Chapter 15

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{authors note: I switching up the days for the Honda civic tour to work with my story, so please don't freak it's for the purpose of the story! }

*Rhyanne's pov

It was the first night of the Honda Civic Tour and I was freaking out. I sat back stage with the guys and my band and waited anxiously. "Breathe Rhy it's kind of important to breathe" James said hugging me. "Why hasn't he just asked me out already? I told him how I feel?" I thought. I tried to shake the thought when Bee looked over at us, "so James are you gonna start dating or what?" She asked and sat on the couch. I looked at James waiting or his answer. "When the time is right I'll ask her." He smiled and looked at me. "But I can tell you this, it'll be an incredible surprise" he said. I smiled and we relaxed back on the couch until I was told I had to start walking over to the stage. James came with me, and held my hand. "You'll be fine" he whispered and kissed my head as I reached the curtain. "I can't do this" I said stepping away. "Yes you can, listen if you really start to choke out there we'll be watching back stage I'll be right here to save you okay?" He said I nodded still shaking. "Just take a deep breath and pretend its just the voice again" I nodded, that was simple I was doing a bunch of songs I did on the voice, minus she will be loved, and a few other songs that I really loved and crazy ass bitch. I looked at my set list for this show, I changed it a little each show and grabbed my mic running out.

The music was playing loudly but it was rush. I started singing and belting out my songs and the ones people knew they sang too. It was amazing. After what felt like forever I finished my set and ran back stage. "See" James said catching me before I ran past him. "You were right" I smiled. He hugged me tight and the set changed for P!nk. That was our routine for the next week of shows, I'd perform and James would catch me back stage to congratulate me.

*1 week later

*James' pov

"James will you just tell her already? I mean come on just ask her out she'll say yes!" Adam said as we relaxed on the bus. "I can't it has to be perfect I can't just ask her. She's special Adam, you know her past, the fact that I got her to trust me as fast as I did still amazes me. I can't ruin it" I said shaking my head. "Got any ideas?" Matt said walking over and jumping to sit on the back of the couch so he was looking down on us. "Nothing. It can't just be anything." "How about take her out and have a sunset picnic and have fireworks that spell out be mine?" Matt asked. We looked at him. "What girls love that sappy stuff!" Matt said. "I should know my wife keeps asking for sappy" he said. "No way, that's stupid, sing to her. A song that means a lot to you both and then ask her" Mickey said. "Do it at a concert" Sam suggested. "Are you all stupid, Rhyanne isn't into all that stuff. Make it mean something. Take her to specials places that hold special meaning to you guys, then take her to the most beautiful place you can think of and when she says I don't remember this place ask her then. She'll never forget" PJ said. I looked around at everyone, they had great ideas but I had to pick something big, "I think I got it. Adam I may need your help" I said. "I loved all the ideas, what I don't use I'm saving for something else" I smirked and went to plan it out with Adam.

"Hey James" she smiled jumping on the bus. "Oh hey Adam" she smiled. "Hi Rhy" Adam said. "I gotta take this" he said to his non ringing phone as he stepped off the bus. "Hey" I smiled. She sat next to me and I pulled her closer. "So I uh have an appointment after lunch I switched my sound check and P!nks sound check so I could make it. People hate when you change a schedule but oh well" she said. "Okay" I said. She bit her lip, She was 10 weeks and this meant the hard part is over, after this it's easy no need to worry about a miscarriage, but I could tell she was scared. "Why are you in sweats?" I asked. "Nothing fits!" She said and tears started to form. "Don't cry Rhy, please!" I begged and held her. "It doesn't even look like you gained anything. "I did, barely. Just enough that everything is uncomfortable" she said crying into my chest. I chuckled, "it's not funny I'm fat!" She cried hitting me. "Rhy come on, you're not fat, you're gorgeous" I said kissing her. "Come on let's go get you some things to get through a few shows and then get lunch and go to the doctors." I suggested. She nodded, and got up wiping her eyes. I walked her to her bus and she found a loose fitting dress and changed and we left.

