Chapter 19

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*Rhyanne's pov

"James, we're home" I said pulling him from his thoughts. "That was quick" he said and looked at me. "You okay?" I asked. He nodded, "I was thinking about baby names" he said. "Oh really?" I asked. He nodded, "do you want a boy or girl?" I asked. "A girl" he said softly, "one that's perfect just like you" he said and leaned over to kiss me. I kissed him back and we got our bags and got in the car to head home from the airport. We were on our way when James glanced at me curiously, "Rhy, when I was getting your stuff for you at the hotel I,uh, came across a book, a journal, and I was curious about it, do you always carry it?" He said softly. I smiled, "Yes. I'll let you read it when we get home, I think it'll be better for you to read it then being told about it." I admitted. "I don't have to read it I was just curious is all." "No James you should read it." I said and searched my bag for it as he pulled into the driveway. I pulled it out and he took my bags and held me close as we went up the stairs and into the house. "Want a drink?" I asked. He shook his head and I handed him my journal. "Read it, all of it, we can talk after" I said and kissed him and went to get a water before heading to bed.

*James' pov

I took the book and watched her head upstairs to bed and went straight for the couch. I bit my lip, should I do this? She told me to read it... But should I? I went back and forth a couple of times before opening it. "January 3, 2010 dear journal, I don't know really how to do this... Do I write like I'm talking to a friend or what? Oh well um I guess I'll just start. Will started hitting me the other day. I don't know what happened, all of a sudden he flipped and hit me... He promised it wouldn't happen again, do I trust him?" "January 8, 2010 he's still hitting me, every day we're together, this isn't right! I should do something right? I should get out, break it off. I shouldn't have to deal with the abuse." "February 14, 2010 in the hospital again, broken wrist to match my broken ankle happy valentines day" "April 1, wrist is broken again" I shook my head, she document her entire abuse, everything is all right here. I flipped through skimming pages until one caught my eye, there was no date and the handwriting was incredibly shaky but I managed to read it. "He cut me again, but not like before, those were surface cuts and one fairly deep one. No this is much worse. He... He..." Tear stains filled the page around this point, "he cut between my legs, it was a significant piece but small enough that 10 stitches would fix it up. Doctor said I won't look the same... Said it could cause embarrassment..." She must've stopped because the tears were so bad because the page was curled and I could feel the salt from her tears.

"It's been about 5 days and I'm in a lot of pain doctor said its infected. Yay antibiotics" I could hear the sarcasm in her writing. "January 2012, I just got out of the hospital and was accused of trying to commit suicide. The cuts on my wrists are bad, Kat is a wreck and I'm terrified to end it but I have to." There was a big spam of time between her January post and the next one, which confused me at first but it made sense why "Sorry I haven't written, been in court a lot and busy working on the case. He was found guilty on all charges. I'm free" "I'm auditioning for the voice! I leave tomorrow!" "It's late and I realized I stopped putting dates but who cares! Guess what! Will is dead! His inmates killed him for what he did. I'm so happy I'm free. Really free" I skipped through skimming the passages about the voice and stopped seeing my name. "I got to meet maroon 5 last night! I had so much fun but I'm so hungover! But I have 3 weeks to recover, the studio burned down. Upside James asked me on a date, I would love it at another time or in a different life but I can't. He'd never understand, and why would he want the hassle." That hurt, but after everything she went through it makes sense. "I'm pregnant with James' baby! I'm terrified" "I'm touring with maroon 5! By the way dad is not thrilled about this." I bit my lip going through the last few pages catching only a few pieces, "James is so sweet", "thoughtful", "patient", "why won't he ask me out!" "I'm dedicating walking away to James" "he finally asked me!!!!" I smiled and put the book down and went upstairs.

"Did you read it?" She asked, "yep, I skimmed a bit but yes I did." I said and kissed her. "And?" She asked. "Why won't he ask me out" I mimicked a whiny girls voice. She hit my arm playfully and I caught her hand. "I love you" I said, "that's why that was harder to read than I thought it would be. I couldn't read every page and every detail but I read it and it hurt, I can't imagine living through it." I looked at her and kissed her. "I love you too James. And it still amazes me that you are here and can love me even though I'm as broken as I am... You can't deny that James, Will broke my heart and my body you saw the scars." She said "no I can't deny it but I can convince you that you are perfect and beautiful just the way you are." I said, "yes you can and I love that you think that" she said and kissed me.


