Chapter 14

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*Rhyanne's pov

"You ready Rhy?" James asked his arm around my waist. I stiffened then relaxed. I was getting better. "I guess" I said and rang Adam's bell. I waited anxiously, "hey" Adam smiled opening the door. "Hey, how is she?" I asked nervously. "About to kill me" he groaned and hugged us. "Come on in, I hope you don't mind I ordered from the Italian restaurant, I didn't wanna pull out the knives around her" he shuddered. We walked in nervously, "who is it Adam?" She asked. We walked into the kitchen, "hi Behati, I'm Rhyanne" I said looking at her. "Get out of my house!" She yelled. "Bee, you haven't fully moved in, it's my house, chill." Adam said and I was shocked and so was she. "Listen I'm sorry about the misunderstanding, but I would like to explain. Please I know this is killing you but I want to explain" I begged. She glared "you have 5 minutes" she said and walked out the back door into the yard. "Want me to go with you?" James asked. I shook my head and followed her.

"Behati listen, when I was on the voice Adam was an amazing coach and was entirely professional, nothing happened ever. He brought Amber and I out to meet the guys. We had drinks and dinner. Last thing I remember Adam was heading home alone and I was catching a cab with James. That was a month before the finale. I was so drunk I don't remember what happened. After the last show before the finale I got really sick. I didn't think anything of it. Adam came to check on me to make sure I was okay because I missed 2 rehearsals. He was joking about me being such a girl and to just get up when I realized I hadn't had a period. I panicked and asked Adam to get a test for me because I was so sick I couldn't move. He got it and waited with me until James got there. Trust me this is James' baby. Adam and I never did anything. I promise you nothing happened. Adam loves you. He never stopped talking about you, and I would never do that. I'm sorry if this hurt you, rumors suck but James and I are going public after lunch, I just wanted to talk to you first." I finished. She looked at me, "that's it? Adam just got the test?" She asked quietly. "Yes Behati, that's it." I said. She sighed. "He was telling the truth." She said. "It's hard sometimes he has cheated before and you never really know" she said. "I know but he is head over heels in love with you. Trust me. I hope we can maybe be friends one day but I understand if you don't want to" I said. "I'd like that" she said.

After that we went inside and found the guys at the table, they looked nervous. "Hi guys" we said. "Bee?" Adam said standing up. "Hey Ad" she smiled. "Ad?" He asked. She nodded and he pulled her into a kiss. "I'm sorry Adam." She said softly. "It's okay baby" he said kissing her. "Everything okay?" James whispered hugging me and I nodded. "Come on let's have lunch." Bee said and we all sat down and relaxed and had fun. "Okay Adam, we gotta go, need to go public and end these rumors." I said hugging him. "Fine have fun remember only facts and be careful how you word something you don't want it twisted" Adam said. "Thanks coach" I smiled. "Bye Behati" I said nodding toward her. "Call me Bee" she said and we hugged. "Bee" I smiled. "Come on Rhy, we have a Starbucks date so we can hopefully get caught," James sighed. "I can't wait then you'll know how I feel!" Adam called after us. We laughed and got in the car James had left there.

We drove over to Starbucks and got out and he slipped his arm around my waist. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded and we walked in. An eerie hush fell over the store as we approached the counter and ordered. I wonder if this is what happens when Adam comes in, I thought. We got our drinks and headed to the outside seating area and sat and talked. After what seemed like forever someone came over and asked, "are you two a couple? Cause I thought you broke Behati and Adam up" I looked at her, "actually Adam and Behati are great, we just saw them and they are madly in love. And as for us, we aren't a couple per say." "I thought Adam knocked you up, I mean have you seen Adam?" she said and she had a real attitude to follow. "Oh no, baby's mine" James smiled. "Woah so you're not together but your having a baby together?" The girl shrieked and soon more people gathered. I explained the situation carefully like I did with Behati. "And yes I've seen adam but have you seen James?" I smirked. After the crowd started to dwindle due to the need to spread the newfound information we quickly ran to the car and drove off. "You did good" James said taking my hand, "thanks," I said and took his hand and looked at him. "What now?" He asked. "Anything you want" I said relaxing.

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