*Rhyanne's pov

I sat quietly in the car after lunch. I gave James the address to the office and have been silent since. "You okay?" James asked, "you're really quiet today" he said. "Yea, I'm okay" I said softly. "You know you can tell me" he said. "I know." I looked at him, "I'm scared is all" I told him. "Don't be, you're not alone in this, I'm here" he said caressing my leg. I bit my lip, "but for how long" I muttered. "Forever" he said back looking at me as he reached a red light. I looked up at him, "I'm here for you forever Rhyanne" he said clarifying and leaning over to kiss me. I blushed some and watched as he pulled into the parking lot for the doctors office. I signed in and we waited impatiently, we had things to do and this was taking too long, I thought and shortly after we were called in. I peed in the cup and waited in the room with James.

The doctor came in and set up the ultrasound machine. "Okay are you new parents?" She asked smiling at us, "yes" we answered, "okay so at 10 weeks this is normally the safe period, pretty much if you haven't lost the baby by now you won't." She explained. "I'm going to get you a picture and we can listen to the heart beat." She smiled. "Now the baby will be very small, less than 3 inches so it could take a minute." She said and put the gel on my belly and searched. After a couple of minutes she smiled, "that is your baby" she said showing us. James held my hand and I smiled, "want to hear the heartbeat? She asked. We nodded and she turned on the sound, it was very low and fast, much faster than ours. "Sounds like a hummingbird" I said. James pulled out his phone and recorded the sound. I wiped my belly and the doctor told us we were all set. She handed us a picture and we hurried back to arena so I could cut tags on my clothes, have soundcheck and change.

"Guys listen!" James said excitedly as soon as we were backstage with everyone. He pulled out his phone and played the recording of the baby's heartbeat. "What is that?" Adam asked. "The baby's heartbeat" he said grinning from ear to ear. I giggled, "I know it sounds funny" I said and Mickey and Adam nodded. I sat and cut the tags off my clothes. "Uh Rhyanne, what's with the clothes?" Adam asked. "Don't man" James whispered quickly. "He made me fat!" I said and ran into the bathroom. "What did I say?" Adam asked. "Rhy come on, Adam was just being stupid, come out. No one thinks you're fat." James begged. I lifted my shirt and looked in the mirror. I had gained maybe 3 pounds so far and it was hard to tell, honestly it was barely noticeable but my clothes felt tight and it was uncomfortable. I slipped on the low rise jeans I just bought with James. They sat just below the little pouch that was starting to form. My shirts still hid it, for now. I dropped my shirt, and looked at myself. This would work I guess.

I came out and looked at the guys and Bee walked in. She had come for a few shows. "What are you looking at? Why do you all look freaked out?" She asked and stopped seeing me. "Rhyanne! Girl you look hot in those jeans!" She said and walked around me, "damn your ass looks good in them!" She said hugging me. I smiled, "thanks Bee" I said. The guys all release a breath. "What is wrong with you guys?" She asked. "Adam called her fat" Matt offered up laughing, "Adam Noah Levine! How dare you! Apologize!" Bee laughed. "No he didn't Bee, he asked about the clothes" I said pointing to the bag, "I just overreacted, my emotions are all over the place the past few days" I admitted. "Oh, well still say you're sorry!" She said looking at Adam. "Sorry Rhy, you know I love you girl," he said hugging me. "I know" I smiled.

*2 weeks later

"How you doing Rhy?" James asked as we curled up in his bunk after another successful show. "I'm okay" I muttered. "No really we are headed right through Nebraska to get to Denver. You've been off about being there since your mom died" "it's not just that, it's just being there makes my abuse that much more real" I said. "So tell him" he said. "I can't James" I said, shaking my head, "of course you can just go to the prison..." "I can't because his inmates killed him" I interrupted. "Then go to the grave. You'll feel better" he said. "I'll go with you" he offered. "I don't know what I would say I've never been good with words." I said. "Then sing" he said and kissed my head. I didn't answer I just thought about it. "Okay" I whispered after several minutes. "I'll tell the bus driver" he said and slipped out of bed. I heard him first call information and then talk to the driver before crawling back in with me. "Done, we'll be there by mid-morning" he said wrapping his arms around me. I drifted to sleep in the arms of a man that had gained my trust and still loved me for my past. That was different, scary, painful, and amazing.

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