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     I woke in a haze. Everything around me was blurry. It sounded as if I were under water. The first thing I noticed was the hand in my hair, just resting slightly on my forehead. I slowly sat forward. Two hands held me trying to steady me. I held onto the persons wrist trying to understand what they were saying.

        " Rieka? Can you hear me?" She asked.

      Her voice soft and motherly. I nodded a little. I immediately stopped and brought my hand to my head. My temples ached. I whimpered a little. She took my head in her hands and messaged my temples, I let out a breath of relief as it started to help.

       " that better?" She asked concerned.

       " yes, thank you" I whispered. She stopped after a while and just sat down next to me.

       " we need to go to alpha's office soon" she informed. I nodded that I understood and started to get up. She helped me to my feet.

    " do you want to lay down for a little longer? I can call al--" I cut her off with a shake of my head. She still held me with a tight grip. I balanced on her hands holding onto her just as tight.

     " let's just go" I whispered to her tiredly.

     She nodded and wrapped an arm around me as we walked just in case I were to collapse. I leaned against her basically the whole time. Every time I were to trip and we'd both stumble I'd start apologizing multiple times. She assured me it was okay. She helped me into the passenger seat and strapped me in. I laid my head against the window and took soft calming breaths. I couldn't focus properly.

      My head was spinning. My hands were clammy. My heart was racing. I took in small shallow breathes. Mrs. More's gaze was on me the entire drive to the pack house. I felt the door move away from my face and strong hands catch me before I fall. My head laid against the persons shoulder.

    " What the hell did you do to her?" Alpha's voice asked confused.

     " she was in a lot of pain, so I gave her a sedative." She answered.

    " she looks dead" was alpha's reply. " Don't give her anymore, I don't think she'd like the idea of being drugged." She nodded. He picked me up bridal style and began walking with Mrs.More on his side. He looked at me with a fatherly gaze.

   " where is everyone?" Mrs. More asked as she looked around confused.

Alpha looked around " I made everyone who lived in side the pack house trail until further notice so I could talk with you and Ri in a relaxed environment for her." He answered. " she's been under enough stress already, I don't want to put anymore on her" he explained.

     She nodded her hand resting on my head. We walked through the labyrinthine halls in silence. I could hear the tick of the arms of a clock that rested on the wall. I was laid down on a sofa. A blanket was draped across my body as my head was pulled back onto Mrs. More's lap.

      " What did you want to talk about first?" Mrs. More asked.

     " I wanted to talk about what her father did to her" he answered. " Then I wanted to apologize for my son, I don't know what's gotten into him. I raised him never to lay his hands on a girl" he growled out his last words.

     I shifted so my face was pressed into Mrs. More's sweater. I laid on my side. It was more comfortable for me, my back had bruises from where my father had used his belt. Mrs. More's hand laid on my shoulder. I could feel alpha's hard gaze on the back of my head.

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