Chapter 11

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*Rhyanne's pov

"Rhyanne Mason!" Carson yelled and confetti and balloons dropped around me. Danielle hugged me and congratulated me as Adam and my family ran up to me. I was shocked and tears flowed freely as I covered my mouth. "You did it!" Adam whispered in my ear hugging me. "I couldn't have done it without you" I said back tears still flowing. Dad and Kat hugged me and I was handed a mic to start singing again. James came out playing she will be loved and I smiled and started singing until I was told we were off the air. I set the mic aside and went back to my family. "Come on let's go celebrate!" Kat said. "We have to hit the red carpet first" Adam grinned his arm around my shoulders I stiffened at first then took a deep breath and relaxed. "Come on" he smiled dragging me. We passed James and he waved a little and smiled. "Adam hang on a second" I said. I went over to James and smiled, "my family is here and uh well I was thinking that maybe you would want to be there when I told them" I rambled. "Whatever you want Rhyanne" he said. "Will you come by tonight?" I asked. "I don't know" he said. "James please I wanna talk." "Rhyanne, I'm not pushing you, I told you I'm going to win your heart, you don't have to tell me anything tonight or any other night before I win you over" he said. "Fine, than you can officially start tonight" "okay I'll see you later then." He said. "Don't forget we have a doctors appointment tomorrow" I reminded him. "I remembered" he smiled. I smiled back and nodded, "I should get out there" I said. "Go I'll meet you at your room later." He said.

I walked the red carpet answering questions from everyone and talking about my journey. After a while Adam slipped his arm around my waist, "excuse me guys, I wanna take my winner here out to celebrate" he smiled. "One more question!" "Shoot" I laughed. "You had James valentine of maroon 5 do a couple of performances with you, is there something going on there?" I bit my lip, "right now we are just really good friends. All the guys, Mickey, Matt, PJ, Sam, Adam and James are all amazing and they really made me and Amber feel like family when we first met them a month ago. They were so impressed with us and it was amazing to be complimented by one of the biggest bands right now. They are the sweetest but we are all just friends, nothing more" I said. "If you were asked by any of the guys would you date them?" "Honestly I'm not looking for a relationship, I just got out of a bad one not that long ago and it really took a toll on me so for right now I would have to say no. I'm not at a place right now where I can be in a relationship" I said. "Thank you" Adam and I smiled and he pulled me out of there so I could get back to my room.

"Okay so I rescheduled the today show interview for Thursday because of your appointment tomorrow. I can meet you there I have a few things to do in New York anyway" he said. "You don't have to Adam but thank you, I'm just gonna go and then as soon as its over I'm going back to Nebraska I need a break and I need to tell my family." I said looking at him. "What are you telling your family about why you can't show them around tomorrow?" He asked. "I told them I have a couple of interviews and I won't have much time so they should head home and we can celebrate there" I told him fidgeting with my fingers. "Okay you get back to your room and talk to James." He smirked and hugged me. "Figure it all out" he said. I nodded, "I know we will, he said he was going to start trying to win me over so I'm gonna let him try."

I said goodbye and headed up to my room. I turned the corner and saw James sitting on the floor with a bag and eyed him. "James?" I asked looking at him. "Rhyanne" he smiled. I walked over and unlocked my door letting him in. "So I was thinking a movie couch date" he smiled. I looked at him as he pulled out the notebook, popcorn, a small chocolate cake, and a big blanket. "James I..." "Come on Rhyanne I'm not a bad guy. At least think objectively to give me a chance" he said. I smiled, "want a bottle of water?" I asked heading to the kitchen. "Ya that'd be great Rhyanne" he said and put the movie in and opened the tiny cake container and I grabbed 2 forks so we could share. It was sweet of him to try, and I had to give him credit for buying the cake and popcorn and for willingly sitting through the notebook with me.

