Chapter 03

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*Rhyanne's pov

*five and a half months later

"Mom! Dad!" I called walking into the house after therapy. My parents suggested it after I confessed to my abuse and the trial ended. It's been 5 and a half months and I couldn't be happier. The therapy was working and today was my last day. "Yea Rhyanne?" My parents called out. "I made a decision. I'm going to audition for the voice!" I said excitedly. "What?" My mom shouted. "Congratulations!!" Dad said hugging me. "When do you fly to LA?" My dad asked. "Tomorrow" I said excitedly. "That'll give me a week to get settled in my hotel." I explained. "Let's get you packing!" Kat said hugging me. We rushed to my room and searched for my suitcase. "Hey Rhy, listen I know your mom's been pretty uh... Indifferent lately but this is amazing. I sure she thinks so too. I want you to go get some new stuff you deserve it" he said handing me a credit card. "But dad?" I started. "Go ahead might as well get Kat something too her birthday is coming up too" he chuckled. "But..." He sighed rolling his eyes, "fine think of it as a 21st birthday gift." I sighed and kissed his cheek, "thanks dad" I said.

I looked at Kat "ready?" I asked getting excited. She nodded and we ran down the stairs and out the door to my car. We buckled and I started it. "Hey Kat..." "Yea Rhy?" "I don't think I ever thanked you for saving me" I said softly. "Of course I'd save you Rhy, your my big sister." She said. "Yea but it resulted in you growing up way to fast." I sighed. "Rhy I'm fine, that was traumatizing for a 12 year old but I was more scare of losing you." She said. I took her hand squeezing it slightly. "Come on let's hit the mall!" We yelled excitedly. We reach the mall and we ran in and out of stores spending a lot of money as we went. "Rhy you need this bathing suit!!" Kat yelled. I laughed and tried it on, this was our last store, after 5 hours of shopping for new clothes and accessories for a long trip, I was tired and needed to sleep.

"Rhyanne, the phone is for you" Kat said walking and sitting on my bed, late that night. "Mm Kat I'm tired take a message" I said. "It's the prison, they said that its about Will" she said. I stiffened at his name and sat up taking the phone. "Hello?" I said softly. "Ms. Mason?" "Yes?" I said softly. "I wanted to talk to you about Mr. Lane. It's seems that today he was attacked." "Attacked?" I asked. "Yes, he uh, was molested after it was discovered what he was in for and then he was brutally beaten until his death." The woman on the other line said. "He's dead?" I said shocked. "That's correct, since you were the victim along with your sister I found it necessary to contact you and inform you of the situation. Have a good night Ms. Mason" she said and hung up. "Rhy?" Kat said sitting with me. "Will is dead. The inmates found out he was in for child porn and attempted murder of his girlfriend and they beat him to death" I explained. I was still in shock. I didn't have to worry about if he got probation and coming after me, he was dead. I sat on my bed jaw dropped for several minutes, before Kat pulled me back to reality. "Rhy? Rhyanne! Isn't that a good thing?" She asked touching my shoulder. I nodded, "yea I guess, I mean for me it is." I muttered. "I should get to sleep" I said wanting to be alone to handle this. "Alright, night Rhyanne" Kat said and left. I curled up in my bed, blankets surrounding me as I thought about what this meant in the long run.

The next morning I woke up early and made sure I had all my things and took a shower. I put my hair up in a messy bun and didn't bother with make up. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a tank along with a thin sweater just in case. I pulled on my converse and brought my bags downstairs. Kat was already up which surprised me. "What are you doing up?" I asked. "Couldn't sleep" she said. I nodded and started a pot of coffee. "So if I make it will you fly out for your birthday so we can celebrate together?" I asked knowing it was bothering her on top of many other things. We are closer, closer than most siblings 8 years apart. "You mean when" she smiled. I nodded, "of course I am Rhyanne!" She giggled. In a few short months she would be 13 and I was worried all of this made her grow up too fast too quickly. I shook the thought and poured a cup of coffee as I went about making breakfast. I finished and called a cab so I wouldn't miss my flight. I hugged Kat tight and kissed her. "I love you sis, call me or text me anytime, for anything." I said. She nodded hugging me tight, "I love you too Rhy" she said. I pulled away and got in the cab with all my bags. This was it, my chance to do what I love if not, I don't know what I'll do. I thought to myself, I sighed and paid the driver as he dropped me off.

"The plane ride seemed quick," I thought "maybe it's because I fell alseep but I don't care" I thought to myself. I grabbed my carry on bag and nearly ran off the plane. I got to the baggage claim and anxiously waited for my stuff. "I just wanna get to my hotel and start exploring!!" I screamed in my head. I finally got my bags and caught a cab to my hotel. After checking in I reached my room and looked around. It was a decent size, just what I needed. I had one of the first auditions so if I don't make I'll be outta here soon I thought. I pulled my on bikini and grabbed my beach bag and was off to the beach that was across the street. It was relaxing and gave me a chance to think about life. Now that I didn't have to worry about Will, could I move on? Would I? I honesty didn't know, all I did know is that I was scared of being hurt again. I sighed and rolled on my stomach lounging in the sun, contemplating my future.

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