Chapter 20

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*Rhyanne's pov

I walked back through the connecting door and saw Amanda sitting on the couch with James, he was smiling and was genuinely happy to see her, I on the other hand was a shaking, nervous, mess around his family after the Chris Incident, as we called it. "H...hi Rhyanne" she said looking up as I made myself noticeable. "Amanda" I said softly. "Listen Rhyanne, I just want to talk, and well apologize for the way the family reacted. It was rude, and honestly not like us. I think mom and dad were just.... I don't know more upset because James didn't try to tell them earlier. But I know touring can be rough, we always say we will talk before they go on or after they finish and sometimes it just can't happen. But finding out that James could be so careless I think hurt more, we were raised believing that you didn't have sex before marriage, or at least until you were with the one you were going to be with in the long run. None of us listened but we also never got caught either, so I guess that's why they took this so hard. Anyway I'm sorry Chris over reacted, he was just pissed, he was the only one that actually listened about the sex thing, so I get it. But he had no right to hurt you. I can't imagine how hard it must've been for you to recover from that." She said sincerely.

"Thank you Amanda. And I get they were upset but they I said some horrible, nasty things about me without even the decency to listen to my story. Being with James was never in my plans, this was never my future, at least not the one I planned. My ex boyfriend abused me. He hit me, cut me, deformed me, and verbally abused me. I took it all because he said that if I tried to leave him he was going to make my little sister watch as he murdered me. I finally confessed after he cut my wrists. He was arrested and they found child porn on his phone, the pictures were of my little sister. She was traumatized. He was found guilty on all charges, abuse, attempted murder, and possession of child pornography. He went to prison and when his inmates found out why he was in there, they beat him to death. His abuse is with me everyday. I couldn't handle a touch from anyway except my parents and sister. I went to therapy and it helped some, I convinced myself to follow my dream and because of Adam I did. It took a long time to get comfortable with Adam and to trust him." I said starting the first part of my story. Amanda listen carefully.

"Adam took Amber and me to meet the guys a month before the final show. We got really drunk, I'm not proud of it but its true. Adam got a cab home on his own and I was going to do the same when James insisted it wasn't safe for an intoxicated girl to roam LA alone at night. He took the cab to my hotel with me and walked me up. Given my drunken state I asked him in. That was the first time I was ever drunk. I mean the team and I would drink after the shows but I was never so drunk that I let my guard down. Last thing I remember we were sitting on the bed watching a movie. Next thing I know Adam is waking me up the next morning with a phone call telling me the voice building burnt down and it will take 3 weeks to repair. The after semi finals I was so sick I missed a couple rehearsals and Adam broke into my room to check on me. He was joking around about me bring such a girl and to just get over it when I realized I missed my period. James was the only explanation. I was a virgin until I met him then all of a sudden a month after meeting him I'm pregnant. It was stupid I know and it was a mistake. But honestly that mistake was perfect. It forced me to learn to trust again. James was a perfect gentleman about the whole thing. He made me trust him and earned the right to hear my story, and then earned my love." I finished and looked at her tears in my eyes. "I see" she said softly.

"Give us a minute James" she said. He looked at me, "it's okay babe" I said and he got up and kissed me before going to bug Adam and Bee. "Rhyanne" Amanda said facing me. "I am so sorry, I can't imagine what that must've been like but, even though it was done backwards, I'm glad James is there for you. But I have to ask, how do you really feel about him. I won't tell anyone, I'm just curious, I mean James is my brother, we are the closest out of everyone, so I want to make sure that you won't hurt him and he won't hurt you. I'll be having this talk with him later too I promise," she said a small smile on her lips. "Honestly at first I was furious at him and hated him for taking advantage of me but then I stopped and thought, I clearly didn't put up much of a fight, or I was all for it so I couldn't hold that against him, we were really wasted. Then I was scared, I didn't know how to trust anyone but I knew I couldn't shut him out of the baby's life. So we made a deal, he could go to every appointment and everything but if he wanted me he had to prove it. He had to gain my trust and then win my heart. He started right away. He was determined to make me trust him and for me to fall for him. He worked hard at it and he did it. Honestly I'm glad he did because he is so sweet and absolutely perfect. He is so protective of me and the baby and it is adorable. I fell in love with him faster than I thought I would and it scares me still. Sometimes I think he's gonna run but he never does, and I am so grateful for that. James is an incredible man and I am so proud to call him the father of my baby and the love of my life." I answered. She smiled "I'm glad to hear that Rhyanne" she said.