"Miss Mason" the doctor called and we followed her back to the room. "How are you feeling today?" She asked. "I'm okay today, tired but okay," Rhyanne said and went to the scale when motioned to. "Let's see you've gained about 8 pounds, since getting pregnant" the nurse said. "Is that good?" I asked. "Yes Mr. Valentine that is fine" she smiled and I helped Rhyanne onto the table. "So sweetie you're what 29 weeks now?" She asked. Rhy nodded and lifted her shirt waiting for the ultrasound. "So before we started do you want to know the sex of the baby? I know I've asked every week but you could change your mind" The nurse asked. We looked at each other, and she bit her lip, "no" she said, "no" I agreed. She took a couple of good pictures and printed them out for us. When she finished Rhyanne got the papers she needed for the spa. "Hey baby wanna call Adam and Bee and tell them we're on our way?" I said helping her into the car and running around to start the car. She called them and laughed for a few minutes before hanging up.

*Rhyanne's pov

"Excited baby?" He asked his hand on my thigh. "Yes! I've been looking forward to this since October!!" I laughed and tired to get comfortable. "Baby have you thought of any names yet?" He asked. "Um a couple, I like Noelle and Addyson for girls and James and Sawyer for boys" I said. "You really want another James running around?" He joked. "Yes I do" I said kissing his hand and lacing my fingers with his. "I love you so much" he said. "I love you too" I said back. "So one whole week at a hotel and 2 days at the spa," he said smiling. "Yes it's going to be perfect." I said. "Um I gotta tell you something" he said and I knew this was coming he had been off all day. "Okay" I said. "Amanda is gonna be at the hotel" he said biting his lip. "Amanda?" I asked. "Yea she uh didn't really get a chance to uh talk to you and she feels really bad about mom and dad and she nearly killed Chris when he got back to the house that night." He explained. "A...alright" I said softly. "She hasn't done anything, she deserves a chance" I said and stared out the window.

We were quiet the rest of the way, but it wasn't forced it was an easy, comfortable, I just love being around you, silence. He pulled into the parking lot and carried the bags to the hotel. We checked in and got our connecting room with Adam and Bee. "Hey guys!" I said knocking on the door between our rooms. Bee opened it excitedly, "Rhy!" She said and hugged me. "Hey James!" She smiled hugging him. "Hey Adam" we said as he made his way over. "How's baby?" He asked smiling. "The baby is perfect!" I smiled and hugged him. "So plans?" I asked. "Well I booked you a pregnancy massage and in place of your couples one, and figured let's ditch the guys and go together" she smiled. "I love the way you think Bee" I laughed. "Take good care of my girl Bee" James said and she pulled me out of the room.

The massage was so nice and relaxing, just what I needed. We chatted a little and enjoyed the afternoon getting pampered. After we got facials, although I couldn't get the peel I was dying for, the basic facial was nice and relaxing. Then on to mani's and pedi's. It was the perfect way to end the perfect day. We laughed all the way up in the elevator and into Adam and Bee's room. "Hi boys" I smiled. "Hey sexy" James said and spun me around. "So what did you do?" They asked. "Massage, facial, and mani/pedi's" I answered. "And you?" Bee asked. "Same" they said. We eyed each other then got a closer look at the guys. "Oh my god you actually got a facial!" I yelled. "Adam got a mani!" Bee shrieked in excitement. I looked at James' nails, they were perfect. "Wow, I honestly didn't believe you" I laughed. "We did" they said feeling proud. We laughed and we heard a knock on our door. James looked at me,"that must be Amanda" he said and got the door. I bit my lip, "we're gonna need a minute, I'll shut the door so we don't bother you." I said. "Hey if she starts something I'll be over their faster than she can blink" Adam said feeling protective. I giggled, "of course rockstar, why don't you just take care of Bee" I said and kissed his cheek then Bee's.

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