Chapter 28

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*Rhyanne's pov

"Alright boys, stop killing each other and come and eat" I yelled out the back door. "5 minutes!?" Dad asked. "No let's go!" I laughed and finished bringing the sides to the table. "I just put Noelle down" Amanda said. "Did she finish the bottle?" I asked estimating how long she'd be down. "Yep, every last drop" she smiled and found a seat. Everyone made their way in and found a seat. James sat at the head and dad at the other end. I carried the chicken in and set it in front of James to carve. He kissed me and started carving. "What no grace?" Adam teased. "Oh come on Adam we know you don't say grace" James laughed. "No but I do" dad and I said together. "Oh well in that case" James smirked and put down the knife and fork and we joined hands. "Dear lord thank you for the food we are about to receive. And thank you for bringing our families together despite the pain and hurt I've caused them." He said softly. "And thank you for helping me trust this amazing man despite my past" I said and we all proceeded to say thanks for what we have. James finally carved and served the chicken. I looked around the table and was so grateful to have all these amazing people around me to celebrate the holidays. Dinner was loud and full of laughter. After everything that has happened lately I didn't think I could feel like this ever again.

After dinner was cleaned up and I threw the expensive nice looking disposable plates away and soaked the pans to deal with later after everyone left. I stretched and straightened my dress and headed back out. "Rhy where's your sister?" Dad asked as I headed to the living room. "Um I don't know but I'll find her" I said and was about to leave when he took my hand, "hang on I wanna talk to you first." He said and I got nervous. "Okay" I said leaning against the wall. "My job is moving me" he sighed. "Where?" I asked biting my lip. "London" he said looking down. "What no! You can't! Kat will never go for it!" I said standing and pacing the hallway. "I have to if I don't I'll lose my job and I can't take care of Kat without it."he said looking at me helplessly. "Okay we'll talk in the morning but she won't go to London dad, I know her" I finished and walked out of the room shocked that my dad would drop something like that on me on the holidays. I walked outside and spotted Kat and Sam huddled close in the songwriters oasis. It was adorable. I smiled and went back inside to entertain everyone. James was holding Noelle who just woke up. I walked over and snatched her up kissing her and cradling her close. "God I love you baby girl" I smiled and made her a bottle. I sat and fed her and Bee, Patsy, Shauna, Gina and Lisa helped me plan some of the details of the wedding. "Baby!" James called running into the room. I laughed, "presents!" He smirked and picked me up spinning me around. "Okay okay" I laughed, "careful Noelle!" I said nervously. "Oops, sorry baby girl" he kissed her head. "Alright everyone head to the basement for gifts!" I said and led the way with James' arm wrapped around me and Noelle asleep again in my arms.

We gathered around and my dad decided to play Santa and hand out the gifts one by one. Once all the gifts were handed out to everyone dad came to the one I got for James. "Uh actually I wanna wait on that" I said a putting it down. He nodded and looked at the other gift and James shook his head. "What to shy to give your gifts to each other?" Adam shouted "shut up Levine" Bee said hitting his arm. "Damn it Bee that hurts! Where's my Blakey?!" He pouted. "Oh you and your bromance sit down and stop" she said and kissed him. "Mmm much nicer than Blake" he smirked. "No not shy Adam just it's personal, I don't know about James but mine was, it's just meant for him." I said blushing and looking at James rocking Noelle. "Alright I think it's time to call it a night" Shauna said stretching and looking at her 13 grandchildren sprawled on the floor. "Come on pack up" she said and they all started moving. "I'll put her to bed, you walk them out" I said kissing James. "I expect those lips on the couch waiting when I'm done" he said kissing me again. I laughed and headed for the door. "But mom!" I heard as I neared the door to say one last goodbye. "No, leave Adam be, he doesn't want a you hanging around with his crazy schedule tomorrow." Patsy said trying to usher him out, "ma it's fine, Bee is working all day tomorrow, and I don't have much going on" Adam said pulling Sam closer. I smiled and headed upstairs, enough eavesdropping. I put Noelle in her crib and stared at her, "wish I could sleep like her" I mumbled shaking my head a smiled on my lips. "Goodnight baby" I said and kissed her softly. I headed back downstairs and collapsed on the couch. "Hey Sam" I smiled noticing he won his disagreement. "Rhy I'm gonna turn in." Dad said and I eyed him. "Dad it's 10:30" I said confused. He just yawned and looked at Kat, "do you want the bed or the air mattress?" He asked. "I'll take the couch." She said and waved him off. "Alright guys I gotta go, long day tomorrow" Bee said standing. "Aww! Fine call me when the shoots are over and you get a chance to breathe." I said laughing. "Alright Sam!" Adam said standing. "Oh no you are having a relaxing night and will hang out. I got a ride" she said kissing him before leaving. "Okay, I'm free!" Adam teased. "How about a movie?" "Nothing scary! I hate being scared" Adam said staring. "Fine you pick" I said and we relaxed.

"Alright see ya Rhy, bye James," Adam said. "Bye" Sam smiled, "bye Sam nice meeting you" I said and waved. "Alright miss, pjs and bed, dad would kill me if he knew I had you up this long" I said and hugged and kissed her. I finished the dishes quickly, soaking was just what I needed and was heading upstairs when there was a knock on the door, I bit my lip and grabbed the bat in the closet and slowly opened the door. "Damn Rhy! Put the bat down its me." Adam said ducking. "Oh! What's wrong?" I asked. "My car is dead," he sighed. I opened the door all the way. "Come on in, deal with it in the morning." I said and ushered them in. "It's fine it's just chilly and neither of us have sweatshirts to stand outside calling a tow." He explained. "Oh shut up and find a place to sleep." I said. "Rhy" he protested. "Sleep in the basement those couches are really comfortable" I smiled ignoring him. He shook his head and kissed my cheek. "Thank you." Adam headed downstairs but Sam hesitated. "Thanks Rhyanne" he said "anytime, how about some hot chocolate?" I asked. He smiled and Kat came running in. "Did someone say hot chocolate?" She asked. "One cup then bed" I said and made it for them. I finally curled up with James and fell asleep. I woke up to my door being swung open and Adam talking quickly. "Adam shut up! Don't wake Noelle!" I said sitting up. "Have you seen Kat and Sam?" He asked nervously. "Kat isn't on the couch?" I ask and jumped out of bed. He shook his head and I grabbed James sweatshirts and pulled it over my yoga pants and tank and ran out the door. "Kat!" I called quietly trying not to wake my dad.

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