Chapter 11 - The Apprentice

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Sunday... Daniel is still in front of the CCTVs. He was able to capture the man's face of whoever is driving the tainted SUV.

We were right. Its stalking us. Its always parked across the street keeping a distance from us.

Professor Brian made a phone call and wanted us to go to the training camp as soon as possible.

Kath, Daniel and I drove to the training camp as quickly as possible. The SUV still followed us but we were able to leave them behind.

When we arrived at the training camp, Professor Brian immediately escorted us to his lab.

"The guy you saw driving the SUV is the Governor's driver. Remember Governor John? The one who was behind the massive killing in the North?", Prof Brian explained.

That mission where we failed, where my father died. He is still hunting us down. The Governor is the one who is behind of all this.

"Since I knew that this would be something big, I called an alliance from the East. He will be your apprentice Sharlene.", Prof Brian said.

"He will be here soon. I'll introduce you to him. As of now, we have to come up with a plan."

Kath and Daniel made some research so we can come up with a plan.

Prof Brian and I went to the other room to meet my apprentice.

"I hope you guys will get along with each other. Besides, you're on the same age.", Prof Brian keeps on talking while we're walking.

So my apprentice would be my age too. I hope we'll get along well. Who would be my apprentice?

Professor Brian badged his ID and scanned his finger to open the door. A teenage guy wearing tight black leather pants and black coat is standing looking at the pictures on the wall.

I know this guy. His back view really looks familiar...

"So, Sharlene he will be your apprentice... Sharpshooter.", Professor Brian introduced.

Sharpshooter turned and I saw his face. My jaw dropped at that moment and I was really shocked. I didn't know that he is like one of us.

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