed Chris against the wall hitting him hard in the stomach leaving him winded while he searched for his pocket knife in his bag and cut me loose. I clung to him crying and shaking when Chris got up and stumbled over. "How can you possible care about her? You're a mockery." He said out of breath still from the punch. "I care because even though this baby was an accident I fell in love with her. I knew she was special when I saw her on the voice and yea she has a screwed up past but it doesn't matter. Her heart is so big despite all of that and she is sweet and determined and beautiful." He said holding me. "What do you mean screwed up?" Chris asked. "They didn't air my interview with Carson?" James shook his head and it made sense why he didn't know at first either. "My mother was a druggie and recently overdosed, and my first boyfriend abused me and tried to kill me while taking pornographic pictures of my sister," I mumbled. "Oh shit Rhyanne" Chris said. "This must've..." He said trailing off. I nodded confirming his suspicion.

"Chris get out before I press charges" James said trying to keep from killing him. He pushed him out the door and locked every lock before sitting back with me. "Rhy" he whispered as he climbed into bed with me his front pressed against my back. I stiffened and pulled away. "Rhy please don't shut down on me" he begged and I could hear the tears in his voice. I broke down hearing him, "I can't James, I can't do this" I cried still facing away. "You don't have to do it alone" he said his hand on my arm. I stiffened before I relaxed again and turned to face him. "I don't want you to lose everything because of me," I said. He pulled me close and kissed my head, "I would give it all up, I would never see them again if you asked" he admitted. "I don't want you to though, but I can't do that, he abused me James, I can't be near him" I said nearing hysterics with my crying. "You won't baby, I promise. He won't be around again. This is it baby, I'm serious no more with my family." He said and kissed me softly on the cheek. "Ow" I whined and I was willing to bet there was a bruise. "Baby, can we just go home, I don't want my dad to see this, he'll flip out" I said. "Of course anything you want Rhy" he said and called to change our flight. "Okay, all set our flight is for 5 tonight" he said. "You okay?" He asked rubbing my back. "No I'm really sore," I said. "I'll start you a nice, warm, relaxing bath." He said and got up to fill the tub. "Thanks baby" I said and followed him into the bathroom. "Wow this is bigger than my room, my sisters room, and the bathroom at home!" I said. James laughed, "okay I'm exaggerating a little." I said and looked in the mirror.

My eye was getting a bit black and my cheek was following suit. I sighed and looked at my make up bag. "I hope I have make up to cover this" I said. "It's okay babe, we can stay inside until it's healed" he said kissing me. I smiled and kissed him and checked the tub. "Perfect." I said and stopped the water. "Um.. James" I said looking at him. "Yea?" He asked looking at me curiously. "Can you leave?" I asked softly. "Oh right, sorry" he said looking down. I bit my lip, "wait, I... I want you to see me" I said after a second changing my mind; my voice shaking and showed how nervous I was. He stopped and looked at me and I knew he was only staying because I asked him but he didn't want to force me to do anything either, he was torn. I pulled off my shirt looking down at the floor and not at him. His breathe caught in his throat and I knew he thought I was ugly.

*James' pov

"Wait, I... I want you to see me" she said and I stopped and turned to look at her. This was her call and if she was ready I wasn't going to stop her. I watched as she pulled off her shirt looking down. My eyes trained on her beautiful face until her shirt hit the ground. I looked at her and gasped softly. "I'm ugly I know" she said trying to cover herself up again. I stepped toward her and took her hands in mine. "You are beautiful" I whispered and kissed her. She looked at me and I was able to get a closer look at her. She had scars all over her stomach and some even on her chest. There was one that must've been a really deep under her bra because it was a little thicker and darker than the others. I ran my fingers over the smooth, soft, healed skin and ran my hands down her sides and rested them on her hips before kissing her again. "Gorgeous like always" I said. She looked at me, "these don't bother you?" She asked. "Nope they make you even more beautiful" I said and kissed her. "Now take a bath" I smiled. "Wait one more" she said and slipped out of her jeans and panties. She bit her lip and stood there nervously. I let my eyes cover every inch of her until I reached below her waist. Our eyes met and I looked at her again. She was deformed, I guess is the way to put it I thought as I looked at her. Our eyes met again in the moment and I searched for an answer.

"He thought it would be funny to cut me. There was an infection and well...." She trailed off and I looked again. He deformed her and I knew she felt self-conscious about it. "Rhyanne Ann Mason, you are a strong woman" I said and kissed her hard and long. "That doesn't scare you off?" She asked. "Never, I'm not with you for your body Rhyanne, I'm with you because you are sweet, innocent, strong, faithful, and funny" I said. "Looks are not everything, but you have a rockin body despite your obvious scars. They don't matter to me, well they do, they make me want to kill him for hurting you but someone already did, I hate that he hurt you but I never will. You are perfect just the way you are" I said and kissed her. Her arms snaked around me as she deepened the kiss. "Now I'm going to empty some of this water and make it warmer." I said. I could feel her eyes on me the whole time. She stepped in and relaxed when I finished.

"Babe" I called out from the bed. "It's almost 4, you've been in there a long time, are you okay?" I asked now nervous that I left her in there for so long. "I'm fine James" she said sounding more relaxed than she had since she found out when we were coming here. "Can you get me some panties and a bra?" She asked. I grabbed her bag and went through it looking for what she needed when a book fell out. I looked at it, it was a journal. I bit my lip and looked at the door then the journal. "No if she wanted me to know what was in there she would tell me" I thought to myself and put it down and brought her a pair of panties and a bra. "Here babe" I said knocking. "You can come in, I have nothing to hide anymore" she said. I opened the door and she was brushing out her hair in just a towel. "Thanks" she smiled and kissed me. "You are gorgeous" I said pulling her close. "Thanks, but I'm fat, have scars, and I'm deformed so that makes you a bad liar" she challenged.

"Rhyanne Ann!" I said and pulled off her towel, "now look" I said. She looked up and saw her naked body in the mirror and shied away. "No Rhyanne look." She looked again and our eyes met. "Do you know what I think is the sexiest part of you?" She shook her head. "This scar" I said tracing the one that is just under her chest and would follow the underwire from a bra. "Why?" She asked. "Because it's the most visible. I can see it easily and I know, from the ragged line, that you fought as hard as you could. Every time I doubt myself I'll remember it and I'll fight. You are perfect Rhyanne, your scars are your story and they show how much courage you have and how strong you are. As for you being fat, you're not, again you've gained 5 pounds maybe." I said kissing her hard. "And me being deformed?" She asked. "Well that is heartbreaking I won't lie. But I won't run because of it. I'm here for the long haul baby, you better get used to me" I smiled and she kissed me back. "Get dressed we are late" I said and she rushed to dress while I stuffed everything into our bags.

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