"Come on Rhy! I'm hungry!" Adam groaned sticking his head into the room,"alright I'm coming" I said. He laughed, "god you're immature Adam" I said. He nodded and went back into his room. "Do you wanna join us?" I asked Amanda. She shook her head, "no you go ahead, but will you guys fly out next week for Christmas? I will work on mom and dad until then and I'm sure they will be fine along with the rest of the family" she said smiling. "Sounds great, we'll be there, we were going to see my family anyway" I said and traded numbers and laughed goodbye. "Alright nosy! Let's go get dinner" I said knowing Adam was still there. "Yes!" He said. And I laughed walking into their room and kissed James. "So dinner?" I asked. They nodded crazily and we started downstairs. "You okay baby?" James asked. "Just a little sick" I admitted. "How about room service we can relax?" James said rubbing my back. "Yea okay" I said and he picked me up and carried me into our room. "What do you want?" Adam asked Bee and me. "No you two go, have a nice dinner" I insisted. "No way" Bee said. "Yes, please how else am I supposed to know if the food is any good for when we have lunch and dinner down there tomorrow?" I laughed. "But..." "Go when was the last time you spent time together alone without the phone going off and pulling one of you away?" I ask. They looked at each other and couldn't answer, "exactly now go" I said smiling. "Okay" they agreed and hugged us and left.

"What would you like baby?" James asked pulling out the menu, "surprise me" I said smiling. James decided and ordered secretly in the corner so I couldn't hear and lowered the lights and turned on some music. "Wanna dance gorgeous?" He asked holding out his hand. I blushed and took his hand and he twirled me around the room. "James?" I said softly into the crook of his neck. "Yea Rhy?" He asked. "I don't think I ever really thanked you. If it wasn't for you I'd never be in a position where I could even think of trusting someone. It's still hard but I can at least give people a chance. That's all because of you. I'm so glad you managed to break down the wall surrounding me. I never thought I'd be in another relationship let alone pregnant. I love you James, you are my best friend and I am so happy I get to call you mine" I whispered. He cupped my face and kissed me. "You're welcome baby, I love you so much, I would do anything for you. I'm glad I could help at all, you are amazing and beautiful and all mine, forever and always." He said kissing me. The food arrived then and he reluctantly pulled away to get it. He tipped the man and shut the door wheeling the cart over. He pulled out a bottle and I glared, "James I'm pregnant I can't drink" I reminded him. "It's sparkling cider" he said showing me the bottle before opening it. He poured it into the two champagne glasses and handed me one. "Thanks" I said kissing him and we settled on the couch. "I was thinking you'd want some pasta" he said lifting the lid. "Mmm babe it smells delicious!" I said. "Good pick?" He asked. I nodded and we started eating and curled up together.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of Adam. "Wake up sleepy heads" he said laughing. "Bee just went down to get a table for breakfast, let's go" he said. "15 minutes" I said and got up stretching. Adam left and I kissed James awake. "Come on breakfast" I said. James groaned but rolled over to kiss me. I kissed him back and got up heading to the shower. "Ow!" I yelled and clutched my stomach. "You okay baby?" James asked rushing over. "Y...yea, just a little pain, I'm gonna go shower." I said. "Babe, we were going to the beach today why are you going to shower?" He asked trying to get my mind off of the pain. "Oh right yea" I said and nodded and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided the warm water would be good on my back besides I still had the oil from the massage yesterday. I took a quick shower and brushed out my hair and put it in a messy bun and went out to get dressed. I pulled on my bikini and one of James' shirts and a pair of shorts. I tucked the front of his shirt in so the shorts could be seen and slipped on my flip flops. "Ready" I said and doubled over again in pain. "James" I groaned and he rushed to my side again and held me. "You sure you're okay" I nodded, "I think the baby is just kicking really hard is all" I said trying to convince myself. "You two ready yet?" Adam asked coming in. "Yeah let's go" I said and grabbed my beach bag.

*James' pov

We got in the elevator and I kept eyeing Rhy, something wasn't right but she was trying hard to convince me otherwise. The pain came again this time much sooner than I thought. Last one was 17 minutes after the first. This one was 10 minutes since the last. Before my mind could connect the dots the elevator stopped. We weren't in the lobby yet but the elevator was stopped. Adam and I tried not to panic because we could see Rhyanne was. She screamed again in pain shortly after, 10 minutes again. "Rhy baby," I said. "James I'm in labor" she said tears brimming her eyes as she slide down to the floor. I sat with her while she panicked and Adam called someone. "They said they are working on it but it could be a while." Adam said sitting with us. "What do we do?" Rhyanne asked and screamed again, 6 minutes.

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