I sat with James leaving space between us and he draped the blanket over us as the movie started. "Why do you love this movie?" He asked. I looked at him then the tv, "because these two unlikely people meet and she can't stand him and he fights for her. They fight all the time but they love each other despite it all, despite her parents refusal of him. It's a story of true love, a real story not something stupid were they meet fall in love and live happily ever after, they have to work and fight for it" I said looking back at him. "I think I'm going to like this" he smirked and faced the screen. I shook my head and held the cake and a fork toward him. He took the fork and took a bite. I did the same and we watched the movie quietly, until there was a sex scene. I looked away and got up. "Rhyanne?" James asked watching me. I didn't answer, "you okay?" He asked and he was suddenly right behind me. "Ya I'm fine." I said softly. "What is it?" He asked and I knew he wouldn't stop. "I... It's hard to watch is all. I mean the last time I was with someone I... Well I got pregnant and I don't remember it, but before that the one person I loved hurt me..." I trailed off again. "You don't have to tell me Rhyanne it's okay." He said rubbing my back. I tensed feeling his touch and I could tell he felt it. "James I was hurt okay, I didn't think it would bother me but I guess it does. I was so drunk with you that I don't remember it, but now I'm sober and it scares me. I don't want to be hurt again!" I cried and he pulled me slowly and gently into a hug. It took me a minute but I hugged him back.

"Wanna change the movie?" He asked. I nodded, "how about a scary movie?" He winked. "I hate scary movies" I said. "I'll protect you" he said his arms still around me. I bit me lip, "promise?" I asked. He nodded and put in the other movie, 1408. He laid down on the couch one leg on against the back and one on the floor, he patted in front of him and I bit me lip. "I won't do anything I promise I figured we'd be more comfortable laying down. You're still calling all the shots" he said. I sat between his legs and laid against him, my head on his chest. He started the movie and wrapped his arms around me. "I'll turn it off whenever you want" he said.

*James' pov

She relaxed against me and I smiled and held her. She jumped some throughout the movie but I held her and rubbed her arm reassuring her she was okay. The movie finally ended and she was asleep. Her arm was over her stomach protectively and she looked so peaceful. I draped my arm over hers and kissed the top of her head. "Night Rhyanne" I whispered and turned off the DVD player and turned off the tv. I drifted to sleep with a smile on my face, thinking of ways to make her fall for me.

I woke up the next morning feeling eyes on me. I opened my eyes and Rhyanne was staring at me. "Sorry" she whispered. "It's okay" I said smiling. "Good morning" I said. "Morning" she replied. "I should get ready for my appointment" she said and got up. She went to change and I put on a pot of coffee. She came out as the coffee finished, she looked beautiful in her shorts and blue t-shirt and converse. "Coffee?" I asked. She shook her head and grabbed a bottle of water. "Come on I just want this to be over with." She said and I followed her out of her hotel room. We got to hospital and she checked in. I sat with her while she filled out paper work. A little while later a nurse called her in and she hesitated until I took her hand and walked with her. We went into a room and the nurse explained she needed to draw blood to be sure but that she would put a rush on it. She pulled out the needle and a small vial and prepped Rhyanne's arm. She squeezed my hand and the nurse drew her blood. When she finished she said they would have the primary results in a few minutes but they would continue testing to be 100 percent positive.

She left and I caressed her hand. "It's okay" I said wiping her tears. I looked down at her hand and it was shaking. I took it in mine holding them both and looked at them. "Rhyanne" "tomorrow after we tell my parents" she said. "I'll tell you everything." "Rhyanne you don't have to" "I know I don't but I'll never really know if this will work otherwise. My past is horrible and if you insist on being apart of this baby's life then you deserve to know. You're a good man James I can see that but so was my ex, for a while at least" she said. I nodded and the nurse came in a few minutes later to confirm her pregnancy. "You'll have to come back next week after we're positive for the following tests" she said handing Rhyanne a packet with a list of dates and tests and procedures until the baby was born. It was intense. We nodded and left to head back to her hotel to get a few things for the interview in New York tomorrow and then to meet her parents. I helped her pack before packing a bag for myself at home.

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